Nieran Codali

Cadan Xera's page

89 posts. Alias of caps.






Common, Ryphorian, Brethedan, Castrovelian, Celestial, Elven, Eoxian, Goblin, Sarcesian, Vercite

About Cadan Xera


Cadan Xera
Ace Pilot Mystic 6
NG Medium humanoid (ryphorian)
Init +5; Senses Perc +14, SM +12,

EAC 22, KAC 22, CMD 30
SP 48/48 HP 40/40 RP 6/6
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +8

Speed 30ft., 30 ft. flying (jetpack, average maneuverability)
[Dice=tactical dueling sword]1d20+3[/dice]

[dice=Corona Laser Rifle, attack, vs. EAC]1d20+9[/dice]
[dice=Fire, Magic]2d6+6[/dice]
120ft. range (480 w/move action to aim), critical burn 1d6
40/40 charges, usage 1
Heavy bipod
Sniper scope
Invigorating fusion seal
Called fusion seal

Stowed on the ship unless I can find a way to carry more bulk
[dice=Subzero Ice Carbine, attack, vs. KAC]1d20+9[/dice]
[dice=Cold, Piercing]1d8+6[/dice]
20/20 charges, usage 2
60 ft. range

Azimuth Laser Pistol
[dice=Azimuth Laser Pistol, attack, vs. EAC]1d20+9[/dice]
80ft. range, critical burn 1d4
20/20 charges, usage 1

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks
Telekinetic Projectile
Charm Person
Mind Thrust
Hold Person

Supernatural Abilities
Healing Touch
Inexplicable Commands

Spell-Like Abilities

Str 8
Dex 21 (Personal Upgrade, Mk1)
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 17
Cha 10

Skills 42 ranks = (7 = 6 Mystic + 1 Int) * 6 level
+5 Acrobatics (+0 ranks +0 class +5 Dex)
+5 Athletics (+0 ranks +0 class +5 Dex)
+5 Bluff (+2 ranks +3 class +0 Cha)
+1 Computers (+0 ranks +0 class +1 Int)
+10 Culture (+6 ranks +3 class +1 Int)
+11 Diplomacy (+6 ranks +3 class +0 Cha + 2 Channel Connection)
+0 Disguise (+0 ranks +0 class +0 Cha)
+1 Engineering (+0 ranks +0 class +1 Int)
+6 Intimidate (+1 ranks +3 class +0 Cha +2 Channel Connection)
+5 Life Science (+1 ranks +3 class +1 Int)
+5 Medicine (+1 ranks +3 class +1 Int)
+12 Mysticism (+6 ranks +3 class +3 Wis)
+14 Perception (+6 ranks +3 class +3 Wis +2 racial)
+1 Physical Science (+0 ranks +0 class +1 Int)
+14 Piloting (+6 ranks +3 class +5 Dex)
+0 Profession, XYZ (+0 ranks +0 class +0 Wis)
+12 Sense Motive (+6 ranks +3 class +3 Wis)
+4 Sleight of Hand (+0 ranks +0 class +4 Dex)
+5 Stealth (+0 ranks +0 class +5 Dex)
+7 Survival (+1 ranks +3 class +3 Wis)

Starship-Combat Version of Skills
+11 Diplomacy
+4* Computers
+4* Engineering
+8* Intimidate
+7* Life Science
+4* Physical Science
+14 Piloting
Omitting Class features and items that do not affect Crew Actions
*Calculated using half ranks from Piloting thanks to Ace Pilot theme

1: Mobility
Bonus: Spell Focus
3: Spell Penetration
Steward Officer: Longarm Weapon Proficiency
5: Agile Casting
Steward Officer: Longarm Weapon Specialization

Languages (Base + 1 Int + 6 Culture + 2 Diplomatic Training)

Special Abilities
Bonus Feat
Keen Senses: +2 perception
Low-Light Vision
Summerborn Ryphorian: Fire Resistance 5

Mystic Connection: Overlord

Overlord Power - Inexplicable Commands (Su): When one of your mind-affecting charm or compulsion spells or spell-like abilities ends, the target loses all memory that it was magically controlled or influenced. That creature still remembers the actions it took, but may be confused by them.

Mystic - Healing Touch (Su): (1/1, 30hp) Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes to magically heal an ally up to 5 Hit Points per mystic level.

Mystic - Channel Skill (Su): +2 Diplomacy, Intimidate

Mystic - Mindlink (Sp): You can use mindlink at will as a spell-like ability, though only once per day on any given individual.

Mystic - Archetype Penalty: For the highest level of mystic spell you can cast, reduce the number of mystic spells known by 1.

Steward Officer - Diplomatic Training (Ex):
* +2 known languages.
* You can use your Diplomacy skill for Intimidate checks to demoralize a target.
* You can use your Culture skill for Life Science checks to identify humanoids and monstrous humanoids.
* When you attempt a Diplomacy check to change a creature’s attitude but you fail the check, the creature’s attitude worsens only if you fail the check by 10 or more.

Mystic - Weapon Specialization (Ex): Basic melee weapons and small arms

Overlord Power - Forced Amity (Sp): You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a standard action to cast charm person.

Mystic - Archetype Penalty: You don’t gain access to the highest-level connection spell you would normally have access to.

Steward Officer - Military Training (Ex): Longarm Weapon Proficiency
Longarm Weapon Specialization

Mystic - Echoes of Obedience (Su): Even creatures that resist your dominance can’t shake the lingering echoes of your mind. When a creature succeeds at a saving throw against one of your mind-affecting charm or compulsion spells or spell-like abilities and negates the effect, it takes a –1 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and skill checks until the beginning of your next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Ace Pilot - LONE WOLF (6TH) You know at least a little bit about handling every role on a starship, and you can sub in for certain tasks in a pinch. Whenever you need to attempt a skill check either during starship combat or to directly repair or otherwise maintain your starship, you can treat half your ranks in Piloting as your ranks in the appropriate skill for the check, if that would be better (since you effectively have ranks in the related skill, you are considered trained in the skill for the purposes of this check).

[dice=Overcome SR, Spell Penetration]1d20+6+2[/dice]
6 level 0 spells known (DC 14) -/-
Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Psychokinetic Hand, Telekinetic Projectile, Telepathic Message, Token Spell
4 level 1 spells known (DC 15) 5/5
(Charm Person), Command*, Life Bubble, Mind Thrust, Polymorph, Lesser Remove Condition
3 level 2 spells known (DC 16) 4/4
Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Mystic Cure

*Connection Spell
(can spend 1 RP to cast)

Heavy Bipod - move action to drop arms, move action to deploy or grip arms; while deployed or gripped, reduce penalty for range by 2, and reduce penalty for full attacks by 2

A sniper scope reduces penalties due to range and AC bonuses from cover by 2.

A scope is a telescopic sighting device with an incorporated reticle that attaches to a small arm or railed weapon’s top rail. A scope can’t be added to a weapon with a sight. As a move action, you can aim through a scope. This can be done as part of the same move action required to aim a weapon with the sniper weapon special quality, or as part of a sneak attack where you do not take any movement even if you also aim a sniper weapon as part of that action. Aiming through a scope reduces penalties to attack rolls due to range as well as bonuses to AC from cover.
In addition, a scope increases a weapon’s range increment for determining penalties to attack rolls due to range. For small arms, a scope increases the weapon’s normal range increment to 1-1/2 times its listed range for this purpose. For longarms and heavy weapons, the increase is 4 times the normal range increment. For sniper weapons, the increase is twice the range increment of the sniper special property. The reduction in penalties due to aiming with a scope applies only to the next attack roll you make with the weapon before the end of your next turn. Scopes also confer other benefits depending on their type.
You can also view distant objects through a scope as a move action, which grants you a +1 circumstance bonus to vision-based Perception checks against objects 30 feet or farther from you. You can use a scope for this purpose when it is not attached to or integrated with a weapon. A detached scope does not provide improved accuracy.

Invigorating Fusion Seal:
After making a successful attack with this weapon that drops a foe (by killing it or rendering it unconscious), you feel a rush of energy that eliminates the fatigued condition and reduces exhaustion to fatigue. If you were neither exhausted nor fatigued, you instead gain a +3 morale bonus to Strength-, Dexterity- and Constitution-based ability checks and skill checks, and you gain a +10 enhancement bonus to your speed for all of your modes of movement until the end of your next turn.

Called Fusion Seal - swift action to summon to hands

Items in italics were not purchased but are "wish list" items
Combat Gear
4650 Corona laser rifle, 1 bulk (uses 40-charge batteries)
0700 Heavy Bipod, --
1350 Sniper scope, --
0132 called fusion seal, --
0132 invigorating fusion seal, --
0510 Subzero Ice Carbine, 2 bulk (uses 20-charge batteries)
0350 Azimuth Laser Pistol, L (uses 20-charge batteries)
0100 5xStandard 20-charge Battery (60/100)
(Loot) tactical dueling sword, ???

1950 Lashunta Tempweave, L (SOLD)
(Loot) Ysoki Refractor Suit, ???
3100 Jetpack Armor Upgrade, 1 bulk

Other Gear
1400 Ability Crystal (Dex), --
0735 Ring of Resistance, Mk1, --
0625 Datajack, Brain Stem Augmentation, --

0020 navigator's kit, L
0007 personal comm unit, L
0003 backpack, -
0003 starstone compass, L
0003 hygiene kit, L
0001 flashlight, L
0001 everyday clothing, L

0055 Stabilize Spell Chip, --
0154 Share Language Spell Chip, --

2 Bulk + 7L

Armor upgrades
- 0150 Easy Access Kit
- 0125 Thermal Regulator

Kinetic Longarm

Spell chips
- 0055, 0 level
- 0154, 1 level
- 0495, 2 level

119 credits left

(Loot) tactical dueling sword
(Loot) ysoki refractor suit

+195 credits from selling lashunta tempweave

+4500 credits story award

-4650 corona laser rifle

164 credits left

+1217 credits from selling other loot

1381 credits

-1350 sniper scope

31 credits

NOTE: WBL section suggests spending no more than 25% of total wealth on protective equipment and another 25% on weapons. For level 6 that should be 3750 credits each; current spending is around 2274 credits)

Bot Me!:
Cadan tries to stay out of melee as much as possible, taking advantage of Agile Casting to use cover when spellcasting and otherwise blasting things with his longarm. He will use his pistol when appropriate to the target.

In ship combat, Cadan prefers to fly the ship, but he can also serve as a Captain or a Gunner