
'Bulldog' Lothar's page

71 posts. Alias of PhilOfCalth.

Full Name

Ian 'Bulldog' Lothar




Scum / 2




1.75m - 60kg



Special Abilities

FP: 3/3 Wounds: 13/13




Low Gothic, Necromunda Hive Dialect


Inquisitorial Agent

About 'Bulldog' Lothar

Build: Lean Age: Adult 30 Skin Colour: Stained - Fair Hair Colour: Dyed - Dark Green Eyes: Green Quirk: Bullet Wound Scar
Divination: "There are no civilians in the battle for survival"


WS: 33
BS: 36
Str: 30
T: 33
Ag: 39
Int: 33
Per: 34
WP: 31
Fel: 37

Corruption: 0 Insanity: 0

Skills - Talents - Traits:

Basic Skills: Carouse{T}, Charm{Fel}, Climb{S}, Command{Fel}, Contortionist{Ag},Disguise{Fel}, Gamble{Int}, Intimidate{S}, Logic {int}, Scrutiny{Per}, Search{Per}, Silent Move{Ag}, Swim{S}
Skills: Awareness{Per}, Barter{Fel}, Blather{Fel}, Common Lore{Imperium}, Concealment{Ag}, Dodge{Ag}, Deceive{Fel}, Evaluate{Int}, Inquiry{Fel}, Medicate{Int}, Speak Language (Low Gothic, Necromunda Hive Dialect){Int}
Talents: Ambidextrous, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Weapon Training (SP), Basic Weapon Training(SP), Heavy Weapon Training(SP)


Weapons: Autogun (30/30) 3 reloads {S/3/10 1d10+3 I, pen 0, full} with silencer
Autopistol (16/16){S/-/6 I, 1d10+2, pen 0, full} 2 reloads
Stub revolver(6/6) {S/-/- I, 1d10+3, pen 0, full, reliable} 1 reload
Hand Cannon loaded with Man Stopper rounds(5/5){S/-/- I, 1d10+4, pen 5, full} 2 reloads, 2 spare bullets
Firebomb (2) {E, 1d10+3, pen 6, blast 3}
Baton(club) {1d10 I, pen 0}
Knife {1d5, pen 0}
Armour: Flak Jacket (head, arms, body, legs 3)
Thrones: 68
Equipment: Street Ware (Poor quality clothing), Dataslate with orders, Vial of Blue Paint, manacles, Medi-kit (+20 to medicate, 6 doses of stim), personal vox, lamp pack
For sale -
Quilted vest

Special Rules:

Accustomed To Crowds: Crowds to not count as difficult terrain. No penalty to (or Ag test for) Running or Charging through crowds.
Caves Of Steel: treat Tech Use (Int) as a Basic Skill.
Hivebound: -10 Penalty to all Survival Tests. When outside a “proper hab” they take a -5 penalty to all Int tests.
Wary: +1 to all Initiative rolls.
Hive Gang Member: Gives Concealment and Evaluate skills and the Heavy Weapon Training(SP) talent.

Experience spend:

Experience: 400xp Unspent Experience: 0xp
Hive Gang Member - 200xp
+5 Ag - 100xp
Barter - 100xp
Inquiry - 100xp
Medicate - 200xp


Ian Lothar was once an enforcer trained to infiltrate the underhive gangs of Necromunda. During assignment, posing as a hired gun working for an Esher gang Lothar heard the rumor of a plot to raid the enforcer barracks for weapons. He rushed to warn his colleagues of the attack but when he returned to the barracks all he found was ruin.
Knowing that the Arbites would be called and that the incident would be blamed on him, Lothar fled deep into the underhive. He took on his undercover identity "Bulldog", and hunted for rumors and clues about the gang that attacked his barracks. All the while watching over his shoulder for the Arbites on his trail.
It was years later that Inquisitor Vownus Kaede found him while in need of a loyal hired gun in the underhive. So much time had passed that Lothar had almost forgotten his old life and his real name. He referred to himself only as Bulldog. The Inquisitor offered Lothar a way to serve the Imperium again, it was an offer the ex-enforcer couldn't refuse.

Bulldog has always had a fascination with weaponry, particularly pistols. Unusual and high quality weapons interest him greatly. Although he knows that it is heresy to use a xenos weapon he will always wish in examining it.

Bulldog would never steal from those he considers lawful or those who work for the Imperium, but he he has no problem steeling from the lawless, the heretic or the traitor.

Campaign Notes:

Lines of Inquiry:
Ghostfire Crop: Where collected? Side effects of raw pollen?
Psyker Coven: Strange group of individuals? Effects follows members of the group. Disagree with the cathedral.
Individual psyker: Someone with strange abilities? Acting differently? Sick? Disagrees with the cathedral.
Deamon incursion: Why was this location picked? Who is the Crow Father? Is there anything known about him in history or lore? History of the planet?

What do we know about this planet?
What are the Sisters of Battle like? What is their abby like? Is it far from Port Suffering or Stern Hope?
Is Stern Hope defended? Is there anything strange about it? Are there any rumors about it? Is there any particular reason why that location was chosen? Is it located on a hill?
Examples of these strange Phenomena? Do they have any common attributes?
Why was this location chosen? What else has changed about the time that the phenomena started?
What else happened about the time that the phenomena began?

"'crow father' with two or three faces commin' back, something about a hill runnin' with blood" - From 'the Prophet'"
"The Wise One's have seen darkness brought from afar!"
"legends claim Saint Drusus, back when he was a General, overthrew a powerful Daemon on this world"
"an heirloom of Saint Drusus himself, and the Abbot was very generous with his thanks, sending me this deck in gratitude for my aid in this matter" - Aristarchus on the pack of emperor's tarot