Gadak Simiryin

Cauthon1041's page

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As someone who played Rogues and Alchemists a lot, I always found poisons to be underwhelming, even at early levels, and nearly useless past level 7, let alone after 10. This was always disappointing to me since they take so much time and effort to craft, and even more cunning to use in many situations.

I suppose I'm wondering is: What are the chances of poisons either getting a general buff/overhaul or at least introducing a system that lets dedicated poisoners increase the efficacy of their craft?

lol, dual falcatas ftw. 1d8, 19-20X3 (yes, 3!)Crit. Add crit extending feats or keen, and crit dam. multiplier, and you have 1d8, 17-20X4 crit damage.

Here's my two cents: I can dump a few vials of poison into the bottom of a quiver, enough to coat all the arrow heads, does the same as the poisoning scabbard for weapons.