
Captain Ron's page

7 posts. Organized Play character for Phillip Goettsch.


I've been prepping to play in Horizons of the Vast with my home group and am planning to play a mechanic with the Experimental Vehicle alternate class feature. I think it will be great to have a ready built conveyance for our exploration activities, however I have some concerns for the character at later levels.

Normally, a Mechanic's Drone/Exocortex (or any other alternate class feature that replaces Artificial Intelligence) advances in level with the character at no additional cost.

CRB pg. 74 wrote:
If your drone is ever destroyed or lost, you retain its mind and all its subroutines in your custom rig and can replace its body for free using your custom rig after 24 hours of uninterrupted work. You can take a single 8-hour rest during each 24 hours spent working, but any other interruption greater than a moment of conversation requires you to add 12 hours to the time required to rebuild your drone. In addition, every time you gain a mechanic level, you can rebuild your drone from scratch with the same amount of work, allowing you to change any or all of the choices you made for your drone (including ability scores, chassis, feats, mods, and skills).

The exocortex is automatic and the experimental armor/weapon prototype (from COM) can use looted gear or be changed at each level up with the same omission of cost. I also noted that the Experimental Explosives alternate class feature will never cost the character a single credit. However, the Experimental Vehicle has a very steep cost requirement of the character.

TR pg 22 wrote:
In addition, every time you gain a mechanic level, you can redesign and rebuild your vehicle with the same amount of work, though if the new design's price is higher, you must expend credits equal to the difference between their prices.

The only question I have here is are modifications (which seem to require separate purchase, similar to arming a drone) included in the design price of a given vehicle.

I'm trying to figure out why this particular class feature has a draw on the character's resources and the others do not. I'd like to know what others think or if there has been any specific information about this released. I do not believe this belongs in Rules Questions since I fully understand what the text is saying.

Thank you for any discussion.


I wish to change the e-mail address associated with my account, but the system informs me that my new e-mail address is not a valid address.

I am trying to use phillip[dot]goettsch[at]gmail[dot]com for my e-mail address.

I tried reloading the page several times, but continue to get the error message stating that this was an invalid address. Please advise.


To the point!

Page 301 of the CRB states:

The modifier listed in the table below applies to some checks attempted by the science officer in starship combat as specified in the science officer’s actions ...

Page 325 of the CRB states:

You can scan a starship with your sensors to learn information about it. This action requires your starship to have sensors (see page 300). You must attempt a Computers check, applying any modifiers from the starship’s sensors.


You can use your starship’s sensors to target a specific system on an enemy starship. This action requires your starship to have sensors. You must attempt a Computers check, applying any modifiers from the starship’s sensors.

Many of the sample starships provided in this section list a Modifier to Computers in the stat block. It is presumable that this Modifier is from the sensors installed on the ship. However, the way the modifier is listed in the stat block makes it seem as if every computers check on board that vessel benefits from the modifier.

Is this true or are the Science Officer actions listed above the only actions that benefit from the Computers Modifier listed in a starship's stat block?


I have been reviewing my characters recently and found one that I must have entered as a new RPG character when it should have been entered as a Core Character. The only session credited is properly reported. Would it be possible to have the character designation changed to Core in the system.

Thank you very much.

Character number is 8548-16 named Dayveed

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

When: Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 6:30 PM CDT [GMT-6]

Where: Roll20 + G+ Hangout

Who: Characters between levels 5 and 9.

What:The Pathfinder Society has discovered the hint of a monumental revelation, but in order to confirm their find, they must send a team of agents into the dangerous and unwelcoming orc-ruled Hold of Belkzen. While an expedition could easily be dispatched to the orc capital of Urgir, the Decemvirate urges caution to ensure success. Thus, a team of Pathfinders must seek out a guide in the Varisian orc city of Urglin. Can they navigate the treacherous city of denizens who wouldn't mind seeing them dead, or will the orcs' Second Home be the site of their final mission?

Signups here!

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

When: Monday, March 9th 2015 at 6:30 PM CST [GMT-6]

Where: Roll20 + G+ Hangout

Who: Characters between levels 5 and 9.

What:When the Pathfinder Society receives an invitation to a dinner party at the Thuvian Embassy, hosted by the guardian of this year's six doses of the infamous sun orchid elixir, the Decemvirate sends a team of Pathfinders to represent them and uncover the nature of the event. Can the PCs navigate the complex social landscape of Absalom's elite and gain access to the mysterious vault known as the Conundrum, or will they face public ridicule or worse in the face of the steepest competition in the Inner Sea?


Male Human GM 3 (PFS# 8548)

Thank you for participating. I would ask that each of you please post your PFS character number, initiative modifier and day job roll if you plan to make one for this scenario. If you have any specific purchases you desire before the scenario begins, feel free to announce them here.

I have been GMing PFS Scenarios for the better part of the last two years, but this will be my first foray into GMing a PbP session. If you see something I could do better please don't hesitate to make a recommendation; I really enjoy getting better at this. I expect to post at least once a day (including weekends) and ask the same of you. I will try to post more frequently to keep the pace as quick as you desire it.

Again, thank you for signing up and I hope you have a great time!

Male Human GM 3 (PFS# 8548)

As you gather in the Grand Lodge of Absalom a young lad enters with a folded sheaf of parchment. The seal of the open road marks it as a letter from Venture Captain Ambrus Valsin. The youth encourages you to open the letter and pass it around.

Letter from Ambrus Valsin:

Idle Pathfinders are Pathfinders needing work. Having a bit of downtime is no excuse to sit around and let our skills lapse! So I have come up with a training exercise for you and a few others waiting around the Grand Lodge for a job. I trust you are familiar with the Red Redoubt? If not, for shame! It’s an important part of Absalom’s history. You might want to spend a few minutes researching it before heading out. While it is technically a “cleared” ruin, it’s a perfect location to test your skills.

Another team has spent the last few days practicing their own dungeoneering skills by establishing an obstacle course in the Redoubt’s upper levels. Now it’s up to you to go and see how well they've done. The course follows a specific path—if you come across a symbol of three red dots inside a triangle, that means “do not enter.” Don’t go wandering—I do not want to send a third team to find you if you get lost. Otherwise, your response to the challenge is up to you. Bring your own gear, make your own plans, solve the puzzles, and bypass the traps. You’ll know when you reach the finish line. I’d wish you good luck, but skilled Pathfinders don’t need luck.

I trust you’ll impress us,

Ambrus Valsin

Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Hi all,

I have recently been taken with the bug to play more PFS than my daily schedule will allow. I would like to do some play by post (or e-mail) but can't seem to find anyone getting started.

Is there a site (please provide URL) that people use to advertise?

I did notice that I just missed the PbP Gameday 2. Any plans to have another one some time soon?

If you can point me in the right direction or have need of another player, please let me know. I would be happy to try any manner of PbP and am currently a member of Obsidian Portal.

I am hoping for some starting level stuff (level 1 (0.0 exp) brawler), but have some characters (11 others) I might be willing to use in particular scenarios.

Honestly, thanks for reading this far and if you can provide any assistance feel free to double my thanks!

Phillip Goettsch

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

It gives me great pleasure to introduce Bryan Robinett of Jonesboro, Arkansas as my newest Venture Lieutenant. He has shown me such excitement for the Society and has already begun organizing games for me.

I expect to see great growth and prosperity in that area now.

Please take a moment and welcome him to our great Society.

Welcome Bryan!

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

Amenopheus has learned that the legacy of the Jeweled Sages lies near the Osirian trade city of Eto, and the Pathfinder Society has pledged its support in the Sapphire Sage’s investigation of his ancient order; however the lead dried up—that was until a familiar information broker contacted Amenopheus offering an exchange of services. To assist an ally and unlock the secrets of Osirion’s past, the Society must deal with a deadly antagonist once more by sending the PCs to fulfill the bargain and collect its due. The only question is what price their foe will demand.

“A Bitter Bargain” is the first scenario in the three-part Destiny of the Sands campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–15: Destiny of the Sands—Part 2: "Race to Seeker’s Folly" and Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–16: Destiny of the Sands—Part 3: "Sanctum of the Sages." All three chapters are intended to be played in order.

Content in “A Bitter Bargain” also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Osirion, Qadira, and Sczarni factions.

Send an email to pfswesttn@gmail.com with the following information:

- Name

- Character Name

- Character PFS#

- Race/Class/Level

- Pre-mission purchases if any

- A token, if any

- Any unusual abilities/tactics you think I should know about so that we can minimize debate during gametime

This will be my first time running a PFS game on VTT, but I have some experience playing. I am using the free version of Roll 20 right now and am trying to decide if I want to upgrade. I also know this is kind of short notice, but if it goes well I may run Part 2 early next month.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Playing around with this software by myself has been rewarding and fun, but this is for use as a RPG interface and without other people it is just no fun.

I am starting this post so people have a place to invite others to join them for exploration and sharing knowledge of Gamespace.

I would like to be the first to extend an invitation to anyone that would like to join me for a taste of Gamespace. I will be online to run a tutorial/demonstration game on Sunday between 6:00pm and 10:00pm CST (GMT - 6 hours [I think]). I think I will have four characters available to play through the dungeon or just run through an encounter, your choice. Even if you don't want to play, stop by and ask some questions or just chat.

URL for my adventure is:


I have prepared the simple adventure from the Beginner's Box, Black Fang's Dungeon, and am ready to show off what I have done.

See you there!

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Hello everyone. I thought it might be a nice idea to start a thread where we can share advice and ask questions about do stuff in Gamespace.

My first bit of advice is to maximize your Gamespace window so that you can make the most use of being able to drag the two panes around and have plenty of room for your map.

My first question is how do I close a scene I have created? I would think that minimizing the number of scenes I have active would be helpful to Paizo's servers, but I haven't been able to figure out how to "close" them. Additionally, I haven't found any way to remove (delete) a token when I am done using it. I suppose you could just rename it and change the token, but if you prepped everything before hand, you might want to delete it so it doesn't become clutter.

Anyway, if you have an answer to my question, or one of your own, post it here along with any neat tricks you have figured out.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Well, I'd like to say they were great, but...

I don't even see a map!

1. After clicking on the button to create a scene, the site loads and the buttons for "main" "chat this description" and "done" appear along with the tabs for players, initiative, tokens, groups, and draw. However, no map is displayed (loaded?). There is an "x" in the upper left corner of the window that when clicked seems to close a window that isn't there.

2. The URL for the scene is displayed as a link, haven't asked anyone else to join yet, but have clicked it myself and got sent to the sign in portion of the gamespace site.

3. The text "Added fog to scene." is displayed just after an "x" below the link to the scene. Clicking this "x" removes the text, but I see no way to restore it.

4. The "Main" button opens what may be a chat display, but it is hard to tell as no borders are evident, but clicking on the button the first time does display a bit of text showing "/" commands as well as listing the current day and time and telling me I am the GM. Opening the "Main" window also creates a text entry box on the right side of the window across from an icon/avatar on the left. I have found that I can drag this entire plane about the window, but without borders it is hard to determine if the dimensions of it can be adjusted.

5. While I have managed to locate a spot where I can click and drag the tabs, the "Chat this description" and "Done" buttons seem to be fixed in position. Again, since there are no borders (adjustable or otherwise) on the chat display it is difficult to position it such that the button will not obscure text.

For technical information, I am trying out the site utilizing a PC with an AMDx64 dual core processor 6400+ at 3.20GHz with an NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 video card and 4.00 GB of RAM, running Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 10, and connected to the internet through a ether net router and a cable modem (using a high bit rate plan).

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

PFS will be represented at MidSouthCon in Memphis, Tennessee on March 22 through march 24 2013. There will be 9 slots, starting Friday at 2:00 pm and ending Sunday at 6:00pm, with 3 to 4 tables each slot! We will be offering a complete run of Santioned Module: Feast of Ravenmoor as well as all four parts of Eyes of the Ten (part 1 on Friday and the remained on Saturady). There are still openings at both of these tables and great GM's signed up to run them! Season 4 will be represented with Scenario #4-09 through #4-15 being run over the course of the weekend. Additionally, I will be running the exclusive, Day of the Demon, every day! For more information on the Con, please visit thier website at: www.midsouthcon.org

MidSouthCon is offering reduced badge sales for volunteering to judge/GM events; half off for 1 four hour event, $5 badge for 2 four hour events, and free admission for 3 or more four hour events.

PFS STILL NEEDS GMS Please sign up to GM an event if you plan to be at the Con and have the slot free. We still need GMs for six tables. Signups are being controlled through Warhorn, please visit www.warhorn.net to help out! Thank you.

Also, plenty of seats are available for all of our tables. Again, signups are being taken via Warhorn. Please feel free to sign up for any scenario you want to play, even if it is already filled. We will do everything we can to get any wait listed players accomodated!

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Their Graces, Duke Sir Kane and Ilissa,

... invite the Known World to their annual party, the SCA / Sci-Fi convention, ShadowCon XVII!

Come join us for a winter weekend indoors! There will be fencing, heavy weapons and tourneys. There will be gaming, D&D, Vampire LARP, computer gaming, board games, an International game room, Merchants Masquerade (Historical, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy), Hall costume contest, Belly Dance lessons, Friday night dance with a DJ, Saturday night Haffla (Belly dance party), Kane's Auction of the Strange and Unusual, and MORE.

Addendum from Captain Ron (aka Phillip Goettsch) Venture Captain of Memphis Tennessee.

Know that many opportunities to participate in Pathfinder Society events will be presented! Twenty-one sessions have been planned and everyone is welcome to come join the fun. Show up to a slot early and we will do everything we can to get you a unique character to play in the game, not just some off-the-shelf warrior or wizard!

For more information on the convention itself, including badge fees and hotel reservations, visit thier webpage.

Signups will be available at Warhorn very soon. With 20 or more tables of Pathfinder Society Organized Play GM help will certainly be needed. In this regard, ShadowCon offers reduced Badge Fees for GM's; 1/2 off for one session and FREE for only two sessions.

If you have any other questions, contact me at PFSWestTN@gmail.com

Captain Ron
aka Phillip Goettsch
Venture Captain - Memphis, TN

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Memphis Comic and Fantasy Convention (MCFC) is being held at the Memphis Hilton and FORGE will be sponsoring the Pathfinder Society with 15 tables of adventure and character creation sessions at six out of seven time slots.

We are gearing up to bring in new players and have planned for mostly low level games, but we are in real need of some GMs to assist with judging. If you are interested, please check out the FORGE website and the schedule at Warhorn.

For your information running scheduled events for FORGE at MCFC entitles the GM to a number of benefits:

If you GM for one 4-hour session, you get into the convention for only $20.
If you GM for two 4-hour sessions, you get into the convention for only $5.
If you GM for three or more 4-hour sessions, you get into the convention for FREE!

Warhorn signup will remain open until midnight on the 7th of Novmeber.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or alan.black@forgeweb.org.

See you at the Con!
Phillip Goettsch
Venture Captain - Memphis, TN

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

I will be running a couple Season 4 scenarios next weekend and due to complications have not been able to review them yet. I was looking for some help so that I may purchase useful flip mats for #4-01 and #4-03.

Please post which flip mats I should use for these two scnearios.

If the maps are small, let me know if I can get away with using a battle mat or something similar.

Thanks for all the help.

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Pathfinder Society will be in full swing at GameCon in Memphis TN again this year. Sessions are scheduled starting Friday September 28th through Sunday September 30. Check out the GameCon Website for more details. The schedule of sessions is online at Warhorn.

I hope to meet a lot of Society members from the area as well as from afar. If you are planning to attend or have questions about the event feel free to comment on this post.

I will be there Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday morning.

Happy gaming!

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

I am getting ready to run this adventure and without spoiling anything I have a couple of questions about overland travel and the use of environmental effects.

As I have never played this scenario I was wondering if most GM's require survival checks of the party to determine if they become lost. It seems to me that with the provided items the party should be able to easily accomplish this task and stay on course, but I could see how with poor rolls and loose reins a party could end up in Osiria or some place else as crazy!


So basically I would like to know if the rules from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook (page 424) with regard to getting lost were used when you played or GMed this scenario.

Before you get rankled about me leading a party astray and using 2 to 3 hours of play time making continued survival checks as the party becomes more and more astray, I would be reasonable. I was expecting that the DCs for the checks would actually be quite low due to the circumstances and if too many "unlucky" rolls were made I would simply "nudge" the party in the correct direction to keep the game on track and fun.

Please let me know your thoughts on this aspect of wilderness adventures.