Lord Glorio Arkona

Bryus Furgonov's page

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About Bryus Furgonov

An orphaned nobleman with an insidious curse must rely on his wits and his superhuman strength to investigate strange events transpiring in the capital of Krionberg.

Bryus was born to wealthy parents, but they were tragically cut down as a result of court intrigues, and their son was smuggled out of the country to live in the wilderness with an old friend, an ancient elf named Aelfraed who promised to look after him. He has always been curious about the circumstances that led to his exile, and suspects they have something to do with the mild form of lycanthropy that he has possessed since he came of age. Fortunately, thanks to his adopted father's knowledge of alchemy and herbalism, Bryus has learned to keep the effects in check through a regimen of bitter weed-based concoctions that he drinks regularly.
Bryus is generally unkempt, with shaggy hair and beard and travel-stained clothes like some kind of wilderness ranger. His dark eyes occasionally glint with red when they catch the light. His voice is low and weighed down with gravel, but he appears unusually strong and sharp-witted. He carries a short bow on his shoulder and a long hunting spear across his back, and he wears bulky armor made of lacquered horn.

Race Human
Alignment N
Class(es) Investigator // Shifter

Str 17 (+3) (15[base]+2[race])
Dex 10 (+0) (10[base])
Con 14 (+2) (14[base])
Int 17 (+3) (15[base]+2[race])
Wis 10 (+0) (10[base])
Cha 7 (-2) (7[base])

HP 13 (10[HD]+2[CON]+1[FCB])

AC 15 (10+5[armor])
AC, touch 10 (10+0[DEX])
AC, no Dex 15 (10+5[armor])

Initiative +2 (0[DEX]+2[trait])

Speed 20' (medium armor)

Fortitude +4 (2[base]+2[CON])
Reflex +2 (2[base]+0[DEX])
Will +2 (2[base]+0[WIS])

BAB +1
CMB +4 (+1[BAB]+3[STR])
CMD 14 (10+1[BAB]+3[STR]+0[DEX])

• bite: +4* (1d4+4* bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage, 20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+3[STR], -1[*Power Attack]; damage: 1d4+3[STR]+1[.5xSTR], +3[*Power Attack])
• composite shortbow: +1 (1d6+3, 20/x3)
(attack: +1[BAB]+0[DEX]; damage: 1d6+3[STR])
• masterwork longspear: +5* (1d8+4* piercing damage, 20/x3)
(attack: +1[BAB]+3[STR]+1[enhancement], -1[*Power Attack]; damage: 1d8+3[STR]+1[.5xSTR], +3[*Power Attack])

• lamellar (horn) (armor: +5, max Dex: +3, ACP: -4)

Human Dual Talent; favored class bonus (investigator): +1 hp

Traits Accelerated Drinker (drink readied potion as move action), Adopted (elf), Rich Parents* (900 gp), Warrior of Old* (+2 initiative, from Adopted)

Feats Power Attack (level 1)

Skills (adventuring) (ACP -4)
Heal +4* (1[rank]+0[WIS]+3[class], free inspiration*)
Knowledge (arcana) +7* (1[rank]+3[INT]+3[class], free inspiration*)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7* (1[rank]+3[INT]+3[class], free inspiration*)
Knowledge (local) +7* (1[rank]+3[INT]+3[class], free inspiration*)
Knowledge (nature) +7* (1[rank]+3[INT]+3[class], free inspiration*)
Knowledge (planes) +7* (1[rank]+3[INT]+3[class], free inspiration*)
Knowledge (religion) +7* (1[rank]+3[INT]+3[class], free inspiration*)
Perception +4 (1[rank]+0[WIS]+3[class])
Survival +4** (1[rank]+0[WIS]+3[class], free inspiration*, +1[*track])

Skills (background) (ACP -4)
Knowledge (geography) +7* (1[rank]+3[INT]+3[class], free inspiration*)
Knowledge (nobility) +7* (1[rank]+3[INT]+3[class], free inspiration*)

Languages Common, Druidic*, Elvish, Nordic, Russian*, Sylvan

Investigator (Empiricist / Natural Philosopher) alchemy, extracts (CL 1), inspiration, natural philosopher's inspiration, track

Extracts prepared
1st (x2): cure light wounds, enlarge person, heightened awareness, long arm, shield; empty (2/2)

Shifter (Weretouched) lycanthrope aspect (bat), lycanthropic empathy, shifter aspect, shifter claws 1d4, wild empathy

Equipment alchemist's fire x2 (40 gp), composite shortbow (Str +3, 375 gp), durable arrows x20 (20 gp), grappling hook (2 gp), horn lamellar armor (100 gp), investigator's kit (41 gp; canteen for waterskin), masterwork longspear (305 gp), rope (100', 2 gp), traveler's outfit; 175 gp remaining