Cathedron |

In a few months, we will be starting a new campaign and I had been considering playing a Druid or a Magus.
However, I downloaded the Super Genius New Magus Arcana PDF and was intrigued by the Cabalist archetype since I generally prefer spontaneous casters. The Cabalist gains a Sorcerer's bloodline arcana and powers at 7th level using his Magus level as his Sorcerer level. And then I remembered the Sylvan bloodline from UM which grants you an animal companion.
So now I'm thinking I get the best of all three worlds: I get a spontaneous-casting Gish with an animal companion. Possibly not what the Super Geniuses were intending, but it seems fun and workable.
I'm picturing a whip Magus being a controller (tripping someone repeatedly with Calcific Touch channeled through a whip just seems... mean) while a Tiger companion does the actual damage or helps keep foes at bay. I could trip guys and have the Tiger pounce on them, do whip/ray combos on multiple enemies, maybe pick up Spiked Pit for trip/pit combo, etc, etc.
I also really like the Dervish Magus concept, but I'm completely at a loss as to what animal would compliment this build.
Any suggestions for a companion for either build? Any strategies pop into your head?