
Candide's page

Organized Play Member. 69 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

Please cancel all of my subscriptions. This isn't for lack of love of your product, just sudden money woes.

So in the first session, I have a Paladin of Shelyn(trying to clean up the streets of drug pushers), a wizard who is part of the Korvosan Guard(a by the book LG type), a Brawler and a bard.
The saved all the orphans and dealt non lethal damage to all the other enemies. So now they are dragging them around the city. We stopped after looting Gaedren.

A.) what would be the process for booking the criminals? My vision of them is part army, part cops.
B.) zellara wanted them to kill Gaedren and bring him to justice, due to feeling that the guard is inept. As a haunt/ghost, how should she react?
C.) I'd like Gaedren to escape to either Barvasi or more likely Pilts Swastel. In part to show how the guard can drag its feet. But I don't want to be a dick about how they should just kill people to avoid this same scenario again. I'd like to play on the line of how far someone should go for Justice. Especially with the paladin.

Any help is appreciated

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So after the PC's kill Gaedren Lamm, they emerge onto riots in the streets of Korvosa. Various people yell things about Ileosa being a usurper, or various other things. The Guide to Korvosa mentions her as someone who has mentioned Korvosa being a "backwater-burg" and hating its inhabitants.
SO, the PCs have likely lived in the city for long enough to know that she hates the place. How much dislike for the city have you had her show publicly? I don't want people to immediately suspect her from the first adventure.
I'm listening to the audio drama now, and it has a little more detail about her thanking the PCs. I intend to run this AP as a podcast, so I want to have dramatic and impactful scenes.

What have you GMs done in your games?

Is it possible to know when this will ship? I'd love to be able to listen to the download before my first session on January 20th. If not, it's not a big deal.

Thank you

I originally responded to a Customer Service email with the below text. I've not heard back from them, so I thought I should post here. This was sent on November 1st.

I just received the notification email detailing that I can download the PDFs in this order. However, the Crimson Throne collected edition isn't there as something I can download. I was trying to preorder it so that I could get the PDF being an active subscriber. I sidecarted the book when I was ordering and it got moved from order 4086913(dated as October 5th). Is there any way I can get the PDF without paying the additional 40$ since I would have gotten it, had I not sidecarted the item?

Thank you,

My PDF of the CoCT hardcover still hasn't shown up in my downloads. Is there something I'm missing here?

Thank you,

Monday I purchased "Syrinscape—Rise of the Runelords #3: "Hook Mountain Massacre" SoundPack" but it never showed up in my downloads. I have confirmation, it's order 4000834. I sent an email to the store email address yesterday but have not heard from them. Maybe just a site hiccup or do I need to do anything different since it's a Syrinscape product?

Thanks for any help on this,

So I got a Sihedron tattoo. For my Runelord masters. Well mainly because I love the image and want a leg sleeve of Pathfinder images.

Anyone else have Pathfibder or other roleplaying game ink?

I just started running Runelords. My party has several half-elves in it and I wish to use some of their backstories in the AP.

The Half-Elf Sorcerer has the Arcane bloodline. His dad is/was a Wizard and his mom a Sorcerer. I want that to be a lie. Or that that's what he's been raised to believe. I'd like for Justice Ironbriar to be his real father. I'll have Ironbriar visiting the town for the Swallowtail Festival. We only just started with the AP and the first two encounters. He could be away from Magnimar to attend the festival due to it's cultural significance for the region, even though the Justice lives in Magnimar. Sandpoint is a Magnimarian holding however.

The other is a Half-Varisian half-elf. Looks archetypally Varisian. She's a rogue with a penchant for stealing books. Knowledge is power. This could potentially tie in with Ironbriar, as he's a devotee of Norgorber... I was also going to have her be the target of Aldern, seeing as she is a woman AND part Varisian. He'd see something of his former wife in her and become obsessed.

What are your thoughts about making Ironbriar both their dad? Different mothers of course. But it is it too much?

Last week I added the PF RPG line to my subscriptions. Is it possible that I could still get a pdf of Pathfinder Unchained or is it too late? Or would that only be accessible after it ships? Thanks in advance.

In February I started receiving the Giantslayer AP. However the second volume looks like it won't be shipped till next month(April)? Why is that?

We've only just started book 2 but I'm looking ahead and trying to figure out what is needed to buff encounters. With 6 PCs, I figure I will need to unleash everything I can on them to prove a challenge. The team is 5 meleers and a sorceress with haste now(but she didn't take mythic spellcasting).

I've done away with the mass combat rules thinking them too swingy. I'll just run regular battles with the army fighting around them. Probably keeping the first army easy so as to point out how different the PCs are than before. I plan to use Scorpions stats for everything now. Thoughts on any of this?


Hey everyone,
I recently started running the AP and thought I would create a thread to talk about the ups and downs I've had/will have. My players will hit 3rd level next session so there isn't the problem of mythic damage yet.

My party consists of:
- Sean the Half-elf Fighter, no archetype, new player. Uses a danseur and a few other damage type weapons. Plays PFS. This is his first campaign
- Caldra, human draconic- blooded(fire)sorcerer, fairly new. Plays PFS. First ongoing campaign.
- Zagan, Aasimar ranger. More experienced. Plays PFS.
- Brother Josephus, dwarf cleric of Iomedae. Experienced, but in other games makes a lot of multi classing choices.

The cleric will join them next session, the others have been barely surviving due to me giving more potions in loot. The players and the DM have been having bad rolls during fights, making them longer. And the mongrelmen fights seem to chain together since the sound of battle alerts so many things, unless otherwise noted.

They've gotten the NPC attitudes to helpful on all of them, though with some initial reluctance on helping Gwerm. It's been a lot of fun if not challenging to roleplay those NPCs in addition to enemies.

How did you guys to about introducing the devotion point mechanic? I've got a few ideas. Also, in The second module, The PCs can petition Galfrey for a scroll of regenerate so Aravasniel can get his eyes back right? Does the same occur for Anevia and her broken leg? Or has it healed due to the splint?

Thanks for any help given. I hope this campaign works out better than most of the ones listed in this forum. Sad to see a cool idea like this get mired in OP mythic rules. Hopefully I can maintain an edge on my players.


I'm looking around the interwebs and I can't find a recent conversion of the AP. I was thinking about converting the various NPCs to updated classes/archetypes, but was not sure if such has been done already. I'm aware of conversion threads to the Pathfinder RPG, but most of those I think are Beta rules or Core rules with a few alchemists or one or two things thrown in.

Against my better judgement perhaps, I let my players roll stats. 4d6 drop lowest. So many 18s were rolled. I saw them roll all of them. There are three players and maybe adding a fourth. For now, its an asimar Sword Scion Magus(from the ACG, its basically a sorcerer magus), a Human Shoanti Urban Barbarian, and a Human Chelaxian Cleric of Sarenrae. No ranged to speak of, and little in the way of skills, melee focused, and super heals. I think they'll be fine for the most part.

So to reiterate: Are there any recent conversions of the path to pathfinder, and if not, what are some suggestions for foes?

Gaedrenn Lamm: Rogue/Expert still?
Vreeg: Necromancer?
Grey Maidens: Cavaliers and Fighter archetypes
Rolth: Necromancer still
Dr. Devaulous: Alchemist of some sort
Lady Andasain: Warpriest? Inquisitor?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Please cancel my subscriptions. Only due to lack of funds lately.

One of my players and I are trying to come up with a neat whip using Bard archetype. He was wanting to be able to still use Trip to some effect in our Rise of the Runelords game. But in the third adventure on, he's fighting bigger things and eventually Giants. Stuff that's REALLY hard to trip.

I've not really designed much in the way of classes before, so I'll these boards in their infinite wisdom. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Lashing Lyricist

Rallying Cry (as the Arcane Duelist):
Rallying Cry (Su): At 1st level, a lashing lyricist can use performance to rally dispirited allies. Each round he makes an Intimidate check with a crack of his whip. Any ally (including the bard) within 30 feet may use this check in place of his own saving throw against fear and despair effects. Those already under a fear or despair effect can attempt a new save each round using the bard’s Intimidate check. Rallying cry does not work on effects that don’t allow saves. This is a mind-affecting ability that uses audible components. This performance replaces countersong.

Bonus Feats:

A lashing lyricist combines his arcane insight with his mastery of the whip. He gains a bonus feat at 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter. (again, much like the Arcane Duelist's bonus feats)

2nd - Supple Lash - By focusing his weapon training singularly on the whip, the character strikes with stunning alacrity. His attacks with a whip do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

6th - Threatening Whip - Continual training with his whip has given the character the ability to threaten opponents within reach of his whip.

10th - Punishing Slash - The character's uncanny accuracy with the whip allows him to strike with precision and skill. When making an attack of opportunity with his whip, the character adds his Dex modifier to damage done. This bonus does not apply to regular attacks.

This ability replaces well-versed and versatile performance. (that will hinder some of my skill progressions, but it's a trade-off)

And then, a special feat called Arcane Lash (with a pre-requisite of having Arcane Strike) - You can use the arcane power imbued in your weapon through the Arcane Strike feat in attempts to trip larger creatures. If your Arcane Strike bonus is +1 damage, you can instead trip a foe two sizes larger than yourself (rather than just one, as normal, so, up to huge). When it's a +2 bonus, you may attempt to trip a foe three sizes larger (gargantuan), and so on (up to colossal).

I understand if these need tweaking. Any help would be great. - Thanks

Please cancel my subscriptions. Having just bought a new car, I need to save money, so it's nothing against your products(which are always amazing).

On October 7th I received an email stating that an order of mine had been shipped. Its the 22nd and its still not arrived.

Right now I'm running a different game for my gaming group, but I'm planning on running Curse of the Crimson Throne sometime in the near future. The group is comprised of people who know nothing about Pathfinder Chronicles or Korvosa.

I'm still a newbie DM, though not new to D&D/Pathfinder/etc. How do other DMs make their party connect with their characters? I know the CoCT player's guide gives hooks for background info, and other stuff.