Bryant Durrell's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Vic Wertz wrote:
We did switch printers with this one, and we spec'd out the same paper weight as previous Flip-Mats... but it appears that this printer's paper stock is slightly more flexible at the same weight. So we got in some samples, and this time selected for rigidity instead of weight, so future Flip-Mats will be as rigid as they were before, but they'll actually be slightly heavier.

Thanks! Yeah, that's exactly what it feels like -- more flexible, not less sturdy. I think I'll like the final decision you went with. I appreciate the insight into the process.

Does this mat use a different paper than previous ones? It feels somewhat thinner -- not in an unacceptable way, but definitely different. (Sorry if this is a duplicate; I can't see my previous post to this effect.)

Has the paper changed for this flip mat? It feels a bit different than my other flip mats -- not bad, just different. Or I could be totally wrong.

I have a subscription, so I'll get this in a week or so anyhow, but... is the flip side of this a plain field with a road, or does it have more outpost on it? (I'm kind of hoping the former, but the latter is cool too.)