Tin Golem

Capt. Sav-A-Hoe's page

55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Just wondering how it is going for those add guns?

I am running a militant paladin/cleric of St.Cuthbert who is focusing on demon hunting. I need some help with a prestige class and the feats list first-twenty. I am also going to ask our DM if I can have a Legacy Holy avenger.

The map of Jeklea Bay in the Bullywug Bay Adventure gives different dungeons that characters can use as side adventures. Can some one give me an idea where I can find these adventures are they in Dungeon or some classic and what the levels are for these.

Has dragon thought about bringing a writer to write short stories that cover the AP and printing them in Dragon or publishing them as novels.

Have the winners of the survey been posted?

As a DM I have noticed (for me) it is a little easier to make pre-gen characters for the players of the AP's. Each concept has goals to accomplish and wants and dreams. This gives more life and less Munchkin. The characters are plotted out from 1st to 20th. Then the players get to pick. Does anyone else do this?

The characters I have come up with are:

Elven scout/warmage
Human rogue/scout
both are working together as Big Game hunters trying to get into the spell component market.

Female human Favored Soul of Wee Jas/Sorcerer/Mystic Thurge
Female human Paladin of Wee Jas

Favored Soul is believed to have been born as a living Avatar of Wee jas and is sent into the world as test. The paladin is a protector as well as an eye of the church.

Male human Warlock- His blood line is tainted by that of Demogorgon and he is fighting for his soul.

Male elven Swashbuckler- Trying to aquire his own ship.

I am thinking of changing the way knowledges work for creatures. If a character has Knowledge Nature with a Rank of 2 then he should know or have heard of all Knowledge nature of CR2 creatures. The character must still role and the higher the role determines if you give him just the name of the creature role of 5 or if you just hand the character the MM role Nat.20. Will this over power the characters?

I was wondering if you have already printed a Core Beliefs article over Wee Jas, like the Pelor article in this months Dragon Magazine? I could use more information on Dogma and the best place to find it.

This months Dragon was very impressive. I do not usually buy it, but this one is a buyer.

What Mini's are people using for their characters?
I use mostly metal figs from Warhammer, Confrontation, and Warmachine. I get some at our store to paint them. WotC are good for cheap monsters.

Does anyone else think the Savage tide could be "Pirates of the Kong"?
With the last two summer movies being about an island with dinosaurs and pirates, it seems a little fishy.

As a role-player of many role-playing systems, I tend to like the players to stay in character through the entire game more of a live-action style than a table top style. I was thinking about running a game to were no one actually sets at table until roles needed to be made. Has anyone ran a game like this? or have there own ideas about keeping them in character.

What D20 systems, realms, planes, or country would make a paladin soil his armor?

I am looking for info on the Iuz... as a place to start a campaign. Can anyone give books, articles, adventures etc.. that take place there.

Also, what is the name or the books were Cyric firsts becomes a god?

Thank you

I am wanting to get our groups characters sketched? Does anyone know any sites I can go to?

We have been trying to come up with an elemental master character. You would think that there would be a class of sub-druid that would be less plant and animal and more for the mastery of the elements and elementals. Maybe a mixture of spells with just elemental descripters, summoning of elementals and energy resistance. Has there been any articles in the past on this subject?

I am trying to make a character, who wants to become a "Master of the Elements" in our AoW game. I have started her out as cleric of Obid-Hi with Domains of Fire and Earth and picked my first three feats..Practised Spellcaster, Spell Focus(conjuration),and Augument Summoning. The Idea for her was to summon Elementals and let them do the fighting for her. Could anyone please send me some ideas on feats and or Presitge classes. Thank you.