Canta's page

12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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I made a fighter for a low level adventure. Human, heavy armor, two handed axe reskinned as a bardiche. Slow as a turtle but once i was in the front line against a tide of giant spiders and a drider, not only did she hold the line but slaughtered the giant spiders that tried to get past her.

Turns out that swipe attacks are really good with axes and power attack is not too bad either for a single powerful attack against a creature above your level. The fact that i had toughness and almost maxed con gave her really good staying power and when the first drider started biting and bludgeon her, the poisoned crits and normal attacks didn't took her down. Two flanking monks with different stances jumping around just threshed anything i could hold in line and any poor thing that slipped by and rushed to fight them alone.

Really made her feel a tide of steel, and with intimidation trained, she was a fearsome tide of steel.

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Wultram wrote:
But resonance is a bad mechanic and has no business being in professionally made product. I am not especially good at homebrew but given a week I could come up with dozens of better solutions. I expect someone who is getting payed to manage better than that.

See, this is something i was discussing with a friend of mine... This idea that the professional designers, veterans in the field, have no idea of what they are doing.

Resonance is a mechanic designed to set the pace of an adventure, to make other things beside the spell caster's resources the attrition factor in a party. It limits ALL magic in a way, so you can't simply blow through an adventure in a day using dozens or hundred of spells "in a can".

If that mechanic is useful, if it works as intended, we can discuss that. But saying that the designers simply don't know what they are doing, that they work could easily be changed by anyone that bothers to write a quick homebrew... Well, that's both mildly insulting to the people hard at work in paizo, and an overstatement of the skill of any random poster in the forum.

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Personally i love the resonance system. The idea of adventuring with a dozen CLW wands to heal between fights always reminded me of the "Potion 99" in a FF game, but there was no actual incentive (or in-world reason) to play other way.

Now that i think about it, the short rest mechanic was a great idea of 4E (among others). You didn't need to carry a lot of consumables, the adventuring day was neither 15 minutes or all day long, and it wasn't magic dependable.

4E also had a clearer writing of it's magic items, there was no way you could be mistaken of what an item did.

And most classes where SAD...

And... Now that i think of it, i wish someone had made a 4.75E

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I can't wait to play a goblin fighter that makes her own weapons... From scrap if needed! With (literal) tooth and nails if those fail!

I love goblins as Core, and hope that the APs or wherever they explain for them being a PC race will be awesome!

Great list. Too bad there are no russian sci-fi writers other than Asimov in there. Weird not seeing the Strugatski brothers on that list.

Just have someone with high/mid charisma and ranks in bluff and diplomacy. Contest it legally, you already have the loot, if it works now you have more.

Or... follow the teachings of Marcus Crassus (kinda), bargain for the property when it's full of kobolds/orcs/bandits/cthulhu, and buy it for a handful of coins. Our party once bought a town for 10 GP that way, being the only adventurers nearby that could save it.

There's no reason why that black dragon can't be LG. Other than the bestiary entry about dragons in general, as far as i know, there's no reason why it has to be born evil. It's not even a rule, just flavor text, and a realy vague at that. I mean, it just says that they are evil "because".

He's being raised by a redeemer paladin, i think that he got more chances of being LG that the paladin itself, unless the paladin was also raised by another paladin.

LazarX wrote:
Canta wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Puna'chong wrote:
Can't good "corrupt" evil just the same way evil can good?
No, because alignment is not a simple revolving door. It's far far easier to sink, than it is to rise, alignment wise.
Source for that? I genuinely am intrigued where that trope came from.
Pick any sampling of our global literature, the Hebrew Testaments, the Christian Bible, the Koran, The Vedas, It's a trope that as the site says, is older than dirt. The stories of angelic beings falling to wickedness abound, such as God losing a third(!) of his angels to his Adversary. You don't see anything of the reverse.

As someone pointed before, there are many stories about redemption. Many of them are actually in those same texts.

And i find funny that you had to present religious, often contradictory texts as evidence that is easier to fall than to rise.

What happens when you don't get your morality from religion?

LazarX wrote:
Puna'chong wrote:
Can't good "corrupt" evil just the same way evil can good?
No, because alignment is not a simple revolving door. It's far far easier to sink, than it is to rise, alignment wise.

Source for that? I genuinely am intrigued where that trope came from.

I think it's an awesome idea!

Matthew Downie wrote:
Canta wrote:
Unles the GM starts creating side effects for [evil] spells, they are not actually EVIL (most of the time). So, personally, i think they shouldn't influence in your alignment.
The idea appears to be not that they're evil in the sense of making the world a worse place, they're evil in the sense that they warp your mind and make you a worse person.

Well, unless the DM rules that, which is a side effect of [evil] spells nowhere in the rules, evil spells are really inconsecuential (bar some particular exceptions i think).

You need some GM intervention to make "evil" spells actually evil per se. Using pain strike is SO evil! i mean, it causes pain! whereas an inquisitor using Greater Brand is totes neutral, it can only kill someone if used too much and only mark thems for life! (Pretty handy, virtue, Brand and Greater Brand, for those neutral interrogations against evil creatures.)

Using Blasphemy against neutral animals attacking you is evil. Using Desintegrate against good outsiders isn't. Unholy Aura, even if used to fight against undead, is evil (and expensive). Making someone insane for life isn't. Unholy Blight against an assasin vine? Evil. Circle of Death on the paladin novices? no problem.

Even creating undead can be used for more good than the "nice" options.

Against invading armies like orcs or hobgoblins, using bloody skeletons as shock troopers is evil. Sending living warriors/conscripts (lawful good in case you are a paladin) is the "good" option! (summoned animals or constructs are either low duration or really high price, so i doubt you are seeing many of them in a war. that and creating a golem traps a elemental spirit in the golem i think, which is slavery).

Unles the GM starts creating side effects for [evil] spells, they are not actually EVIL (most of the time). So, personally, i think they shouldn't influence in your alignment.

(sorry for any spelling mistake, english isn't my main language)