
CastleDour's page

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If Graydirge is labelled a backwater, are there bigger cities in Geb than Graydirge (population 9,500) that aren't Mechitar or Yled?

If so, here's my homebrew submission for the city of Purakan, also known as Ghosthaven.

Level 12 Settlement
Government high governor and ghost council
Population 35,532 (400,420 ghosts)
Languages Kelish, Necril, Osiriani
Religions Mahathallah, Urgathoa, Norgorber
Threats Vampire gangs, killers and corpse snatchers who stalk the medical wards.
Ghost Care Spirits in Purakan are known for their empathetic approach to helping others. They use their unique perspective on life and death to assist the quick and the dead. Many feel less judged by beings who are not bound to the physical plane, and have centuries or millennia of accumulated experience to help with mental health, and assist the quick with their fears about transitioning into their undeath.

This city specializes in healthcare, with the prophet-priestesses of Mahathallah using their visions to counsel their patrons on their career path, wealth and estate management. They use illusions to show potential futures and offer their advice.

Urgathoa and Norgorber clerics run the many medical facilities, offering to treat diseases and poisons, respectively. Unholy experimentations on foreign subjects are rumored to take place in hidden research facilities.

Purakan has a rich musical tradition, with haunting melodies of different themes heard in the different city districts.

I saw Aaron say recently that the player's guide was pushed to mid-April, so should we expect the guide to drop almost at the same time as the first book?

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Not finding much about exploration around town or major NPCs. What's the settlement level, type of government, and religions?