Cambourne's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Vanulf Wulfson.


Liberty's Edge

The party is currently fighting a Big Bad who, while flying, casts Entropic Shield on herself. She is a Wind Oracle with the Invisibility revelation.
My question is if she were to use Invisibility, would she disappear or would the Entropic Shield act like Faerie Fire and at least outline her form (or did I just totally hose my baddie)?

Liberty's Edge

My group is currently going through Return of the Runelords (currently starting Book 5) and one of my players (Wizard Evoker) has stated that once they finish that he would like to take up the mantle of the Runelord of Wrath.

Is there anything other than just allowing him to call himself that and be done with it (the Campaign will be over by then) that I should prepare for him to do?