Brunius's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.


Sovereign Court

What even happened to this thread?

Sovereign Court

I think in the old guide they all had an alignment next to their description...

Found my old guide (3.0.3) and for the original five -
Andoran - NG
Cheliax - LE
Osirion - LN
Qadira - TN
Taldor - TN

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything like that for the newer five. I'd class Sczarni as LN personally, but I don't know much about them.

Sovereign Court

Can't wait! Any idea how much of this will be legal for society play?

Sovereign Court

Helaman wrote:

You can pre-prep the blanch weapons, right? what book do I find ghost salt in?

Ghost Salt is in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide

Sovereign Court

Any word on how much of this will be Pathfinder Society legal? This is pretty much all my local group plays, so it's a pretty large factor in my decision making process whether it's legal.

Sovereign Court

Uhh,I'm the rogue in question, and the DM didn't rule that. He ruled that they just got to re-roll their perception check.