ButterPanda888's page

23 posts. Alias of Sam Parsons 736.

Grand Lodge

What setting from literature, video games, RPGs, miniatures, movies, tv shows, comics, etc. really, REALLY gets dragons right in your own opinion?

Here are a few of mine:
The Hobbit (Book & Movie)
Game of Thrones (TV Show)
Eragon (Movie, never read the books)
Pathfinder (RPG)
Midgard (RPG by Kobold Press)

I also like World of Warcraft's take on dragons, but feel like only Deathwing got it truly right.

And honestly, I am probably forgetting some of my favorites.

What about y'all?

Grand Lodge


Tiddlewinks appear to be bipedal cats from the waist down, with fur of a deep, dark purple that ranges from short and velvety, to long and silky. From the waist up they have a lithe frame and snow-white skin.Tiddlewinks range from 6 to 7 ft tall. Their fingernails, lips, and eyelashes (which are long and curled) are the same purple as their fur, which gives them the appearance of wearing makeup. They have long, pointed ears and sharp canines. Tiddlewinks have long hair atop their heads that is the same color as their fur, and is kept neat and often in a top knot or ponytail. They have no facial hair, however, they do have small tufts of fur on their elbows, which again, is a deep, dark purple. Tiddlewinks are a whimsical fey race. They throw wild, elaborate parties for little to no reason. To those not familiar with the fey, but especially the Tiddlewinks, these beings appear to outright mad, though with a great deal of charm. This, coupled with their unpredictable behaviour and notorious lying, makes most people wary of them. Despite their tall height, Tiddlewinks are exceptionally stealthy and adore magic.

Fey: Tiddlewinks are Fey and have the low-light vision racial trait. (2 RP)
Medium: Tiddlewinks have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifier: +2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength (0 RP)
Silver Tongued: Tiddlewinks gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, they can do so up to three steps up rather than just two. (3 RP)
Stealthy: Tiddlewinks gain a +2 bonus on stealth checks. (2 RP)
Fast: Tiddlewinks have a base speed of 40 feet. (1 RP)
Seducer: Tiddlewinks add +1 to the saving throw DCs for their spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment school. In addition, Tiddlewinks with a Wisdom score of 15 or higher may use charm person once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level is equal to the user's character level). (2 RP)
Darkvision 60 Feet: Tiddlewinks can see in the dark up to 60 feet. (2 RP)
Languages: Twiddlewinks start knowing Common and Sylvan. Twiddlewinks with high intelligence scores can select Elven, Gnome, Draconic, Undercommon, Goblin, or Infernal as bonus languages


Amori appear as supernaturally beautiful humans, with a slight, inhuman aspect to them. They may have hair which appears to be made out of spun gold or silver. They may have eyes which glow slightly, look like the starry night sky, or constantly shift between different bright and exotics colors. They may have skin which appears to be coated in gold dust or diamond dust. A female Amori may have cheeks that constantly blush a rosy red, a voice that makes every word clear and melodic, or an aromatic aura of flowery scent. A male Amori may have have an aromatic aura of leather, sandalwood, or resin scents, a beard that is constantly perfectly trimmed and groomed, or voice that makes every word clear and deep. They have an attractive frame with voluptuous females with fine features, and tall, athletically built males with square jaws and broad shoulders. Amori are not just physically beautiful, but very charismatic in personality too.

Ability Score Modifier: +2 Charisma (0 RP)
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Speed: 30ft (0 RP)
Object of Desire: Amori add +1 to their caster level when casting charm person and charm monster. (1 RP)
Charming Personality: Amori have a +1 racial bonus to diplomacy and perform (2 RP)
Sociable: When Amori attempt to change a creature's attitude with a Diplomacy check and fail by 5 or more, they can try to influence the creature a second time even if 24 hours have not passed. (1 RP)
Heroic: In campaigns that use the optional hero point system , each time an Amori gains a level, it gains 2 hero points instead of 1. If it takes the Blood of Heroes feat, it gains 3 hero points each level instead of 2. (4 RP)
Language: Amori begin play being able to speak common and any language as a bonus language. (1 RP)

Favored Classes for both will be coming soon. If you guys like these I will try and come with a racial archetype for each.

Grand Lodge

I was wondering if there are any abilities (class abilities, feats, spells, 3rd party content, etc. that allow me to throw a weapon then teleport to its location. I want to build a monk that fights with a long weapon like a staff, spear, naginata, javelin, and can throw it at a target, teleport to that location, then attack, or at least throw a weapon and teleport to its location. The character is a mix of the blind monk Chirrut Îmwe from Rogue One and the Monkey King from Journey to the West.

I am open to content from 3rd party publishers.

So I am extremely happy about the new bestiary. I love Orang-Pendaks and Deep Ones. I have been wanting and suggesting a plant race. I love red pandas and all things clockwork. I love aliens, too.

Also I love the vast variety of options that Pathfinder has, and I enjoy seeing other people's creations.

So my question to you all is what characters have you made/do you plan to make using the Bestiary 5 options?

I'd love to see what you all have come up with!

If you have links to your character info/sheets (myth-weavers, obsidian portal, google drive, etc.) then I would love to see that too.

Is it possible to cancel my preorder of the Bestiary 5 Hardcover?

I preordered it when I had a job, but I dont have a job anymore and so now I am tight on money.

I am going with a Half-Orc Elemental Annihilator Pyrokineticist. I feel like I didn't go the most creative route (I was originally going to go with a Half-Orc Psychic of the pain discipline but I have been waiting forever to make a kineticist, plus the idea of a fire-bending half-orc was really cool (and the favored race option supports that).

I do really like the medium archetype involving kami. I may roll one of those someday.

And I have this character idea: a spiritualist with a phantom with the fear focus. Basically the idea is the spiritualist is the phantoms mother and the phantom is her baby that was snatched from its crib and died. Now it haunts her and she lives a solemn yet content life.

Anyways what Occult characters will be joining the Pathfinder Society?

Hey, I Know that Occult Adventures just came out today, but does anyone know what is PFS legal? Just wondering.

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What races would you like to see as official PC races in Pathfinder (not PFS, just Pathfinder).

Personally I would love to see a PC Satyr race (I absolutely love Satyrs), as well as a PC Lizardfolk Race (I love lizardfolk).

I would also love to see racial archetypes, feats, and alternate racial traits for those guys.

How about you all? What races would you like to see come to Pathfinder?

P.S. If there are any homebrew or third party publishing resources for PC Satyrs, please let me know. I already have the advanced races lizardfolk by Kobold Presss, so I am good on unofficial resources for Lizardfolk. I just need Satyr stuff.

P.S.S. I read somewhere that we might be getting PC Dark Folk and some PC race related to Sasquatches. However I can't remember where I saw this. Anyone know anything about this?

Hello all. I am trying to work out a good build for the Marvel superhero Black Panther. I want to make him very mobile and agile with good reflexes and maneuverability. I also want to make him noble, smart, and perceptive. And finally I want him to be capable of using energy attacks either naturally or via an item/weapon. Sonic is an energy type right? Or am I making that up. If it is then sonic energy attacks would be preferred because vibranium has sonic properties (it's a thematic thing).

Anyone have any advice? And am I asking for too much in this build? Any advice would be much appreciated.

Grand Lodge

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OK so this may sound weird, but I really like beetles. I had some ideas for beetle related archetypes, but don't know how to approach them. My ideas are:

The Scarab Rider: A cavalier that rides giant beetles, gains favored terrain bonuses in deserts, and has minor spellcasting abilities.

The Beetle Bard: A bard specializing in vermin and who has a thirst for knowledge (maybe being able to gain a temporary bonus to knowledge skill checks somehow).

The Swarm Slayer: a slayer with wild empathy to vermin and the ability to cast summon swarm and swarm form.

Any ideas on how to approach these? If anyone wants to take a stab at doing it yourself, go ahead, it would be greatly appreciated.

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I am working on a home campaign that takes place in Golarion. Basically the PCs are members of a new faction that is growing in power. The goals of the faction are 1. To protect Golarion from evil, and 2. To grow in power. How would I represent a faction that is growing in power without giving the PCs too much power. I would like the faction to start out with a fort as base (with cannons, a barracks, a war room, and other necessities), a single ship (light but decently armed. Mainly for travel), and a small but decent following of people of all walks of life. They will grow in power, take enemy based, and gain allies, resources, influence, and wealth. How would I represent their growth?

Any and all ideas and suggestions are appreciated.

Grand Lodge

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Imagine you live in a fantastical world where druids in a pathfinder sense were real. Imagine you were a druid. Now imagine if your wild shape was limited to one specific animal and you could have one animal companion. The questions I ask of you are what is your animal form and what is your animal companion. Those are the only two rules. Don't let other pathfinder mechanics or druid rules get in the way of your creativity. This is just a completely random question, BTW. I am just curious as to what responses I might get.

How many players is good for a tier one run of The Stolen Heir. I am DMing a home session of The Stolen Heir. Everyone is at level 1. It was five players plus me the dm. One dropped out. Should I recruit one more person, or is four enough for tier one run of The Stolen Heir?


The game is on February 14th so the quicker the response the better.

Thank you.

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I just purchased the Midgard Campaign setting by Kobold Press and I love it. Who all plays in the Midgard setting.
What are your favorite supplements for it?
What kind of character are you playing?
Anyone planning on getting Southlands?

I am trying to decide what race to play. I am thinking on a Gearforged from Zobeck.
Any suggestions?
Once Southlands comes out I am gonna play a werelion.

Grand Lodge

So I was looking at spells and saw one called summon elder worm. It is a 9th level druid spell that summons a purple worm. My first thought was "That's awesome!" Has anyone chosen this spell with their character. Is it practical or not that good? Is it awesome or not that cool?

BTW, the spell is from ultimate magic.

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Hello! This is my first time creating pathfinder archetypes. Feel free to use them. If you guys do use them, could you send me your build? I would love to see what you guys do with these, if anything at all.

Here they are. Enjoy!

Earthbreaker (Barbarian):
Concept: The Earth breaker draws strength from core of the planet and is given the power to break mountains.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Earthbreaker is proficient with all two-handed weapons, light armor and medium armor. This replaces normal weapon and armor proficiencies.
Mountain Stance (Ex): An Earthbreaker gains a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to CMD for overrun combat maneuvers, and on Reflex saves against trample attacks. She also gains a +1 bonus to her AC against charge attacks and on attack and damage rolls against charging creatures. She must be in contact with the earth (eg. not on a boat or indoors). This ability replaces fast movement.
Earth Infused (Ex): At 2nd level an Earthbreaker gains Acid resistance 5. This increases to 10 at 8th level, 15 at 15th level, and gains acid immunity at 20th level. This Replaces Uncanny Dodge.
Flesh of Stone (Su):At 5th level an Earthbreaker mas use Flesh of Stone. As an immediate action, your skin hardens like stone, dampening the impact of most attacks. You gain DR 1/adamantine. This DR increases by 1 for every 2 Barbarian levels you possess beyond 2nd. You can dismiss this effect as an immediate action, but otherwise it continues until you dismiss it. This replaces improved uncanny dodge.
Earthen Connection: At 3rd level an Earthbreaker gains tremorsense 10. This increases by 10 at every three levels thereafter. Also at 15th level an Earthbreaker gains a burrowing speed of half their movement speed. At 20th level an Earthbreaker gains a burrowing speed equal to their current speed. This replaces Trap Sense.

Possessed Rager (Barbarian):
Concept: The Possessed Rager allows an Ancestral Spirit into its body and draws on its strength.
Bonded Spirit: At first level a Possessed Rager Bonds with a shaman spirit. She gains one hex available from their bonded spirit. Your Barbarian level counts as your shaman level. Replaces 2nd level rage power.
Spirit Boon (Su): At 2nd level, whenever a possessed shaman fails a saving throw against a charm or compulsion spell or effect, she can attempt a new saving throw (using the original DC) at the end of her next turn as the spirit inside her attempts to regain control. If the saving throw is successful, the charm or compulsion effect ends. If the saving throw fails, she is affected as normal for the remainder of the duration. This replaces uncanny dodge.
Greater Bonded Spirit At 8th level a Possessed Rager gains the Greater Spirit shaman ability of her bonded spirit. This replaces the rage power gained at level 8.
True Bonded Spirit: At 16th level a Possessed Rager gains the Greater Spirit shaman abiility of her bonded spirit.
Manifestation: At 20th Level a Bonded Rager gains the Manifestation shaman ability of her bonded spirit. This replaces mighty rage.

Dragonslayer (Fighter):
Concept: The Dragonslayer spends a lifetime training to take on their greatest foe: Dragons.
Class skills: Dragonslayers gain knowledge (arcana) as a class skill.
Dragonheart: Dragonslayers gain the dragonheart feat regardless of requirements. Replaces 1st level bonus feat.
Dragonslayer: At 4th level Dragonslayers gain the dragonslayer feat regardless of requirements. Replaces 4th level bonus feat.
Dragonslayer's Tactics: Starting at 2nd level, a dragonslayer gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits vs dragons. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd. This replaces bravery.

Phantom Stranger (Gunslinger):
Concept: Phantom Strangers channel the power of the spirits of the deceased to bolster their abilities.
Saves: Phantom Stranger gains +2 Will save. Replaces +2 Fort save.
Cantrip: Phantom Stranger gains access to one cantrip or 0 level arcane spell as if they were a wizard. Their caster level is equal to their Gunslinger level. This replaces the 1st level deed.
See Invisibility: At 3rd level a Phantom Stranger may cast see invisibility as a spell like ability. This replaces the 3rd level deed.
Ghost Shot: At 8th level a Phantom Stranger treats her firearms as having ghost touch. Replaces 8th level bonus feat.

Saurian Savage (Barbarian):
Concept: Some tribes struggle to survive amongst dinosaurs. The Saurian Savage thrives.
Saurian Empathy: The Saurian Savage gains wild empathy with reptiles. She has a +1 bonus when using Saurian empathy on dinosaurs. This replaces trap senses.
Dinosaur Defence: At 4th level the Saurian Savage gains +2 dodge vs. Large and larger attackers. At 8th level this increases to +3 and gains +1 attack vs dinosaurs. This replaces the rage powers of levels 4 and 8.

Master of the Burning Fist (Monk):
Concept: The Master of the Burning Fist has a heart of fire and can convert his ki power into burning discipline.
Burning Ki Fist: The Master of the Burning Fist can spend 1 ki point to deal fire damage with their unarmed strike. They may spend 1 additional ki to deal +1 extra fire damage with their unarmed strike. This replaces Stunning fist.
Burning Ki Soul: When a Master of the Burning Fist is hit with an attack that would deal fire damage, he gains +wisdom modifier attack on his next melee attack. Replaces Purity of Body.
Elemental Form: As a standard action, the The Master of the Burning Fist assumes the form of a Huge (or smaller) fire elemental, as if using elemental body IV (fire), + fire resist 5, with a duration of 1 hour per level. The Master of the Burning Fist can use this ability once per day. This replaces Perfect Self.

Dreadrider (Cavalier):
Concept: While many cavaliers are inspiring warriors, the Dreadrider takes a different approach. Binding an infernal mount the Dreadrider aims to conquer the battlefield and spread their wrath across Golarion.
Fiendish Mount: At 1st level, a Dreadrider forms a bond with a strong, loyal companion that permits him to ride it as a mount. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the Dreadrider’s level as his effective druid level. The animal chosen as a mount must be large enough to carry the Dreadrider (Medium or Large for a Small character; Large or Huge for a Medium character). The Dreadrider does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. The mount is always considered combat trained, and begins play with Endurance as a bonus feat. A beast rider’s mount does not gain the share spells special ability. Each time the beast rider increases in level, he can choose to select a new, more impressive mount better suited to his increased power. Small-sized Dreadrider can choose a pony or wolf mount with the fiendish template at 1st level. At 4th level, a Small Dreadrider can also choose a hellhound, Mehrim Demon, or a boar with the fiendish template. Medium Dreadriders can choose a camel or horse mount with the fiendish template at 1st level. At 4th level, a Medium Dreadrider can also choose a Cauchemar Nightmare. A Dreadrider cannot choose a mount that is not capable of bearing his weight. Anytime a feat or ability allows a mount to make a hoof attack, it can make a claw, slam, or other analogous attack instead.This ability replaces the standard cavalier’s mount and expert trainer abilities, as well as shared spells.
Dread Banner: At 5th level, a Dreadrider’s banner becomes a symbol of Devestatiom to his enemies. As long as the Dreadrider’s banner is clearly visible, all enemies within 60 feet receive a -2 to saving throws against fear and a -1 to attack rolls made as part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels thereafter, The banner increases in effectiveness by 1 (eg. -2 becomes -3, and so on). The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the cavalier or his mount to function. This replaces the standard cavalier banner.

Elementalist (Druid):
Concept: Elementalists choose to gain mastery over the elements rather than over plants and animals.
Elemental Domain: The Elemental Shaman must choose Fire, Water, Earth, or Air Domain.
Bonus Language: Instead of Sylvan the Elementalist speaks the elemental language of their domain.
Elemental Wild Shape The Elementalist can only turn into an elemental (of their domain), and only as long as they meet the level requirements. The exception to this being the Elementalist can turn into a animal with the Element-Infused Creature Template with the element of their domain. They cannot Wild Shape at 4th level, but instead gains elemental resistance 5 of their domain’s element.This Replaces Wild Shape.
Second Elemental Domain: gain a second Elemental domain. Replaces woodland stride and Trackless Step.

Ape Lord (Barbarian):
Concept: Some barbarians find themselves having more in common with apes rather than their own species. Ape lords strive to rise to the top in Ape society and become king of the jungle.
Ape Empathy: Ape lord gains Wild Empathy limited to Apes. This Replaces Uncanny Dodge.
Monkey Athletics: As a free action, you may add a competence bonus equal to half your barbarian level (minimum of +1) on one Acrobatics, Climb, Disable Device, or Sleight of Hand check. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This Replaces Improved Uncanny Dodge.
Jungle Mastery: At 1st level The Ape Lord gains Woodland Stride (limited to Jungles). At 3rd level and every 3 levels afterwards the Ape Lord gains +1 to Stealth, Survival, and Perception in Jungles. This replaces Fast Movement and Trap Sense.

Shadow Boxer (Brawler):
Concept: Raised in the plane of shadows, Shadow Boxers have adapted traditional fighting techniques to be maximize effectiveness in combat.
Ghost Strike: At 5th level the Shadow Boxer treats her unarmed strike as ghost touch weapons. This replaces the 5th level Brawler's Strike.
Blindsense: At 8th level the Shadow Boxer gains blindsense. At 14th level she gains Blindsight. Replaces 8th and 14th bonus combat feats.
Touch of Darkness: On a successful unarmed strike, the Shadow Boxer can cause a creature's vision to be fraught with shadows and darkness. The creature touched treats all other creatures as if they had concealment, suffering a 20% miss chance on all attack rolls. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your Brawler level (minimum 1). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This replaces Brawler's Cunning.

Astral Druid (Druid):
Concept: Some druids are more fascinated by the vast cosmos than the natural world. Astral Druids tap into that cosmic potential.
Domains: Must take Darkness (Moon), Sun, or Void (Stars) Domains. If they select an animal companion they must select a Tiger, Shark, Bear, Boar, Crocodile, Wolf, Dire Rat, or Dire Bat.
Stardust: As a standard action, the Astral Druid causes stardust to materialize around one creature within 30 feet. This stardust causes the target to shed light as a candle, and it cannot benefit from concealment or any invisibility effects. The creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks. This penalty to attack rolls and Perception checks increases by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of –6 at 20th level. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to half the shaman’s level (minimum 1). Sightless creatures cannot be affected by this ability. The Astral Druid can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. Replaces Wild Empathy.
Voidwalker: At 3rd level, you gain low-light vision and resist cold and fire 5. At 9th level, you no longer need to breathe, as if wearing a necklace of adaptation. Replaces replaces trackless step and venom immunity.

Evolutionary Druid (Druid):
Concept: Shunned by most druids for their more unorthodox methods, Evolutionary Druids live by the ideas of natural selection and survival of the fittest.
Evolved Companion: Gain Evolved Companion feat regardless of requirements.This replaces nature sense.
Animal Companion: must pick an animal companion instead of a domain.
Self Evolution: At 4th level an Evolutionary Druid may tempoarily gain a 1 point evolution (as if using a summoner's aspect ability). At levels 8, 12, and 16, they gain an extra evolution point. She may do this once per day. The effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level, or until she changes back. At levels 6, 10, and 14, the number of times she may do this per day increases by 1. At level 20 an Evolutionary Druid gains an additional two evolution points and may cast this at will. She may only take evolutions available to bipedal base form eidolons, and may not take head. This replaces wild shape.

Grand Lodge

Are there certain professions to choose from, or can I make my own. For instance can I do Profession (gravedigger) or Profession (mortician)?

Grand Lodge

No one happens to have a spare or unwanted rebuild boon that they would be wiling to part with, do they?

I am new to pathfinder society and was disappointed that grippli was not playable. I don't have any boons to give away myself since, like I stated, I am new. If anyone is willing to part with this boon (or an oread, just sayin') it would make my day.

(I also live in germany, so I can't go to conventions, and I can't play very often due to time differences)

Sorry if anyone feels I am guilt-tripping you, that is not my intention. Rather I am just explaining my situation to eliminate people leaving comments such as "just go to a convention" or "Go get some boons and people will want to trade". I know this, I am just testing my luck.

And finally if anyone lives in the Stuttgart, Germany area, then please let me know, so that maybe we can play some pfs.

Grand Lodge

I'm not looking to trade, just wanting to hear about your goblin pc's from those few who have one.

But don't feel restricted if you don't have a goblin. Show of ANY race boon. I would love to get to know some of the pathfinder society's members of some more...exotic races.

(post in character or out of character, just as long as you give your name, class, race, and (if you feel like) it a back story (though back-stories would be highly appreciated, and I will read everything posted here, so, yeah)).

And if you have a wayang, kitsune, or nagaji, you still have some time to post here.

Grand Lodge

What are some characters (of the above categories) do you have ideas for and would love to play. I'll go first.

1. a gnome who worships Zyphus, is a mortician by trade and cleric by class (who never heals people), was raised by hags in a swamp, hates fey, and is grumpy as heck.


2. A kitsune (once they're available) who is a first worlder summoner who summons a little fey bunny thing, values beauty over all else (and envies the natural beauty of the fey), will multiclass as a lotus geisha bard, and is a total fem fatale.

I would love to see some others.

Grand Lodge

Does a druids animal companion come war trained.
If not is it possible to war train it.
If so how?

Grand Lodge

Hello all,
I am new to pathfinder society and am looking for a gm to run a level 1 scenario. I'm hoping some people will have interest in doing In service to lore, but will accept any offer I can get. I am available for play tomorrow (August 4th) and Thursday, Friday and Saturday (august 7th through 9th) though I can make exceptions (I am trying to play a tiefling before they go away), but cannot do Tuesday (august 5th) at all.

If anyone is willing to do a level 1 game (preferably In service to lore, but not exclusively) either as a gm or a player please post here.

I prefer roll20 and google hangouts.

Grand Lodge

is anyone willing to give away a race boon?

also when does wayang become available for use without a race boon?

My most desired races are

1. Skinwalker (skinwalker boons exist, right?)
2. Oread
3. Tiefling
4. Wayang (depending on how long until they become available)

I will accept anything people are willing to give away (even wayang, Kitsune, and Nagaji).

Hey a guy's gotta try, right?

Grand Lodge

Is the Stuttgart PFS still active?

If so where can I find more information?

Grand Lodge

Do you have to do the most recent Season? (could I start with season zero?)

Do you have to do the scenarios in order? (could I start with Mists of Mwangi?)

I really love the Mists of Mwangi scenario. My main guy (as well as my brother's main) live in the Mwangi Expanse.