
Bustral's page

18 posts. Organized Play character for philipjcormier.

Full Name





Inventor/1 [HP: 30/30] [AC: 18(20)] [fort: 8; reflex: 6; will: 8] [perception/initiative: +5] [Hero Points: 1/2]










Common, Dwarven, Ignan, Osiriani, Terran, Utopian

Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Bustral

HP: 17 AC: 17(19) Initative: 4 Perception: 4
Fort: 6 Reflex: 4 Will: 6 Speed: 25'

Ancestry: Automation
Heritage: Warrior
Background: Reinforced Chassis

Sword, long: +6(7); 1d8+3(4)
Dagger: +6(7); 1D4+3(4); versitile, thrown(10'; +4; 1d4+3); agile, finesse
Fist: +6; 1d6+3
Warhammer: +6(7); 1d8+3(4)

SKILLS: acrobatics (T; 4); athletics (T; 6); crafting (T; 6); diplomacy (T; 3); Lore (Alkenstar; T; 6); Lore (Automaton; T; 6); Lore (Brigh; T; 6); Lore (Pathfinder Society(T; 6); medicine (T; 4); society (T; 6).


Automaton Core:

Your body contains an automaton core infused with planar quintessence that grants you power to perform various tasks and houses your soul and life energy. This life energy flows through you much like the blood of humanoids. As a result, you are a living creature. You don’t have the typical construct immunities, can be affected by effects that target a living creature, and can recover Hit Points normally via positive energy. Additionally, you are not destroyed when reduced to 0 Hit Points. Instead, your life energy attempts to keep you active even in dire straits; you are knocked out and begin dying when reduced to 0 Hit Points (Core Rulebook 459).

Constructed Body:

Your physiological needs are different than those of living creatures. You don’t need to eat or drink. You don’t need to sleep, but you still need a daily period of rest. During this period of rest, you must enter a recuperating standby state for 2 hours, which is similar to sleeping except you are aware of your surroundings and don’t take penalties for being unconscious. Much like with sleeping, if you go too long without entering your standby state, you become fatigued and can’t recover until you enter standby for 2 hours.

Low-light Vision:

The creature can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light.


Warrior Automaton:

Sporting a bulkier, powerful design, your body has been designed for combat. You have a bulky, humanoid shape. The damage die for your fist increases to 1d6 instead of 1d4. You don’t take a penalty when making a lethal attack with your fist or any other unarmed attack.


Reinforced Chassis:

Your body is designed to be particularly resilient. Your chassis is medium armor in the plate armor group that grants a +3 item bonus to AC, a Dex cap of +1, a check penalty of –2, a speed penalty of –5 feet, and a Strength value of +3. You can never wear other armor or remove your chassis; however, you still don’t become fatigued from sleeping. Finally, you can etch armor runes onto your chassis as normal.
The Reinforced Chassis uses the Automaton's uses their unarmored proficiency

BACKGROUND: Emissary: (Grundur's Trinkets and Toys.)

As a diplomat or messenger, you traveled to lands far and wide. Communicating with new people and forming alliances were your stock and trade. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Society skill and a Lore skill related to one city you’ve visited often. You gain the Multilingual skill feat.

Inventor Class DC: 16(17)

Innovation: Construct

Category Innovation Source: Innovation, user-added
Description: Your innovation is a mechanical creature, such as a clockwork construct made of cogs and gears. It’s a prototype construct companion (page 32), and you can adjust most of its base statistics by taking feats at higher levels, such as Advanced Companion. If you use the Overdrive action, your construct gains the same Overdrive benefits you do, and it also takes the same amount of fire damage on a critical failure. You know how to spend additional time directing, controlling, or programming your construct innovation for a more complex plan of action. You can spend 2 actions to Command instead of 1 when commanding your construct companion; your construct companion can then use an additional action (normally 3 actions, rather than 2).
If your companion is destroyed, you can spend 1 day of downtime and attempt a Crafting check with a high DC for your level. On a success, you rebuild your companion. You can have only one construct companion at a time, and you can have either a construct companion or an animal companion, but not both.
Choose one initial construct modification to apply to your innovation, either from the following or from other initial construct modifications to which you have access. These modifications alter the construct’s abilities or form. Note: Chosen: Variable Core (Electricity):

Variable Core (Electricity):

Feat: 1 Traits: Inventor, Modification Source: Inventor (Class Feats Selection), user-added
Description: You adjust your innovation’s core, changing the way it explodes. When you choose this feat, select acid, cold, or electricity. Your innovation’s core runs on that power source. When using the Explode action, or any time your innovation explodes on a critical failure and damages you, change the damage type from fire damage to the type you chose. If you have the offensive boost class feature and retrain Variable Core to a different damage type, you can also switch to a different offensive boost that deals the same damage type if you wish.
– Key Traits –
Modification: An ability with this trait alters your innovation’s construction. If you have the reconfigure class feature (Guns & Gears 20), you can retrain these feats more easily


Action: 2 Traits: Fire, Inventor, Manipulate, Unstable
Source: Inventor, granted option Range: 5 ft. emanation
Saving Throw: DC 16 basic Reflex Npte: electric damage instead of fire.
Description: You intentionally take your innovation beyond normal safety limits, making it explode and damage nearby creatures without damaging the innovation... hopefully. The explosion deals 2d6 fire damage with a basic Reflex save to all creatures in a 5-foot emanation around you (if you’re wearing or holding the innovation) or around your innovation (if your innovation is a minion). At 3rd level, and every level thereafter, increase your explosion’s damage by 1d6. If you have the breakthrough innovation class feature, you can choose either a 5-foot or 10-foot emanation for the area when you use Explode; if you have the revolutionary innovation class feature, you can choose a 5-foot, 10-foot, or 15-foot emanation.


Action:1 Traits: Inventor, Manipulate Frequency: 1/rd.
Source: Inventor, granted option Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: DC 15 Skill Check
Description: Temporarily cranking the gizmos on your body into overdrive, you try to add greater power to your attacks. Attempt a Crafting check that has a standard DC for your level.

Critical Success: Your gizmos go into a state of incredible efficiency called critical overdrive, adding great power to your attacks. Your Strikes deal additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier for 1 minute. After the Overdrive ends, your gizmos become unusable as they cool down or reset, and you can’t use Overdrive for 1 minute.
Success: Your gizmos go into overdrive, adding power to your attacks. As critical success, except the additional damage is equal to half your Intelligence modifier.
Failure: You make a miscalculation and nothing happens.
Critical Failure: Whoops! Something explodes. You take fire(electrical) damage equal to your level, and you can't use Overdrive again for 1 minute as your gizmos cool down and reset.
Special: When under the effects of Overdrive, you can still use the Overdrive action. You can’t extend your Overdrive’s duration this way, but you can turn an overdrive into a critical overdrive if you critically succeed. A failure has no effect on your current Overdrive, and you end your Overdrive on a critical failure.

Peerless Inventor:

Source Inventor, granted option
Description: You are constantly inventing, and your skill at crafting is unimpeachable. You gain the Inventor skill feat, even if you don’t meet its prerequisites.
– Added Abilities –
Inventor: You are a genius at Crafting, easily able to determine how things are made and create new inventions. You can spend downtime to invent a common formula that you don’t know. This works just like the Craft activity: you spend half the Price of the formula up front, attempt a Crafting check, and on a success either finish the formula by paying the difference or work for longer to decrease the Price. The difference is that you spend the additional time in research, design, and development, rather than in creating an item. Once it’s complete, you add the new formula you invented to your formula book.

Shield Block:

Source: Inventor, granted option
You gain the Shield Block general feat (Core Rulebook 266), a reaction that lets you reduce damage with your shield.
– Added Abilities –
Shield Block (1st level): You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.


Dagger; longsword; warhammer; steel shield; backpack; basic crafters book; climbing kit; clothing (Ordinary; winter); Flint & steel; formula book; repair kit; Writing set, healer's kit.

Formula Book:

Crying angel pendant; Jade cat; potency crystal; runestone.