Captain Miar's page
13 posts. Alias of CaveToad.

I changed Captain Miar's pic, no need to be alarmed. Just liked the new one better.
Captain Miar has a meeting with the crew and your group and discusses the division of the treasure. The other ship will be worth some value, and taking into account some of the mundane supplies, she and officers and her crew of about two dozen will take 10,000 gp worth of valuables, and the other ship and the mundane supplies/weapons as well as prisoner bounties. You and Alree An will split the remaining 26,5000gp and the value of the three magic items and spellbooks. She notes that this wealth will allow many of them to retire from the harsh life of the sea, and that she herself is considering a change of pace for a bit.
"We are a week away from port yet, and things will be a bit slower with the prisoners and extra ship, but I hope we get there soon enough."
Day 21 is your estimated arrival in port if everything goes as planned.....
"There is no need to charge you for passage, as you have helped repair the ship and fought valiantly against the enemy in the fight and restored out ship's figurehead." to which she smiles wryly.

"Oh these lot are pirates alright. The flags they are flying are from the Crimson Tide. A powerful alliance of pirates flying under the same flag. They often use these pack tactics, but I guess we showed them what fer today! I don't think they will be entirely unreasonable. They may negotiate for their release, although I doubt we can get much ransom. There may be a bounty but I have also heard you can negotiate for immunity to further attack. We might be able to press that angle."
Alree An appears from below decks with a variety of the crew all looking battered from the fight below decks. One of the crew reports in with their mix of broken Common and Vudrani. "Cap'n we took some heavy loses below, some wild beast was taking out our crew, but we drove it off eventually, it turns into a shark and dove beneath the waves. Priestess girl here saved most of us and healed us up. "
Some of the channels will have revived enemy crew members as well, but they will remain complacent.
Captain Miar has her crew strip and bind and gag the enemy combatants and then lash them to the masts and other parts of the ship and keep them under watch of the crew who wield loaded crossbows pointed at the prisoners.
"Until we figure out what to do with them, this will be the best bet. Start scavenging their ship for materials to fix ours, take all their supplies and empty their hold into ours. Report back to me on anything valuable. Keep a watch that these other ships don't circle back. It is going to be dark in minutes. Get rid of the rest of those damn webs!"
Noticing the lackluster enthusiasm that you are taking in getting ready for departure, the Captain says, "You don't really want to leave are you? You are thinking of staying. Hmm, I understand, you need to protect what is still here. But, what of the gnome? He has what he needs now, and is unlikely to return. Unless for some reason he wants more eggs, but I think he would have already planned for and made a grab for them given his powers. It's a difficult place to be in. If you do stay here, is there anything I can do to help when we arrive in port?"

Just a clarification, I had earlier mentioned Geelwan as the port of call instead of Ran Denaio. It is indeed Ran Denaio
Day 9 - Morning
After an evening of chat with the Captain, and turning in, the next day arrives. You being to gather what belongings and supplies you wish to take with you. The captain hopes to leave today, although you see quite a bit of repairs are being done yet. When you inquire she says, that most of the remaining repairs can be done at sea, as long as the hull and masts are serviceable, which they are now. It will take a day or two more to get everything shipshape, but she is not concerned. She mentions Stopping and Ran Denaio possibly if you like, but their final destination is Geelwan. Having never heard of these places, it means little to you.
As the crew prepares their final adjustments, it seems to be late afternoon.
"We plan to cast off soon. You can have the gnomes quarters, though Tavros won't fit, and he may not even fit below decks very comfortably. He is just to large for the narrow confines. If we encounter inclement weather, he is welcome in the hold, but it will be filled with supplies and materials. Do you have any final questions or concerns before we cast off?"

"Well now, then you are in good company!" Captain Miar puts her arm around Makoto's shoulder exclaiming, "I've been to many ports and cities of these coasts, and have many friends to call upon." She turns a dark glare to her some of her crew that overheard, snickering and elbowing each other with unspoken ribald jests. "Pay no heed to those buffoons. Our port of call is Ran Deniao. With fair winds, we should arrive in a week and a half. I have several mercantile associates who have a wide network of people. With some effort we can put you in contact with the right ones who can help you. "
"Parts of Ran Deniao can be stuffy and uptight, and it may be the first time a minotaur has walked its streets, at least without shackles or in a cage." She lowers her voice a bit, "That part I am working out yet. We might be able to get one of the temples to vouch for him so he won't be tossed into a dungeon the second he steps off the gangplank. The rest of you, well you aren't exactly normal, but I imagine most people will give you strange looks for the most part and let you be."
"Well that is difficult. We rarely saw him come or go, and if you say he can turn invisible that would account for his rare sightings. He was quite secretive, never spoke to the crew about his work and said little to me except for details of where he wanted us to take him. We did not see him leave the ship nor dive in the water or anything. I am unaware if he went to this place or not."
She hmmms a bit and then says, "Well, we will leave on the morrow I think and we are indebted to you for your aid. Would you wish to travel to any specific port with us? We cannot go far out of our way, but would endeavor to do our best given how much you have helped us. Perhaps in port you could track him down more easily? Hmm, I wonder which port might be best for you given your large friend there." She points to Tavros sitting in the water.
Captain Miar runs her hands through her hair and takes Lucina's statement in, then asks, "What do you mean? How do you know he is underwater? How did he get there? A city? Like the Sahuagin or Merfolk build? I'm sorry for all the questions, this is a bit fascinating, and I wonder if it has to do with the stop he made us do for a bit."
The captain strolls up a bit later, no other crew with her. She sits down, kicks off her boots and sets her tricorner hat aside. Feet kicking up some sand, she asks "So you didn't mention what you found if anything in the quarters. Was there anything? Are we in any danger? If so, I need to take precautions for the crew if your presence aboard will create a threat." She pulls her hair up into a bun and fans her neck. "Always enjoyed the tropics, but working in this heat is not fun. The crew should be complete with the repairs tomorrow. Thanks to your large friend for his aid in making the mast work a bit easier, and thanks to your for your magical skills."
"Yes, feel free, we looked in there briefly to see if we could find him, but he was gone. With the storm and everything else, we haven't had really any chance to look further."
He had other business in the area as well I believe. At one point during our journey here, he had us drop anchor for a day or two for 'research' as he called it. He was paying us so it was nothing to us to sit at sea for a day. I forgot to mention it until now. I am not sure what his research entailed, he was in his cabin a lot, and few of us got a look inside ever. Sudden storms are common in these areas. I could say we even sort of saw it coming. We mitigated the damage as best we could. Not much else you can go. Again I don't know magic, so I am not able to say if he was able to conjure a storm. I did see him conjure a fog like mist on occasion, but only when we dropped anchor for a day, as I cannot imagine the mist being useful any other time. The mist didn't last too long either."
"That seems logical, I know nothing of magic and magical flight, so I will trust your expertise. He stayed in his quarters a lot, and interacted with us very little except when we got to this island area, and then he wouldn't be seen at all, not in his quarters or elsewhere."
"When we first arrived, we saw your magic in the sky. We didn't know how to respond and he told us to stay put and do nothing while he investigated. We did not know he attacked. He returned and told us you were of no consequence, but he started fires as a distraction nonetheless so that we could gather the eggs under the cover of darkness with you distracted. After we had the eggs, he returned and then the storm came. That is the last we saw of him. In the chaos and confusion of the storm he must have invisibly stole the eggs and flew away. We went to look for him to ask him if his magic could assist us, but that is when we discovered he had hastily left. I am sorry."
Day 8 - evening
Captain Miar nods as the story is told. A solid day's work has been done, and the ship repair is going well. A little research showed me that ships carried a crap ton of spare parts to fix stuff, all except the main masts due to size, so its really a matter of replacing that.
"Another few days and we should be off, back to Geelwan I reckon, our port of operation. What is your plan to find this gnome?"
Day 8 - all day
As everyone works together, the day passes on. Captain Miar thanks the group for the aid in repairing the ship and for healing her and the other wounded.
She asks at one point, (the sailor Klauen translating via share languages) "So I gather you are heroic adventurers of some sort, tasked with watching this island. What is your story? Why all the way out here?"
At one point, out of Tavros' earshot, "What's with the minotaur? Don't they, you know, eat people? How did you come by him? Don't get me wrong, his strength is invaluable in raising the mast. I've seen a lot of other races and creatures in my time, so for me, and many others here, its not any that outrageous. We judge everyone on their own merit, but clearly first impressions must be a b!+$* for a group like yours."