Casper Andersen's page

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Requiem for a God, When the Sky falls and Cry Havoc i think the last one was called.

Relics and Rituals, although the power levels on some of the items was kinda silly at times. The rituals were cool.
I also liked the Prestige classes particulary the Bloodmage and the Incarnate druid

Also the rest of the Sword and Sorcery monster books was very cool, despite a lot of issues with Challenge ratings.

My imopression so far is that, although Ultimate Magic is a great book it falls just short of APG. Some of the options are either flatout crap (Vows) or doesnt really work thematically as intended (Dragon Shaman). But whatever misteps in the book, consider it against any of the old 3.X splatbooks, those usually had 3-5 things i would potenially use, whereas in Ultimate magic i can only find 3-5 things i would NOT use. That is a win to me :-D

I think the Eberron setting has some of the best ideas, for what druids "role" can be, in the concept of druid sects. This makes them more than just neutral guys obessed with "the balance" who digs nature .

Ashbound: These are the eco terroist types, ranging from giving a stern talking to a farmer, to "burn his house and fields and let nature grow back". They generally hate magic that is not druidic and considers agriculture, animal husbandry and other trappings of civilazation to be "unatural".

Children of Winter: These guys believe that it is time for a change, the current world should end so that a new can blossom in its stead. They like to use the darker druid magic; poison, disease and vermin companions and wildshapes.
Basically evil druids with some philosophical underpinnings to justify their emo-ness :-P

Gatekeepers: My personal favorite, they are and ancient order who learned their craft from a great black wyrm thousands of years ago (You cant trust the color coding of dragons in Eberron). Keeping abberations, outsiders and other unatural otherwolrdly things out of thier world. These are tied a bit closer to the Eberron setting than the others, as planar incursions is a common problem in that setting.

Greensingers: These are the guys that like to "frolic" around with fey and can be very chaotic, a more mystical and primal form of nature worship. They dont have much contact with the civalized world.

And finally the Wardens of the Wood: These are the "vanilla" druids that often lives on outskirts of communities and help out when there are clashes between nature and civilization and these are the closet to the "balance" druids.

These sects can easily be tranplanted to any setting or just used as general guidelines for your druids outlook on life

I was going over the rules for combat maneuvers, thinking about diffrent concepts for a master of combat maneuvers-type character. I was thinking of either a monk or fighter, or a combo of the two.
And then it got me thinking of fighting style of Jackie Chan, always grabbing whatever is handy, the opponents weapons, tables, boxes etc
And I thought it would be cool if i could recreate that with the monk and some feats in Pathfinder

Stuff like this :-) -

"Improvised Monk weapon"
Prerequisite: Flurry of Blows class feature, Catch Off-Guard feat
Benefit: Any Improvised weapon you use, counts as a monk weapon.

"Monk Disarm"
Prerequisite: Improved Disarm, Improvised Monk Weapon
Benefit: You are considered proficient in any weapon you are holding as a result of a succesful disarm attempt until you are no longer holding that particular weapon. In addition any such weapon is also considered a monk weapon for you

I have thought of making "Monk Disarm" a 1 round effect to simulate the fast nature of Jackies fighting style, and to keep it from being overpowered. Any thoughts or suggestions, like better names for example :-D