Ratfolk Caravan Guard

Calaka "Cal" Nezumi's page

34 posts. Organized Play character for BeeKay.

Full Name

Calaka "Cal" Nezumi


| SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/4 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | Fort +0; Ref +5; Will +3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4


| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.


N Male Ysoki Corporate "Professional" Envoy 2

About Calaka "Cal" Nezumi

SFS # 323300-712
Experience 3
Slotted Faction Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)
Wealth 0 Credits

Reputation 5 Global Reputation
Reputation with Acquisitives:
Reputation with Dataphiles:
Reputation with Exoguardians:
Reputation with Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif): 5
Reputation with Wayfinders:

Calaka Nezumi
Envoy 2
N small ysoki ( )
Init +2; Senses Perc +4, SM +4,

EAC 15, KAC16
SP 12 HP 14 RP 4
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +3

Speed 30 ft.
Survival Knife +3 (1d4-1 S) [dice=attack vs KAC]1d20+3[/dice][dice=Slashing Damage]1d4-4[/dice]
Static Arc Pistol +3 (1d6 E; Crit arc 2) Range 50ft. [dice=attack vs EAC]1d20+3[/dice] [dice=Electrical damage]1d6[/dice]
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities

Str 9, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16


*Acrobatics +6
*Athletics +2
*Bluff +8
*Computers +6
*Culture +7
*Diplomacy +9
*Disguise +7
*Engineering +7
*Intimidate +8
*Medicine -
*Perception +4
*Piloting +7
*Profession (corporate professional) +10
*Sense Motive +4
*Sleight of Hand +5
*Stealth +5
Survival +0
*Indicates trained skill

Starship-Combat Version of Skills
Calaka prefers to be drinking fruity drinks in his cabin during starship combat…however he is happy to tell people what to do as the captain, and mostly willing to randomly unplug things as the chief mate, fly, shoot, or hand people wrenches as necessary.

*Acrobatics +6
*Bluff +8
*Computers +6
*Diplomacy +9
*Engineering +7
*Gunnery +4
*Intimidate +8
*Piloting +7

Tactful Advisor: When you aid another, if the result of your check is 20 or higher, you provide an additional +1 enhancement bonus to your ally’s skill check.

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Drow, Eoxian, Vercite, Ysoki.

Other Abilities
Get ‘Em: As a move action, you can choose one enemy within 60 feet. Until the start of your next turn, you and your allies gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls made against that enemy. The bonus persists even if the enemy moves beyond 60 feet or out of line of sight or hearing.

On My Mark: When you ready an action, you can also provide quick encouragement and directions. Any ally who readies a similar action-such as making an attack, even if with a different type of weapon-with the same trigger before you take your readied action gains a +1 morale bonus to their first attack roll or skill check performed as part of the readied action. If the readied action requires a skill check to which you can apply your skill expertise, you can forego rolling the die and instead choose one ally who readied the same action; that ally rolls your expertise die and applies the result as an insight bonus to their check. If the readied action involves an attack roll, you can roll your expertise die and add its result to the damage dealt by one ally who also readied an attack and successfully hit the target. Once a creature benefits from this improvisation, it can’t do so again until you rest for 10 minutes to recover Stamina Points.

Combat Gear
Mk 1 serum of healing, Mk 1 serum of healing, Survival Knife, Static Arc Pistol, Graphite Carbon Skin.
Other Gear
Industrial Backpack, Professional clothing and tools, Engineering Kit, Fire Extinguisher, Hacking Kit, Basic Enercycle.

Special Abilities

Boons Slotted this Adventure

All My Boons:

Bot Me!:

Calaka Nezumi “Cal” will begin by using a move action to put Get ’Em on the biggest threat and then will shoot his static arc pistol at that enemy. He also likes to stay within 60 feet of his blasty-mechanic partner, Aster.

[dice=zzot (static arc pistol)]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Electrical Damage]1d6[/dice]

In ship combat, he serves as Captain, Engineer, Chief Mate, Science Officer, Pilot, or Gunner as necessary. As Captain he will normally either try and make the most critical tasks succeed, or mock the enemy mercilessly (or both!).
