
Carl Renault's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


I have played this for a couple of days and enjoy it too. I do have a couple of questions that maybe you have seen and want to see what you have done.

1. When rolling for specialist in group encounters it says you roll a d4 with some negative modifier but it never says what that modifier is...any clue?

2. Starting positions, the book says players start on one side and enemy on the other but then the layout at the back has them always starting all over the map. Which do you use. Also it says something about facing and noticing but nowhere does it explain how they are faced.


I would love to see a conversion of I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City. The Castle Amber is fantastic!

Hey I wanted to thank all of you who replied for your insight and thoughts. I have enjoyed reading them and agree with you all...well about 97% anyway. I hope you all have a great week and again thank you.

This question may seem ridiculous and the answer may be obvious but my group disagreed with my handling of the situation so no I turn to you wisemen of all things Pathfinder.

Well here it goes: If a creature (or PC) has more than one attack (with the full attack action) can he use the different attacks against different targets or must he attack the same being with all attacks?

We had a medium dragon with 5 attacks (1 bite, 2 claws,and 2 wings) that was able to attack 3 PC's. He attacked 2 of them with a claw and wing each and a bite against the third. I assume I see the plain logic to this but your input will help. Well it will either help prove me right or confuse me more.

I await! Thanks in advance.


Thank you for the imput. Does it state this anywhere in the actual book though? I assumed what you have stated but want to know if I missed it.

I had played DnD for 2 decades but stopped at the 4th Ed and am super stoked about this Pathfinder RPG. We are in the process of creating characters and one player had a question which I could not find an answer to in the book.

Do characters start with max HP per their HD as in 3.5 (Fighter HD 10 gets 10 HP + CON bonus) or do starting characters roll their HD at first level?

This is not a big deal as I made a call but would like to know if there is something official.

Thanks, Carl