
Captain Frush O'Suggill's page

3 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Ezra of Pelor wrote:

Captain O'Suggil,

We have accomplished the first step in defeating the Wizard of Witchfire Mountain, destroying the lich's physical remains. The second step, destroying its phylactery, faces us. A Commune spell has informed us that it is nearby, small and unguarded.

This shouldn't take long.

Well done, Ezra of Pelor! When you and your allies have destroyed the Wizard's phylactery, return to Istivin, where the Marchioness will thank you personally. She has decreed a new seven-day festival, to be celebrated at this time each year to honor the heroes who bravely fought and sacrificed life and limb to save Sterich from overwhelming enemies. The finest sculptors among the dwarves of the Jotuns will ask you to model for sketches to be used in crafting statues that will stand in Qualtaine Square as a reminder of your heroism, and I am told that the elven bard Rilathandir Spellsong is already writing an epic ballad based on your adventures. Further, the clergy of Pelor at the House of Radiance have declared any resurrection debts owed by you or your allies paid in full. The folk of Sterich will not soon forget the deeds you have performed on our behalf.

(Via silver raven to the Marchioness):

My Lady, Baron Zaoldyeck and his allies have slain the Azure Prince and the Wizard of Witchfire Mountain. Our army, with dwarves from Jotens and elves from Oytwood, have scattered the Wizard's remaining forces. We are now searching Witchfire Mt. for stragglers and prisoners. O'Suggill.

Killua 001 wrote:



The heir to the Zaoldyeck Lands want's to aid in the eradication of evil in his home lands of Sterich.

Moreover, he wants to regain his family lands and make a name for himself.

So he's decided to venture out toward the lands of Sterich in hopes of finding like-minded people -- and of course an audience with the Marchioness to talk about his rights to Zaoldyeck.

Your Highness,

The adventurers I have deputized have proven to be good friends to the March. They risk their lives against monsters and enemies of the March on a daily basis, and two have already fallen in the line of duty. One of these was resurrected at the House of Radiance in return for a vow of future service to Pelor and the March, but the other, who laid the Red Knight to rest, and in turn was laid to rest by the Red Knight's mummy, now lies entombed in the catacomb beneath the old keep. His company now calls the hill on which stands the keep Polgar's Hill, and I humbly beseech Your Highness to consider declaring this the official name on future maps of the March to honor the hero who gave his life worthily in service to the March.

In light of this deed and others, including the peacable relocation of the mongrelfolk and investigations of Drudd, the Wizard and the Azure Prince, and most recently, evidence that at least one priest of Vecna is recruiting ghouls from the sites of recent battles in the March, I also humbly beseech Your Highness to consider expediting the claim of one of these heroes, Killua Zaoldyeck, to Castle Zaoldyeck and the former Barony of Zaoldyeck.

Ever Your Highness' humble servant,
Captain Frush O'Suggill