
Caleb Cage's page

1,058 posts. Alias of Harakani.



About Caleb Cage

?? Medium Humanoid (Human)
Human Sorceror (Psychic Bloodline, Tattooed)11
Init +4; Senses low light; Perception +10 (12)
----- Defense -----
AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+4 dex, +6 armour, +2 deflection)
hp 59 (11HD + 11 con+2 favoured)
Fort +6 (+3 base +1 con +2 res), Ref +8 (+3 base +3 dex +2 res), Will +9* (+7 base +2 res) *=+4 vs mind affecting
----- Offense -----
Speed 30
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Mind Thrust (5d6, DC 19), Mind Thrust Intensified (10d6, DC 19), Mind Thrust III (10d8, DC 21), Mind Thrust III Intensified (12d8, DC 21)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11; concentration +18)
1/day ONLY IN URBAN —Enhanced Diplomacy, Stabilize, Guidance, Longstrider
3/day Mage Hand
Spontaneous Spells (CL 11-13; concentration +18)
Sorceror 9/5/5/4/3/2
Bloodline 0/1/1/1/1/1
Favoured 0/1/2/2/2/0
Total 9/7/8/7/6/3
Spent 8/7/7/6/4/3
Unspent 1/0/0/0/0/0
At will—Message, Prestidigitation, Daze, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Disrupt Undead, Mending, Detect Fiendish Presence, Arcane Mark
1st: 8(6+2)/day—Mind Thrust I CL 10, 5d6, DC 17, Urban Grace , Coin Shot, Heightened Awareness, Feather Fall, Vanish, Magic Missile
2nd: 8(6+2)/day—Alter Self, [i]Detect Thoughts DC 18, Id Insinuation I , False Life[i], [i]Aboleth’s Lung, Darkvision, Mark of Blood, Splinter Spell Resistance
3rd: 8(6+2)/day—Battering Blasts, Aqueous Orb, Ego Whip I, Mind Thrust III, Blink, Insect Scouts, Unflappable Mien
4th: 7(6+1)/day—Dimension Door, Intellect Fortress I, Death Knell Aura, Greater Invisibility, Mindscape Door, Ball Lightning
5th: 5(4+1)/day—Feeblemind, Psychic Crush I, Create Mindscape

----- Statistics -----
Str 8, Dex 14(18), Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 20(24)
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD +8
Feats Spell Focus (Divination), Spell Specialisation (Mind Blast III), Varisian Tattoo (Transmutation), Intensified Spell Metamagic, Wasp Familiar, Teneberous Spell, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penatration
Skills Skill Points = total 44+11u= ( 11*(2+2)+11*(1u)+ 2 favored))
Stealth 16 (21) = 8 ranks +1 trait +3 class + 4 dex (+5 shirt)
Perception 10(12) = 10 ranks + 0 wis (+2 alertness)
Perform (Sing) 19 = 5 rank[u] + 4 ranks + 3 class + 7 cha
Spellcraft 9 = 5 rank +1 int + 3 class
Acrobatics 11 (16) = 7 ranks +4 dex (+5 boots)
Sense Motive 4 (6) = 1 rank + 0 wis + 3 class (+2 Alertness)
Knowledge: Local 3 = 1 rank + 2 int
Linguistics 3 = 1 rank[u] +2 int
Survival 1 = 1 ranks + 0 wis
Bluff 13 = 3 ranks + 3 class + 7 cha
Diplomacy 11 = 1 rank + 3 class + 7 cha
Disguise 11 = 1 rank + 3 class + 7 cha
Profession (Smuggler) 6 = 3 rank[u] + 3 class + 0 wis
Lore: Callistria 4 = 2 rank[u] +2 int
Fly 7 = 1 rank +3 dex +3 class
Intimidate 8 = 1rank +7 cha
Traits Historian of the Rebellion, Adopted (Wild Shadow)
Languages Halfling, Chellish, Infernal, Elven
----- Special Abilities -----
Bloodline Tattoos (Ex) whenever gets a new bloodline spell, get a tattoo of it. This is covered by Mage’s tattoo.
Familiar (Ex) Gain a wasp larvae (centipede) familiar. Can transform into/out of a tattoo as a move action for the familiar.
Mental Resistance (Ex) +2 untyped on saves against mind-affecting effects.
Att increases +cha x 2
Create Spell Tattoo (Su) 2/day)At 7th level, a tattooed sorcerer can create a spell tattoo once per day with a single touch as a standard action. The recipient of the spell tattoo must be willing to receive the spell tattoo. If she gives the spell tattoo to herself, it does not count against the regular limit of magic tattoos she can have. The spell tattoo must be of a spell that she knows that has no material or focus component. She can maintain one spell tattoo created by this ability at a time—if she uses this ability again, the previous spell tattoo she created fades away. Spell tattoos she creates with Inscribe Magic Tattoo do not count against this limit. She can use this ability twice per day at 11th level, and three times per day at 15th level.
Enhanced Magical Tattoo (Su) (Blink)At 9th level, the tattooed sorcerer can pick any one spell she knows for which she has a Mage’s Tattoo feat. This spell must be one that lacks focus components and costly material components. She can now use that spell as a spell-like ability once per day. This spell-like ability is not enhanced by her Mage’s Tattoo, but it functions at +2 caster levels above her sorcerer caster level. Whenever she gains a bloodline power at a later date, she may change this spell-like ability to another qualifying spell.