
Carax the Golden's page

161 posts. Organized Play character for Tarondor.

Full Name

Carax the Golden




Cavalier 1 / Brawler 2 - HP 30/30 ,- AC 21/T: 11/FF:20- Perception +6 - F: +7 / R: +4 / W: +1 - CMB: +6 - CMD: 17, Speed: 20, Init. +1




Lawful Good



Strength 16
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 15

About Carax the Golden

Carax the Golden
Male human (Taldan) brawler (exemplar) 1/cavalier (standard bearer, strategist) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 23, 86, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 32, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 39, 39)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +5
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+10 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 21 (2d10+5)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee longsword +5 (1d8+3/19-20)
Ranged heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19-20)
Special Attacks banner +2, challenge 1/day (+1 damage, allies gain +1 to hit), martial flexibility 4/day, tactician 1/day (Precise Strike, 3 rds)
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Power Attack, Precise Strike[APG], Weapon Focus (shield, light)
Traits chivalrous, indomitable faith, Magical Talent (Prestidigitation), regal presence
Skills Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump), Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +6, Perception +5, Profession (soldier) +5, Ride +1, Survival +0 (+1 to provide food and water for allies or to protect allies from harsh weather)
Languages Common
SQ brawler's cunning, call to arms, martial training, mount, order of the dragon
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds, oil (5); Other Gear +1 full plate, mwk light steel shield, crossbow bolts (10), heavy crossbow, short sword, belt pouch, candle (2), canteen[UE], chalk, complex banner[UE], earplugs[APG], elixir of treasure seeking (see boons), flint and steel, hammer, hooded lantern, masterwork backpack[APG], piton (4), signal whistle, spider's silk rope (50 ft.)[APG], tindertwig (4), torch (2), trail rations (5), twine (50')[APG], 24 gp, 7 sp
Tracked Resources
Crossbow bolts - 0/10
Dragon's Challenge +1 (1/day) (Ex) - 0/1
Magical Talent (Prestidigitation, 1/day) (Sp) - 0/1
Martial Flexibility (move action, 4/day) (Ex) - 0/4
Tactician (Precise Strike, 3 rds, 1/day) (Ex) - 0/1
Tindertwig - 0/4
Torch - 0/2
Trail rations - 0/5
Wand of cure light wounds - 0/50
Special Abilities
Banner +2/+1 (Ex) Allies who can see your banner gain +2 save vs. fear & +1 to hit while charging.
Brawler's Cunning (Ex) Count as Int 13 for the purpose of combat feat pre-requisites.
Call to Arms (move action) (Ex) As a move action use 1 martial flexibility, allies in 30 ft are no longer flat-footed.
Dragon's Challenge +1 (1/day) (Ex) +1 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, allies gain +1 to hit the target of your challenge.
Martial Flexibility (move action, 4/day) (Ex) As a Move action, gain a combat feat for 1 min. More gained for greater actions.
Martial Training (Ex) Brawler levels count as fighter/monk levels for feat/item pre-reqs and effects.
Mount (Ex) Gain the services of a special animal companion.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Precise Strike +1d6 precision damage for melee attacks if you and an ally with this feat flank the same target.
Tactician (Precise Strike, 3 rds, 1/day) (Ex) Grant the use of your teamwork feats to all allies in 30 ft.Carax the Golden
Male human (Taldan) brawler (exemplar) 2/cavalier (standard bearer, strategist) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 23, 86, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 32, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 39, 39)


Gen Con 2015 Boon #15 - Applied at creation: Added the trait "Magical Talent (prestidigitation)

ELIXIR OF TREASURE SEEKING - one use. +2 on Appraise and Perception for one adventure. If you earn less than the maximum gold value, earn an additional 150 gp (up the maximum for the adventure)

IMPRESSIVE FIND - Once you earn 12 or more Fame, you gain an additional PP (but not Fame).

PLEASURE DOING BUSINESS - Can buy "Silverhex" for 6326 gp.

GLOOMSPIRE EXPLORER - When in the Gloomspires, gain a +2 on all Perception checks to find hidden objects, secret doors and traps. Check off the box to gain these benefits anywhere other than the Gloomspires for one adventure.

DRACONIC SIDEKICK - Gain an Improved Familiar -or- gain a pseudodragon sidekick for one adventure.

FORTUNE'S RETURN - Cross off sub-boons to gain +1 luck bonus on an attack roll, saving throw, skill check or ability check associated with the corresponding ability score:
-- The Suit of Hammers (Strength): Sundering or breaking
-- The Suit of Shields (Constitution): Fort saves of Con Checks vs. fatigue and exhaustion
--The Suit of Stars (Wisdom): Will saves, avoid getting lost or otherwise navigating.
-- The Suit of Crowns (Charisma): SPeaking to a peron in a position of authority.

BUDDING FRIENDSHIP - You have done a favor for Lady Silviana in Absalom, and she is willing to repay the favor. If you would earn no Prestige Points at the end of an adventure that included one or more encounters in Absalom, you can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to earn 1 Prestige Point instead.

THE COURT GROWS (Lady Darchana of House Madinani; Sovereign Court faction) - You have impressed Lady Darchana, Second Spell Lord of Absalom, and taken an important step in recruiting her to Lady Gloriana Morilla's cause. You can use this boon and check one of the boxes before attempting a Knowledge (arcana) or Spellcraft check on the Isle of Kortos to roll twice and take the better result. You can attempt such a check untrained. You cannot use this ability if all three boxes are checked, but the boon may grant other benefits in the future.

EXPEDITION MANAGER - When rolling your Day Job at the end of a scenario, you may spend between 2 and 6 Prestige Points. The following time you roll a Day Job, you receive goods depending on how much Prestige you spent.

2 PP - The item acquired costs 1,000 gp or less.
4 PP - The item acquired costs 2,000 gp or less.
6 PP - The item acquired costs 3,500 gp or less.

In addition, you can as a free action gain a bonus on a Knowledge (acana, history, planes or religion) check equal to the number of Prestige Points spent. When you use the skill bonus, cross off the boon from your chronicle sheet.

BORDERLAND KEEP (VANITY) - 15 PP (Not yet spent) - You may forgo your Day Job roll to recover 1 Prestige Point. This does not increase your Fame. Any Prestige Points in excess of your Fame must be spent immediately or they are lost.

FORGOTTEN LEAD - You can replay (or earn full credit as a GM) for one Pathfinder Society Scenario.

PRECIOUS VINDICATION - Select one PFS scenario for which you earned less than the maximum Prestige. Earn 1 more Prestige.

EXPLORE, REPORT, COOPERATE - : You have an excellent sense of what makes an exemplary Pathfinder. As a free or immediate action, you may consider whether a particular action you name—such as subduing but not killing an enemy, befriending an NPC, or recovering a particular item—would help realize the goals of the Pathfinder Society. The GM then informs you whether the action’s impact would be positive (contributes to meeting a secondary success condition for the scenario), negative (opposes the secondary success condition), or negligible (neither contributes to nor opposes the secondary success condition). If none of these three options accurately reflects the action’s impact on the PC’s fulfillment of the secondary success conditions, the GM may respond with a phrase of five words or less. Once you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.

PRIZED FIND - : You were instrumental in uncovering a cache of lost records that the Pathfinder Society can use to explore hitherto unknown sites. If you would fail to earn a Prestige Point at the end of an adventure due to failing a success condition, you may cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to remind your superiors of your past breakthroughs and earn the 1 Prestige Point as if you had successfully fulfilled the condition. You may only use this boon if you would also gain at least 1 XP for completing the adventure (0.5 XP if you use the slow track advancement option

000 - ARNISANT MUSEUM PATRON: ARNISANT MUSEUM PATRON: Thanks to your work in Ridonport, your name is on display as a patron for the General Arnisant Museum and historical Residence. In addition to gaining a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (history) checks regarding Taldor, you can borrow a weapon or suit of armor from the museum. After hearing the adventure briefing for a scenario, you can check one, two, or all three boxes that precede this boon to secure a weapon, shield, or
set of armor with a +1, +2, or +3 bonus, respectively, for the duration of the scenario. You can reduce the enhancement bonus of a borrowed weapon with a +2 or +3 bonus by 1 in order to give that weapon the undead bane special ability. Any borrowed equipment bears inscriptions or imagery from the Shining Crusade, such as Aroden’s holy symbol or the
heraldry or Taldor. This equipment is always made of common materials such as steel, leather, or wood.

RISING STAR (SOVEREIGN COURT FACTION) - You have performed a significant service for the Sovereign Court and, by extension, for Princess Eutropia. She has granted you the title of baronet (a landless title) in recognition of your services. This grants you Knowledge (nobility) as a class skill; if it’s already a class skill, you gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks. In addition, you gain a free noble’s outfit and several pieces of jewelry to complete the ensemble. The outfit and accessories have an effective resale price of 0 gp.

You can use your Downtime to attempt a Knowledge (nobility) check to build connections within Taldor’s elaborate noble hierarchy, laying the groundwork for your own promotion later. The DC of this check is equal to 15 + 1/2 your character level (minimum +0). If you succeed, check one of the boxes below. If your check exceeds the DC by 10 or more, you can instead check two boxes. If you already have (or later gain) another boon or vanity that grants you a noble title in Taldor, you can immediately check five boxes.

Once you check all of the boxes below, you become a true landgrave (in charge of a nonwilderness region that lacks a significant settlement) or viscount (in charge of a few small settlements). You immediately gain a number of gold pieces equal to 75 × your XP total. In addition, you can now earn gold by administering your lands, allowing you to use
Diplomacy or Knowledge (nobility) for Day Job checks. When doing so, a result of 40 or higher earns you 150 gp and allows you to regain 1 previously expended Prestige Point. If you already have the ability to use Diplomacy or Knowledge (nobility) for Day Job checks, you gain a +3 bonus on such checks.

00000 00000 00000 00000

History with the Pathfinder Society:

* Pathfinder Quests - The Silverhex Chronicles (as generic Swashbuckler)
* #6-06: Hall of the Flesh Eaters
* #8-01: Portent's Peril
* #6-05 Slave Ships of Absalom
* #6-10: The Wounded Wisp
* #9-08: Birthright Betrayed

Level-Up Plan:
Level-Up Plan:
Strategist Cavalier 1 / Exemplar 5 / Battle Herald

Level 1 - Cavalier (Standard Bearer / Strategist) (Order of the Dragon) 1
Abilities: Banner, Challenge, Order, Tactician
Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus (light shield)
Teamwork Feat: Precise Strike

Level 2 - Brawler (Exemplar) 1
Abilities: Brawler’s cunning, Call to Arms, martial flexibility, martial training

Level 3 - Brawler (Exemplar) 2
Abilities: Bonus combat feat, brawler’s flurry (Two-Weapon Fighting)
Feat: Improved Shield Bash
Bonus Combat Feat: Outflank

Level 4 - Brawler (Exemplar) 3
Abilities: Inspiring Prowess

Level 5 - Brawler (Exemplar) 4
Abilities: knockout 1/day
Feat: Weapon Specialization (light shield)

Level 6 - Brawler (Exemplar) 5
Abilities: Bonus combat feat, Field Instruction
Bonus Combat Feat: Shield Slam

Level 7 - Battle Herald 1
Abilities: Inspiring command (+1), improved leadership, voice of authority
Command: Sound the Charge
Feat: Improved Bull Rush

Level 8 - Battle Herald 2
Abilities: Easy march

Level 9 - Battle Herald 3
Abilities: 2nd Inspiring Command (Teamwork)
Feat: Greater Bull Rush

Level 10 - Battle Herald 4
Abilities: Inspiring command (+2), inspire greatness

Level 11 - Battle Herald 5
Abilities: 3rd Inspiring Command (Battle Magic)
Feat: Shield Master

Level 12 - Battle Herald 6
Abilities: Teamwork feat
Teamwork Feat: Coordinated Charge

Player Name: Scott Nolan
Character Name: Carax the Golden
PFS Number: 2405-12
Faction: The Sovereign Court
Day Job: [dice=Profession (soldier)]1d20+5[/dice]


[dice=Light Shield Slam]1d20+7;1d3+3[/dice]