Goblin Snake

Calidore_Chase's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 101 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This has my vote for top 16.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Any plans on listing the second 32 top items as honorary mentions?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Banner Ring: This magical mithral ring fits behind the head of a polearm. When the polearm is more than 75 degrees to the ground a banner of colorful energy appears. Usually this banner depicts the kings colors or the colors of the unit the pikeman is associated with; occasionally an individual will fly his own colors in this way. It takes a 48 hour period for someone with the Craft Wondrous Item feat to change the banner to a new set of colors. When the banner is raised it gives all allies within 30 feet a +4 morale bonus to saves vs fear effects.

Faint Illusion and Abjuration; CL 3th; Craft Wondrous Item: Silent Image, Remove Fear; Price 3,000 gp; Price to Create: 1,500 gp + 60 xp

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think that under the psionics as magic rules (which I think are basic) a psionic and magic wondrous item are virtually identical seperated purely by dint of flavor.

It would depend on how the item was created.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Calidore_Chase wrote:
Submitted... (Cue dramatic music)

Course later in the day I realized I forgot to add in what may be an important sentence... (Cue even more dramatic music)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Submitted... (Cue dramatic music)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I posted this on D&D wiki a while back, thought it fit here.

Comfy Chair: This plush, incredibly comfortable, incredibly cushy armchair is also incredibly ugly. People who do not own the chair, especially spouses, tend to try to get rid of this armchair, usually without warning the owner. If someone is willing to sit on the multi-colored, multi-plaid chair, they will discover that a mere one hour rest in the chair is the equal of a full eight hours of sleep. The user finds that they have also been thoroughly cleaned. Over use of this chair has led some weak willed individuals to not want to leave the chair, they will sit there for hours soaking up the comfortableness of the chair. If the user fails a DC 15 Will Save they find that they are unable to bring themselves to leave the comfort of the chair. The user may attempt a new will save to leave the chair once every six hours. Some lazy people have even been known to starve to death in the chair.

Faint Enchantment; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Sleep, Prestidigitation; Price 3,000 gp; Price to Create: 1,500 gp, 60 xp, 3 Days

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I like the fact that the font is small. Cram as much information in there as possible. As my eyes fade I am more than willing to go out and buy a magnifying glass if necessary. Content Content Content.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Lilith wrote:
farewell2kings wrote:
...although I get weird urges to sail longships and sack monasteries.

Me too. :D

The best honey I've found is from a roadside vendor. We usually get alfalfa and wildflower honey up here, so YMMV. The type of honey you use has an impact on the flavor of your mead too. There's a melomel I'd like to make, with prickly pear and mesquite honey. I love mesquite honey in the first place, so this particular recipe intrigues me greatly.

Ten gallons of mead at an SCA event (AnTir/West War) will make you a lot of friends.

Who are you with in the SCA? Ever heard of Clan Carn? Course I can't make any of the events these days as the commute is a killer, I'm currently residing in England for another year. Which brings me to the Beers, I love going to the pubs and trying anything that they have on tap that's supposedly local.. Unfortunately, this has led to some pretty nasty discoveries!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Check out 'The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures'

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Heathansson wrote:

It's been 102-105 deg f every day in Dallas, Tx. I saw 109 on a bank thermom, and my car daily purports 116.

We are expecting a cold front this weekend; his in the low 90s.
Does anybody know the equation offhand for deg f to deg c?
I know weight is 2.2kilo to the pound by memory.
And folks are getting $200 tickets for running the sprinklers on the wrong days; we're in a drought.



And it is hot as heck over here near Oxford in England

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Celiwyn wrote:

Hey Kyr,

The sport is called boffering. You construct simple weapons out of pvc pipe, foam and duct tape and well, fight.

I used to be the Referee there, and last summer we topped fifty at the field. I normally wield quarterstaffs and Thanis normally florentines a long sword and short sword. He was the Lord of the Steel Swarm.

Unfortnately due to conflicts with some of the other Lords and increased pressure to be there every weekend (which meant less time for D&D amoung other things) we just play at home now.

Anyone feel free to send me an e-mail at Celiwyn@gmail.com and I'll tell you more about it if you would like to learn more about this game. Western Washington University and the university in eastern Washington have actual teams and for a while my college, Whatcom Community college had a club. Think of it like the SCA, but instead of padding the people we pad the weapons.

Is this the boffer group out in Kent or Covington? If so you probably know me as Frenchy....

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd be interested in a scientific style article that explained what possible effect multiple moons could have on tides and, well, other things of which I have no knowledge.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Zherog wrote:
Are you offering to write those, Calidore? Or requesting somebody give it a try? If it's the latter, maybe I'll send Mike an e-mail later today. :D

Actually I do have a few items created.... I'll work it up and send it in.. Of course if you already have items created I'm not to proud to attempt to co-author an article, or heck just be listed as a contributor to the article.

Sorry it took so long to post I just switched from one side of my base to the other and I'm learning a whole new job. Weeeeeeee.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How about magical oddities... I have tons of wands, staves, rings, rods, etc to choose from. I personally would be interested in, say, magic items found in the typical home or magic items found in a wizards lab. Or how about high magic worlds where alot of minor magic items are available to the common people.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I call my ulcer 'Pukey'

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks for all the good information. That's one thing I love about this community, there are always people willing to help you find what you're looking for.

Well, I'm in Washington for a three week vacation. On the flight out here from England I managed to basically write the substitution level article.... I'll be working at the Air Force recruiting office in Tukwila starting next Tuesday, so if someone were to drop a car or truck off to be washed I think I could manage it and only leave a little bit of paper in the seat.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thought I read something about it coming out on DVD Nov 9th

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I finally got around to looking at some of the substitution levels. In a word, fascinating. They're like mini prestige classes that are easier to acquire. So this gave me a few ideas to make some low-level, unusual enemies. Thinking about submitting them as Class Act articles.

My only question is this, are the levels to be substituted set, or can you substitute for, say, the first three levels or 1,3, and 5, etc?

Thanks in advance for everyones thoughts on this.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Aberzombie wrote:
Maybe a return to the Plane of Radiance is in order. They could highlight a city and add some new planar denizens.

Highlight... Radiance.... Pun intended?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
elframrpga wrote:

Dear Editor-in-Chief;

On 15Apr05 you said:

"Incidentally, I think using the delay on this, something we've never done before, as a metric to measure whether or not to subscribe to the magazines is extremely weird to me, but we all have our standards."

For the record, you have replied 3 times to this thread, an Associate Editor has replied twice and an Assistant Editor has replied once.
I personally find it very easy to understand why someone would use this performance as a measure of editorial ability. I started gaming back in 1979. Since then I have bought thousands of dollars worth of both Dragon and Dungeon Mags. I have never subscribed because I hate getting a torn product after the USPS gets done with it.
I had a magazine that I loved called "Command" that was great. After a few years they started getting the magazine out late all the time, I would have trouble getting all the issues because they would fall behind and then ship 2-3 issues at once. After about 9 months of this they went out of business.
I have seen lots of companies promise a product and not deliver. It has been usually followed by a the end of the company as we knew it. I'm sure all of us can remember games we enjoyed but have DIED. This type of activity was usally the first sign to outsiders (Can you say TSR, Avalon Hill, Judges Guild, etc?)
So far you have told us:
Fri, Feb 04, 2005, 12:51 PM

I'll see if I can crack the whip a bit to make this go a little faster.

After all the years of gaming/editing that you have enjoyed I am sure that you know how gamers feel that they should get an answer to their question yesterday, not 6 months later. I personnaly don't quite understand how you feel your response would be anything except a case study in bad customer service/relations.
Don't worry I won't quit buying your mags and supporting my FLGS.

Wow, six responses from high-ups in the company letting you know how progress is going on a project that they evidently would like to release and you call that bad customer service? They've responded to this thread in an attempt to keep you informed, they could have just ignored this thread entirely until they could say "It will definitely be out on this date" - but they have taken the time to keep you in the proverbial loop.

I've yet to receive poor customer service from Paizo! I have missed a few issues from my subscription in the past, including possibly this one (it tends to run late since I'm at an APO), but their customer service department has always responded to my issues quickly and settled them in a manner that pleased me.

If the only information he currently has is that he doesn't have any new information and he is willing to let you know, I think that is a sign of someone who is willing to take responsibility for their own actions. People who try to hide that nothing is going on with various projects are just trying to slide by in the system.

I will renew my subscription when it expires in a few months.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks for the info. No wonder I hadn't seen them, haven't purchased any of the Races of... books. I'll have to see if my BX carries them.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Pardon my, hopefully temporary, ignorance, but what are substitution levels and in what resource may I find this information.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Wow, I leave for a few days and the thread explodes with good information and interesting comments.

I do want to say that when I wrote that we were thinking of ways of 'improving' the class acts I was in no way trying to imply that I didn't like them or I wanted them to go away.

Wish I could go to some of the cons in the states, unfortunately I'm kinda stuck in England for another couple of years.... darn.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thought that was yours but didn't want to mistakenly credit something to the wrong person. I find that the litle details can sometimes add alot to a characters, well, character.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I personally concur with the 'no flaws' argument. I just don't use flaws, ever. However, I really don't need the advice on how to create a character - I enjoy making up the combinations myself. Occasionally have an article that gives historical/fantasy titles to certain class combos could be interesting, but just explaining why a combo works is kinda silly IMHO.

By the way, I absolutely loved the articles that gave different benefits for specific holy symbols. Thanks to the author.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Or to twist your idea a little; if they put only half of the class acts in eash issue and expanded them to allow more developement of their ideas.

i.e. do it so that spellcasters are in one issue, melee/range fighters in another, then just continue alternating. This could also allow room for some of the non-standard classes that people keep requesting.

Of course if someone has a better idea on a possible division of the class acts please post it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was just wondering what everyones opinions were on ways to improve Class Acts. I'm not looking to entertain any ideas that simply say to throw out this feature. After all, we are some of the most creative people on the planet. Someone out there must be able to come up with a few good ideas to improve an article series that has, in my opinion, been hit or miss.

I wish I could say that I did have an idea right now, but I don't. But I do want to relate why I think the articles are worth saving:

1. These short articles are typically extremely easy to work into my homebrew campaigns.

2. There have been a few plot hooks that I have gleaned from the articles - even the ones I initially thought were entirely useless.

3. There has been some good flavor in quite a few of the articles. Flavor is pretty important to me - meat sucks if it don't taste good.

Well, there's a beginning.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm concluding that they did not receive my query, thinking of resubmitting.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sigh, still no reply to my query. Still patiently waiting. Okay, maybe not that patiently. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Heck people should post their ideas here. That way we'd get a variety of unique ideas from the multitudes who read these boards.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sweet, I'm looking forward to hearing from you... Don't worry I should have a pretty short acceptance speech.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Nah,'ve yet to receive a reply from a query posted quite a while back. I'm sure they will get to it in time.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

With no books in front of me I have no real references, but if memory serves, then yes there are feats that allow you to take cross class skills as class skills. ONly thing is, I can only think of ones that make knowledge skills class skills. I think there is at least one that gives you spellcraft as a class skill. I think it is called magical training and is from the forgotten realms handbook.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hrmm, maybe I should work out my monstrous appetites article I was toying with.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, don't everyone comment at once. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Melmoth wrote:


First Watch is about Previews and News yet yourself seem to agree its ads.

"Sometimes ads can be a good thing, if they advertise in Dragon I am more than willing to go and check out their site"

So, tell me is what you read in First Watch a Preview or News or as I said its an ad?

As for "Nursery Rhymes" and kids books I don't know many adults who buy or read books which have the listed age of 9-12? Even if you do like nursery rhymes should this really be in an area for Previews and News?

Well, Previews and News is a form of advertising, regardless of what format it comes in. So I would have to say it's all of the above, and I still see nothing wrong with it. There have been quite a few occasions where they have previewed something that I later bought because of the preview.

You must not have any adult friends who have children. As for whether or not nuresery rhymes and their ilk belong in the magazine, well, I presonally don't care for them. But, I do recognize that their are other readers out there who may appreciate the fact that Dragon has taken a little bit of space to bring them information that they can use to introduce their children into the wonderful world of imagination.

I do not have children, don't plan on having children, and don't like other peoples children. But I'm not going to let a little bit of one small article ruin my enjoyment of a magazine that has repeatedly helped improve my enjoyment of a game that I love.

Hope I wasn't offensive. Have fun.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

To an extent, I like the short one page articles. They are easy to integrate into a campaign and easy to photo copy for reference.

That being said, I do have to admit a preference for the meaty articles. I learned a long time ago that you can only get something out of an article if you're willing to be creative. Very rarely have I been able to take an article and just plop its contents directly into a campaign of mine.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Melmoth wrote:


You want to talk about decline in quality take a look at First Watch its a huge waste of space. In Dragon 331 its starts on page 16 and the next article doesn't start till page 22. First Watch is little more than ads and most of the stuff has little to do with D&D. Take a look at First Watch in 331 and tell what age range these things are aimed at and do they have anything to do with D&D

Twisted Fairytales Models "scare your friends with Miss Muffet's spider" do you really think toy spiders are going to scare adults?

I don't think anyone there actually believed any adults (apart from a few hardcore arachnaphobes, like myself) would truly be scared of the spider, don't be daft. They mentioned these because alot of their readers are more than likely collecters of anything related to fairy tales, nursery rhymes, fables, myths, and their ilk. If you aren't ignore that one little bit in the article.

Midnight Magic Music CD
"Listeners leave the dungeon behind and enter Haverghast family mansion" sounds by singer Lazy Lane?

Did you have a beef with the music choice? Some people appreciate being introduced to new music they may use in their game to help set mood.

What does the Dragon Say, kid's books about the paranormal. Do I really need to say anything?

Kids books can be a great source of ideas for campaigns and adventures, don't knock'em, try being a little more open to new ideas.

Pop goes Manga
First these are comic books second you don't even talk about the comics you just plug TokyoPop.com. This is an ad!

While I already was aware of TokyoPop, there may be nascent fans of manga who have yet to hear of this. Sometimes ads can be a good thing, if they advertise in Dragon I am more than willing to go and check out their site. You never know what you find. And as for you referring to these as comic books, you obvious haven't really taken a good look at the genre, manga is definitely different and offers some great artwork and good storylines. Instead of knocking things you don't understand, try getting more info on them.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy the movie. Now was this movie even out when the article was written, if not how could Dale have seen it? If he has not seen the movie how could he recommend?

He may not have seen the movie, but anyone who is a fan would recommend this movie without having seen it. I would postulate that their is a large number of players, including myself, who are fans of Douglas Adams' work.

I can understand RPG stuff being reviewed or even novels but, SciFi movies, toys and kids books? Come on this is a waste of space.

Bah, learn to think outside the box. Anything can be used across all the genres, regardless of original source. You just have to be creative.

My responses are mixed into the quote, sorry.

Incidentally, I started Gaming when I was 8 (1984ish), and DMing the next year. Fond memories of carting my books over to friends houses to play.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Here it is (blows dust off of notebook), well aged too.

I used the Aurora's Whole Realms format mixed with some Book of Vile Darkness info on drugs and addictions. Hope you like.

Dwarf Blood Ale -

Distilled from a secret mix that purportedly includes mushrooms, fungus, and silver and gold flakes which is then aged inspecialized metal tuns with an internal stirring system, this hearty ale has a very distinctive bitter, metallic taste and rust red coloration. Very popular in certain Dwarven communities, it is rarely served elsewhere. Most non-Dwarves find the taste a bit too metallic.

While Dwarves can become addicted to this brew, most are constitutionally sound enough to stave off addiction. Most Dwarves don't even believe that the stuff is addicting since it is fairly difficult for most of them to get hooked and it has no real addictive effect on other races. A Dwarf hooked on this is a sad sight, often weak and sickly from loss of strength and constitution. Some communities do ban the production and consumption of this drink.

Addiction (Dwart Only)
Rating: High; Fort DC: 15; Satiation:2 Days
Damage: 1d6 Con, 1d3 Str, 1d2 Wis

Hand Keg (12" long x 8" circ., wt 10lbs, 2 gallons) 2 sp
Cask (2' long x 18" circ., wt 60lbs, 12 gallons) 1 gp
Barrel (3-5' long x 2' circ., wt 150lbs, 30 gallons) 4 gp
Butt (6-7' long x 3-4' circ., wt 500lbs, 100 gallons) 9 gp
Tun (HUGE, wt 1,250lbs, 250 gallons) 18gp

Well, there you have it. The weights and measures are basically taken from Aurora's. Hope you like it, have fun.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

In a way the waiting is nice, it means it hasn't been shot down yet. :)

Course, I do have a lot going on with work so it may be a good thing that I can't pursue it any farther than I have.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've been thinking of this for a while, and have only had what I consider one good idea. I think once I get home I'll go ahead and post it here so everyone can use it if they wish.

In the meantime, if you are interested in a variety of food stuffs check ouot Aurora's Whole Realms Guide. THis is a great little book that I always have ready for my players to peruse.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sigh, been close to two months now...... Still no response, I wonder if they take into account how patient we are......

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've fought with multiple types of polearms in real life (i'm not that great). It is certainly possible to hit someone at range and still be able to strike someone with the haft. I have a friend who is extremely good with pikes and he can do some pretty amazing tricks. So I would allow it, just make sure that their attacks don't exceed their max for the round.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have such terrible dice luck that if I didn't fudge rolls occasionally my players would never have a challenging encounter. Oddly enough I love Craps, kinda strange bad dice luck/loves craps shouldn't go together.

I only fudge rolls to keep the fun going. As a DM I think it's my responsibility to fudge rolls occasionally to make sure my players enjoy the session.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
PaddyB wrote:

What if you fight an NPC and cute off his finger? He could hold a grudge and suddenly, there you have a recussing villian.

Anyway, anybody any ideas?

Man I would be cussing and recussing if you cut off my finger. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How many people out there are members of a Reenactment group, such as the Society for Creative Anachronisms (SCA), and how this impacts their gaming group.

Just a random thought I had.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That's what I love about Paizo, they seem to take care of their problems in as expeditious a manner as possible.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Must get Lords of Madness. Thanks for the responses, sorry I didn't get back to the forum but had a minor family emergency.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is their Levitation ability magical in nature? If so, does their central eye's antimagic ability disrupt other beholders levitation ability?

No MM with me at work and was idly wondering...

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