
Cathran Tyvirian's page

No posts. Organized Play character for catdragon (RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32).

Full Name

Cathran Tyvirian




Cleric 1






28 years

Special Abilities

Low-Light Vision, Elven Immunities - Sleep, Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (4/day, DC 11) (Su), Agile Feet (6/day) (Su), Aura (Ex), Cleric Domain (Liberation) & Travel), Elf Blood, Liberation (1 rounds/day) (Su), Spontaneous Casting








Aquan, Elven, Common



Strength 13
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 13

About Cathran Tyvirian

Cathran Tyvirian (KATH-rin TYveer-EE-uhn) came to Absalom because of her dreams and visions of an ancient civilizations which once existed Across Golarion. She takes such portents very seriously and attributes them as direct messages from her goddess, whose dreams and stars have always guided her path. And now those visions have led her to the Pathfinder Soiety. Cathran hopes they will also lead to a great discovery, a stronger faith, and the grandest adventure of her life. She also looks forward to sharing that experience with any who travel with her.

Cathran’s upbringing was much less optimistic. Her elven father worked as a maritime soldier for an isolationist island kingdom closed to outsiders. He met her seamstress mother a few times on shore leave while visiting Ostenso, but always left with the tide, shirking all responsibility for raising a child. As a result, Cathran grew up fatherless, rebellious, and independent-minded. Longing to see the world, she readily accepted the faith of Desna, the Goddess of Dreams, following her fortune to Absalom. And, much like her father, she entertained a number of romantic relationships along the way while never settling down.

Physical Description: Cathran bears the glow of a sun-kissed traveler, having spent most of her 30 years wandering the open sea from one port to another. Her once chestnut brown hair has lightened considerably over the years, giving it almost a sandy-blonde appearance now, but it’s her deep blue eyes which capture the most attention. They bear a stronger resemblance to her human mother than her elven father, instantly drawing in those who speak with her. She stands 5 feet, 9 inches tall and weighs 135 lbs., dressing in faded green leggings, a plain, white tunic, and knee-length, brown leather boots. She wears studded leather armor over this ensemble and wields a narrow mace with a light wooden shield in battle. She also keeps an ever-sharp starknife belted at her waist and a wooden butterfly charm on a leather cord around her neck.

Personality: Cathran has a confident optimism about her, always steadfast, loyal, and supportive of her friends, believing she can overcome any problem with sufficient planning, patience, and flexibility. She roots this conviction in her faith, relying on Desna to guide her path and keep her safe. An ever-curious loreseeker, she’s also eager to travel and experience the world, valuing her freedom above all else. Genuinely interested in new people, new lands, and ancient mysteries, she projects a friendly demeanor to earn the trust of those she meets. But, despite her positive outlook, Cathran wisely faces the world with open eyes, always prepared to defend herself and those close to her.