Cakewok's page

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Grumpus wrote:

They have a CL of the minimum CL needed to cast the spell.

Acid Arrow (cl-3)
Burning Hands (cl-1)
Magic Weapon (cl-1)
Reduce Animal (cl-3)
Stinking Cloud (cl-5)
erucsbo wrote:

Any wand / potion / scroll listed as treasure that has been crafted at a higher caster level will have the CL specified. Otherwise as Grumpus said it is always the minimum required.

You are free to change it if you want.

Thank you for clarifying that for me!

This could be better placed in general discussion if so let me know I'll be happy to remove and post appropriately. I was wondering how do you determine the CL of a Wand for instance my PCs just defeated Nashgra and now have her wands. Would they all be level one or is it determined by the NPC they take them off?

Mathmuse wrote:
Captain Morgan wrote:
Cakewok wrote:

Hello Everyone,

This is my first AP and my first time running a game ever!

My party is about to face off against Scarvinious and I was wondering how he is able to make multiple attacks with his shortbow? Does this have to do with his Two Weapon Fighting Feats/SQs I don't see anything that is specifically dedicated to ranged weapons in his Feats/SQs. I also looked at his BAB and it isn't that since he is only Level 5. If anyone can help me figure this out I would really appreciate it!

Thanks for reading hope you all have a great day,

Without pulling up his stat block, I'd guess that you're only looking at his BAB from his slayer levels, not his racial hit dice. Bugbears, being martial monsters, probably start with at least one BAB out the box.

This is correct. The CR 2 bugbear from the PF1 Bestiary has Base Atk +2, three Hit Dice, and zero levels. Scarvinious is CR 7, Base Atk +7, eight Hit Dice, and has five levels of slayer. Slayer is a full BAB class.

In summary, Scarvinious has BAB +7, the sum of +2 from being a bugbear and +5 from 5 levels of slayer. He gains an extra attack at a -5 penalty from having BAB 6 or higher.

Oh I completely forgot about his race stat block. Thank you both for clearing that up!

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Hello Everyone,

This is my first AP and my first time running a game ever!

My party is about to face off against Scarvinious and I was wondering how he is able to make multiple attacks with his shortbow? Does this have to do with his Two Weapon Fighting Feats/SQs I don't see anything that is specifically dedicated to ranged weapons in his Feats/SQs. I also looked at his BAB and it isn't that since he is only Level 5. If anyone can help me figure this out I would really appreciate it!

Thanks for reading hope you all have a great day,