Camille Roth's page

No posts. Alias of Hotaru of the Society.

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Character Sheet

About Camille Roth

TL;DR Background:
Day 0: Subject is an adolescent female of below average weight and height. Her mousish disposition belies an inherent con artist streak. Subject is otherwise lacking in any noteworthy features. Subject has dull grey eyes, brown hair cropped at the shoulders, and a minor limp in her right leg. Subject was acquired of her own volition in exchange for food and shelter, in accordance with all local codes and ordinances of [ ].

Day 1: First genetic treatment has been applied. Subject appears calm, rational, and unaffected, as expected. All vital signs normal. Subject BAR.

Day [ ]: Several weeks have passed since the beginning of the treatments. Gene therapy amounts have steadily been increased, given no response from subject prior to this occasion. First signs of change have begun. Subject has begun to complain of strange noises, and has grown in steadily minor intervals that appear beyond the norm for her age. Subject BAR.

Day [ ]: Subject has begun to complain about the bright lights in her room; no complaints when the color gradient is in the golden spectrum. Suggest beginning testing with UV spectrum lighting immediately. Subject BAR.

Day [ ]: Subject has developed a rash. Continues to complain about strange noises, even when in a room completely isolated in a soundproof room. Visual acuity tests have shown regression. Dr [ ] has opted for continued testing despite obvious harmful effects on subject.


] Subject QAR.

Day [ ]: Skin samples from the subject have proven to contain cellulose fibers, with an increased count in areas where subject complains of itching and rash. Subjects delusions of noise have continued, and sensitivity to light have increased. Subject’s visual acuity has continued to see marked decline. Subject has become lethargic and sedate. Occasionally asks after her previous handler, a Dr. [ ], who is no longer with the company.Subject appears to have improved reactions when she is told that her former doctor is doing well. Subject has seen phenomenal growth rates, and appetite has dropped significantly.

Day [ ]: Respiration rates have declined significantly based on O2 count, but no significant effect on subject aside from lethargy, which is a previously accounted for change. Subject has significant hair-loss, and eye sight has continued to deteriorate. Subject asked about my wife today; the subject has no reason to know about my marital status. When the topic was broached, subject mentioned overhearing the conversation from within a soundproof room. Further study is necessary.

Day [ ]: Sensory deprivation tests have been approved. Subject was left suspended in water bath with all senses reduced in efficacy - light, sound, tactile, and olfactory - denied. Subject’s previous reduction in need for food was seen to be inconsistent when denied UV light, which is seen in a measurable decline in glucose levels. Subject became extremely lethargic both before and after the treatment.

Day [ ]: Subject has seen marked physiological changes. Subject has begun to produce oxygen rather than consume it and has seen a decline in willingness to eat food. Glucose levels remain sustained for extended periods of time, as long as subject maintains interaction with solar treatments. Subject complains of screaming in the night, both during regular sessions and SD sessions. Tissue samples show strong resistance to toxins. Speech appears to be more difficult for the subject with each passing day, taking more and more energy. Marked change in pitch. Significant height and weight changes.

Day [ ]: Subject has ceased to speak. Pain response indicates that subject is still capable of rudimentary noise, but is either incapable or completely unwilling of verbal communication. Brain scans have shown increased activity in normally unused parts of the brain, but a significant decline in those parts of the brain responsible for reactions to visual stimuli. Dr. [ ] has suggested continued gene grafts, despite the clear resolution.

Day [ ]: Subject is completely nonresponsive. Significant change in volume has continued. All skin and bone cells seem to have been replaced by cellulose fibers. Major internal organs seem to still be intact and still functioning. Subject’s visual cortex reacts to light and darkness, regardless of the light’s presence in relation to their eyes, which have become vestigial. Various portions of the brain react as if to visible stimuli when subject is approached within sensory deprivation chamber - suspect increased tactile response to vibration. Density of cellulo-muscular structures have seen significant increases despite lethargy.

Day [ ]: Subject escaped the facility after overpowering two guards and escaping via [


Guards claimed to have heard someone calling for help in a nearby room, when the normally docile subject weilded their own weapons against them. Sweeping changes to security have been mandated for all facilities undergoing grafting projects. Suggest significant changes to Project Charity moving forward, as present graft includes unforeseen psychological effects and de-evolutionary consequences that result in the positive effects being far outstripped in the current market sector.