
Calden's page

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Well i think there should be one basic Class wich should fit into any roleplaying role you can think of.

Since Dnd 3.0 the bard has a unique Class Feature - his music. Its the sadest thing about that Class, becuase its negating roleplaying possibilities. I'll explain why:

There are lots of extremly specialized Classes & Prestigeclasses in Dnd, well most of them unplayable because they are too specific.

For me, roleplaying is about this: i think of my character, what is he supposed to be what i want to play in the next campain, and then i go and create my character.

As the ultimate versatile character, you should be able to build this character using the Bard class, cause there is no versatile class with some spellcasting at all. For me thats what the Bard is supposed to be.

We have the opposite of that: You play a Bard, then you are supposed to act like this.... play music during battle...

What the hell is that for? I dont want to be a Troubadix "#!?~@" I want to play exactly the role i want to play, and because the Bard(Jack of all Trades, master of none) should do that job. And no more.

Maybe there are some people who think it was a good idea to give something unique to the Bard, i'm not. For me it makes the Class nonsense.

I think there are lots of people who want a class where they can build whatever character they want, sure there will be specialist who can do things better, but maybe there is that specific Prestige Class missing for the role i think of. (Try to play a group healer in a stealthy Rogue Campain)