
C.Lozaga's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Dedicated Voter. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Dedicated Voter Season 7

Scarletrose, my eternal thanks for putting this together. I am late to notice this thread, but I appreciate it greatly.

Scarletrose wrote:

Here I present to you a database to add all the items that you see and have survived the cull.

Please use it responsibly.
that means
  • Do not edit or erase entries made by other users
  • Only add items you will see from now on
  • be sure to not write in a cell where someone else is writing(also, you don't need to use the first free cell, you can write wherever you want in the first column)
  • Always use a free cell in the first column so that we can sort it in an alphabetical order
  • If the rows are finished add more rows (the button is at the end of the sheet)
  • Do not give indication about your item
  • Entry the item via copy and paste to make sure is spelled correctly

I hope everybody will use it correctly as a tool to discover the item that have survived and the actual number of survivors.

Dedicated Voter Season 7

Curaigh wrote:
Mundane is different for each group and the mundane can be handwaved away. To paraphrase SKR: notice the lack of toilets on the Enterprise.

I agree with this 100%.

I think the real challenge is to design an item that is interesting and fun without relying on uber-ness or relying on an interesting backstory (which the GM might have to throw out depending on the game/setting/circumstances anyway).

A good item should inspire, have a clear use, and not be laden with too much fluff. If this were an artifacts competition this would be a different story.

Christina Stiles wrote:
Wolfgang Baur wrote:

I do shoot my mouth off a lot. This book's art is terrific, and I'm quite enjoying the adventure selection.

It's one of those books where I did not get to read everything before it went to press, which means lots of surprises. I can't decide which adventure is my current favorite. You'd think Richard Pett, but the Crystal Frasier library/sandbox adventure is just perfect too.

I find that Chris Lozaga's adventure has resonated with me the most. I like his use of orcs. But, really, all the adventures in this book are fun!

Thanks Christina, I tried to give the orcs an interesting but terrifying culture! I am sure Freeing Nethus will knock my socks off when it arrives!

ulgulanoth wrote:
oh curses, nice, though it seems this book is following the reign of winter ap too much...

I was a day 1 backer - the content of this tome blew my mind. Magic needs variety and mystery! I can't wait to finish up Baba Yaga's curses. I believe curses should drive plots and stories, have an undercurrent of menace.

I have yet to play the Reign of Winter AP, my group is about to start Skull & Shackles, so RoW was not really a factor in designing this system (though I am happy to be writing something that compliments it - I am sure it was awesome!). The curse system is fully transferable to other locations, entities, and regions. In Midgard, Baba Yaga was the natural fit. In Golarion, I could easily these curses steeped in the traditions of Ustalav, or any of the darker realms.

Oh yes this was fun to write! I was very pleased to work with Kobold Press to bring this adventure to light. It was a tough nut to crack - taking a fledgling party into the seat of power on the Rothenian Plain. The very premise, that the only way to survive the Demon Mountain is to be beneath the Master's notice, tells you how deadly a locale this is in the Midgard Campaign Setting. The adventure really is a "dark mini-sandbox" with a lot of potential for creative GMs to expand on. I liked the idea of the Master and his guests acting as a literal looming threat, while the clock ticks down for the adventurers.