
C-17's page

9 posts. Alias of Moon Papa.


"You're nearly as quick to anger as our Sith friends here." 17 remarked to the female mandolorian with a laugh. " They're powered by it, but what's your excuse? You gotta roll with the punches, as they say."

He wasn't trying to start a fight or anything like that, rather just sharing his opinion.

" That being said, Koro is right, maybe another 30,000 creds are right around the corner on Dromund Kass. But patience is a virtue."

Seventeen rolls his eyes slightly at how long the show of bravado had went on between the groups, and he sighed, hanging his head.

He strolled up the ramp an stood at the top with Venaris and Kordin. " Sorry fellas...I was hoping this would go smoother, huh?"

" Perfect, I'll get right on it. I thank you for your cooperation Zilas." Seventeen says with a smile.

He turns to the squad of troopers and motions to a couple of them. " Gentlemen, If you'd be so kind as to secure the cargo , I'll have your commanding officer send details to your commlinks."

With that, he'll turn on his heels and nod at the three Sith. " One moment." He says, holding his wrist up to speak into his commlink.


17 will quickly check in with his Watcher and give him an update of the situation. After that he'll see who he can get a hold of to see about the bounty hunter's accommodations, but I suspect they'll stay on the ship under guard of a few troopers. Finally, he'll make sure the two trooper(that he ordered to secure the cargo)'s commanding officers lets them know which storage area to take the frozen general to.

" Sorry about that, duty calls and all. You understand. You may call me Seventeen, if you'd like. I suspect we'll be working together at least until we secure the frozen prisoner on Dromund Kass." He initiates the pleasantries with Koro, Trevan, and Iliquoi

17 shrugs and takes his hand off his blaster... it was looking like he wouldn't need it. " Now now friends." He begins, with both hands up disarmingly.

" No need to come to blows over this, A deal is a deal, but I apologize if some of the details were lost as it descended down the chain of command. We apologize for any inconvenience but we'll have to withhold payment until the cargo is secure on Dromund Kaas. You're welcome to stay until then...But we would strongly prefer to hang on to the carbonite-encased prisoner, to ensure that there aren't any accidents and that he isn't thawed out before we have arrived at our destination." Seventeen speaks in as even a tone as possible. " I realize tensions are high Zilas, but such a generous bounty on the part of the Empire calls for some slightly unusual security measures, you understand. You and your friends will not be harmed, and you'll have your credits." He bowed his head and turned his head slightly to Koro at his side, whispering- (Koro)

"If they're not willing to cooperate, securing the prisoner is a priority."

" I'll have to consult with my superiors regarding accommodations while you are with us, but for now feel free to use the quarters of your ship." Seventeen added as he stood to his feet.

17 steps forward, a hand resting casually at his blaster as he sees one of the three bounty-hunters place a hand on her sheathed sword, he holds his off hand up high as a show of peace.

" The welcoming committee is to ensure that this little exchange of ours all goes smoothly. " He assures the bounty hunter who speaks up, glancing over at the three Sith with a smile for emphasis. "Zilas, I presume? We, The Sith Empire have your payment, 30,000 credits." He speaks with such confidence, seemingly for the whole Empire, with his chest slightly puffed out.

" You'll be paid in full once we have secured the package in the nearby Esstran sector."

Hangar Deck/Rear Starboard Docking Bay.


C-17 heard the siren that indicated a ship was cleared for docking, and in turn met up with the squad of troopers en route. They approach the large sliding metal doors and 17's heart jumps. This was a "big fish" it seemed, and it looked like the kind of thing that could really make a young agent's career.

17 sat quietly in his quarters of the Inexorable, a Sith Battle-cruiser floating in the middle of a backwater system, M3473. The system was without any real value or resources, just a surplus of wide open spaces, and that's why Sith Intelligence had chosen this location for this exchange. 17's watcher had informed him that the cargo would be a carbonite-encased republic general, and 17 was thankful they were far away enough from republic space to attract any more republic attention.

As the agent busied himself with cleaning his side-arm, an Arkanian heavy blaster, the commlink on his wrist buzzed to life and a voice on the other end told 17 that Zilar's ship, the Renegade, had just come out of hyperspace.

" Ten-four." He replied. Already out of his quarters, 17 slid the heavy blaster into it's holster at his left hip and made his way with head held high to the cargo bay where the exchange is set to take place.

His handler had informed him that two bounty hunters would deliver the frozen general, and that some number of the light-saber wielding Sith would oversee the exchange. The ambitious 17 was happy to be a part of the operation.

" Should be fun..." He muttered to himself, tapping the blaster at his side absentmindedly and whistling a tune as he walked the red-lit and metallic halls of the Inexorable.

Profile is up here, just need to pin down that elusive background, lol.

Here's the alias for my submission, backstory still incoming.

Medium Human Scoundrel 1
Destiny ?; Force 5; Dark Side 0
Init +7; Senses Perception +7
Languages Basic, Huttese, Sith
Defenses Fort 11, Ref 15 (12 flat-footed ), Will 13
hp 19; Second Wind +11; Threshold 11
Special Actions None
Speed 6 squares
Melee +0
Ranged Blaster Pistol, Heavy (3d8) | (2d8)+ 3 ( +4 when Point Blank)
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Atk Options Point Blank Shot
Special Actions Disruptive
Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16
Talents Disruptive
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency ( pistols, simple weapons)
Skills (Trained) Acrobatics +7, Deception+8, Gather Information +8 , Initiative + 7, Perception +7, Persuasion +8, Stealth +7
Skills (Untrained) Climb +0, Endurance +1, Jump +0, Knowledge +2, Mechanics +2, Pilot +2, Ride +2, Survival +2, Swim +0
Combat Gear Heavy Blaster Pistol, Knife Other Possessions datapad, utility belt, long-range commlink(wrist mounted), 2 power packs, 2 energy cells, hip holster
Money 25 Credits Other Wealth None