
Brunhilde Olafsdottir's page

338 posts. Organized Play character for Alex Mack.

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The thief rogue gets the following ability:

When you attack with a finesse melee weapon, you can add your Dexterity modifier to damage rolls instead of your Strength modifier.

So does that mean a dagger (finesse, melee, thrown: 10 feet) can add dex to damage when thrown? Or does the status of being in the air remove the melee trait?

In my mind the way it is worded means it's intended to work this way (but not with a javelin) because otherwise they could have said:

You add your dex to damage with melee strikes with finesse weapons.

Do you have any cool builds you want to share?

Being a big fan of Big Sticks I've been fiddling around with a barbarian. As I like damage I went for a Dwarven Barbarian with the giant totem.

Dwarf Barb
STR 18 DEX 14 CON 16 INT 10 WIS 12 CHA 8

Ancient Blood
Sudden Charge
Raging Athlete/ Sudden Leap

Maul +4 1d12+10

Not sure where to take it from here but prolly cleave feats and investing skills and feats in athletics, survival and possibly intimidate? I only get my first point of resonance at level 4 so that might be a bit late?

The Soverign Blade Samurai Archetype gains the following ability at 4th level:

Golden Armor (Su)

At 4th level, a sovereign blade can spend one use of her resolve to cause her armor to become golden for 1 round per class level, gaining energy resistance equal to 1/2 her samurai level against one energy type of her choice.

This ability replaces mounted archer.

Question what type of action does it take to use the ability? Most uses of resolve are either a standard or immediate action. For this ability it would prolly make most sense as a swift action but sadly the wording is missing.

The Beastkin Berserker was pointed out as a better shifter in the shifter discussion thread. After running some numbers I tend to agree but wanted to see if other folks have come up with good builds. What does it give?

a) Utility (at level 5 you have free action access to fly,climb and swim speed)
b)Lots of natural atacks. Pretty sure you can pair your forms natural attacks with those gained through rage powers so at level 4 you can easily sport 6 attacks (2xclaws, 2xtalons, gore and bite)
c) Pounce come level 8
d) Even more STR than a normal Barbarian

- No armor on a martial is bound to hurt. Your best bet early on is prolly mage armor. Later Wild armor + naturl armor makes you competitive. Also the Archetype stacks with Invulnerable Rager or Savage technologist.
- Utility is limited by your number of rage rounds. This means you really want to stay a single class Barb.

Apropos Savage technologist. You can prolly build a small monkey that's super hot with a musket... hilarious... A halfling turning tiny could make use of Risky Striky pretty much always so there's also potential for a dex based build (Especially with Savage Technologist).

With the introduction of the Order of the Blossom Cavalier there are now three different Full BAB variants which grant a SA die at level 1 or 2.

Snakebite Striker Brawler which grants SA at level 1.

Monk of the Mantis

Order of the Blossom Cavalier

This can be further coplemented with Accoplished Sneak Attacker and possibly the Precise Strike Teamwork Feats.

Are there any Prestige classes that grant full BAB and sneak attack? All I can think of is low Templar which seems sorta meh...

So how can I maximize Sneak Attack Dice while maintaining full BAB and getting a decent amount of attacks?

What are the best ways to get off consistent sneak attacks? I've been thinking along the lines of auto flaking via either Pack Flanking or Tribal Hunter (the updated version from Adventerurer's guide) and an animal companion or Vlet Familiar. Dazzling Blade would also work nicely with order of the blossom but seems hard to pull off...

I'm trying to figure out if there is any point in using feral combat training with a bite attack. The appealing part is that you get 1 1/2 STR and 2 handed power attack if it's your only natural attck. But I'm unsure whether you can get an extra bite ttack from your Ki-Pool and whether you can use your bite as your Style strike attack.

Also I'm not quite sure which size increases will stack.

So for starters the naga bloodline for Bloodragers gets you a D8 bite. The wording below makes me believe that it's always on.

Serpent Fangs (Su): At 1st level, you grow serpentine fangs. These fangs are treated as a natural weapon, granting you a bite attack as a primary natural weapon. This attack deals damage equal to 1d8 (1d6 if you are Small) + your Strength modifier. At 4th level, your fangs are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 8th level, the damage increases to 1d10 (1d8 if you are Small) + your Strength modifier.

This can be combined with the atavism Totem Rage Power for a d10 bite.

Atavism Totem, Lesser (Su): The barbarian gains a bite
attack; if she already has a bite attack, it deals damage as if
the barbarian were one size larger.

So can you further improve this with Lead Bldes for and Enlarge person for 3d8 damage or are you limited to enlarge for 2d8?

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By combining the Ravener Hunter Inquisitor with the Life Link Revelation and the Urgathoa's Hunger Divine Fighting Technique you can build an Ordin who empowers his healing with vicious bloodshed!

The combo works smoothly from level one and especially at early levels "Healing" from Urgathoa's Hunger easily beats a paladins Lay on Hands. And the best thing about it is that the more dmage you can dish out on a single hit the more HPs you gain in return. With Bane up you are easily dishing out 25 damage per hit at level 5 and should you ever crit...

This can be supplemented with Fast Healing from Judgement. The following build uses the the Dwarven FCB to further improve Fast Healing.


TN Dwarf Ravener Hunter Inquisitor 11

STR 17 DEX 8 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 18 CHA 5

Dwarven Favored Class Bonus goes into Healing Judgement

Fast Drinker?
Fate’s Favored

1 Urgathoa’s Hunger /Judgement/ Life Link Revelation
3 Power Attack/ Demon Hunter (how ironic)
5 Heavy Armor Proficiency
6 Solo Tactics Teamwork Feat
7 Toughness
8 Revelation: Spirit Boost Second Judgement
9 Weapon Focus/ Teamwork Feat
11 Improved Critical

Equipment: STR Belt, Headand of Wisdom, +X Scythe

Spells ?

Any ideas for further improving on this? Any spells synergies I'm missing out on here?

I'm inclined to try a more offensively minded build that uses Sanctified Slayer to further boost damage, but haven't found any convenient ways to Sneak Attack besides flanking.

So I'm trying to put together a build which uses at least 2 levels of the Deepwater Rager Barbarian. At level 2 it gains the following ability:

Spiraling Charge (Ex): At 2nd level, a deepwater rager is not required to move in a straight line when she charges, provided that no space she moves into while charging is farther away from her target than the space that she is leaving. The deepwater rager must be able to see her target at the beginning of her charge and cannot use this ability while mounted.

And combine that with the following Rage Power from Villain Codex:

Two-Fanged Pounce (Ex): If the barbarian is wielding
a pair of daggers, kukris, or punching daggers, she can
attack once with each of the two weapons when she charges.
If she does, she loses the bonus on attack rolls for charging
and takes an additional –2 penalty to her AC, and she applies
precision damage or effects that occur on a hit only once,
even if she hits with both attacks.

So this combo works from level 2 onwards and can be further enhanced with Rhino Hide and Erratic Charge. However it also means I will usully be taking a -6 penalty to AC and putting a pretty big target on my forehead after ripping into enemies (if I fail to kill em in one round). So the question is, how do I craft a semi survivable build?

A few options I was considering:
- Unchained Barbarian for the temporry HPs?
- Mundo CON and Toughness?
- Swashbuckler for Parry and Riposte?
- Stacking debuffs on my charge attack (but no idea how...)

I really want to make this work so lemme hear your thoughts!

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So here's a new nifty teamwork feat from the adventurer's guide.

Tribal Hunter (Combat, Teamwork)
You are trained to take down large prey as part of a group.
Prerequisite: Animal Affinity.
Benefit: When you and an ally with this feat are adjacent
to an opponent that is larger than either of you, you both
are considered to be flanking the opponent as long as you
remain adjacent to it.

I'm asking myself. What if a creature sans natural reach (tiny or smaller) is adjacent to your foe? Are you considered flanking even when the creature is not flanking? I'm a bit confused as it doesn't call out threatening at all...

This a nifty rage power from Planes of Power. My question is can it be combined with moonlight stalker?

Hshurha’s Veil (Su): When raging, the barbarian can use
Stealth, and she gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her barbarian
level on Stealth checks plus the benefits of concealment
against ranged attacks and attacks of opportunity.

Moonlight Stalker: While you have concealment from an opponent, you gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against that opponent.

I'm building a natural attack based supernaturalist druid.

It gets to add spells from the psychic spell list. What are some of the best spells from psychic spell list for this purpose?

I'll likely be starting with a WIS of 14 to 16 so save based spells aren't my highest priority. I'm looking more at combat buffs or utility spells.

Thanks for your input!

The Villain Codex has introduced some very interesting new firearms which are powered by Dragoon cartridges.

Dragoon Cartridges:

TYPE ammunition
These clips of alchemical cartridges hold three bullets and fit the
slot of either the dragoon musket or the dragoon pistol. They
allow the wielder of those firearms to fire up to three shots in
quick succession without the need to reload. Once the cartridge
is spent, reloading another dragoon cartridge takes a full-round
action, no matter the type of dragoon firearm in question. Rapid
Reload can reduce the action time required, but abilities like
the musket master’s fast musket have no effect. Unlike other
alchemical cartridges, dragoon cartridges don’t increase a dragoon
firearm’s misfire chance by 1. Dragoon cartridges can be used only
with dragoon firearms.

My question is, assuming you are a gunslinger or have the gunsmithing feat, what is the price of these cartridges in PFS?

3 GP because it has the ammunition type and should be treated as such and thus cost 1/10th of the list price?

15 GP because it is specifically called out as an alchemical cartridge and thus it costs half of the list price?

Thanks for your consideration!

So I have a strong preference to play martials. But I wanted to try something else for a change so I'd like to build a pure caster.

I really don't like prepared casting so I was thinking Oracle.

What I want to achieve is to have high DCs (but what school to specialize on) and good action economy (different uses for Swift, move and standard actions) some skills and a bit of survivability.

So now I'm really looking for ideas regarding useful, spells, revelations and feats.

So the or-archetypes---paizo/ravener-hunter-inquisitor Inquisitor was made legal for PFS. And it grants inquisitors accces to 2 revelations instead of one domain or inquisition. Seems to me like this can be a very favorable trade so I'm looking into possible builds.

Some initial ideas:

The obvious Battle Mystery for access to all martial weapons and heavy armor.

The Life mystery for a single class Oradin. A Dwarf Inquisitor who takes the Dwarf FCB can get fast healing 5 at level 8.

Wood Mystery archer inquisitors get nice static to hit bonuses making the combo pretty crazy.

Also you can stack Ravener Hunter with Sanctified Slayer and a few other interesting Archetypes.

So do folks have any other cool ideas?

So let's say my trust +1 Furious Greatsword rests in a Scabbard of Vigor.

I draw it forth the Greatsword and decide to impart a +3 enhancement bonus to the weapon. So it is now a +3 Furious Weapon correct?

If I now start to rage that makes it a +5 weapon. Correct?

What if I was already raging when I draw it?

Also out of curiosity...why do so many people seem to believe the scabbard takes up the Belt Slot? Is that just pfsrd screwing everyone?

Scabbard of Vigor


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So an awful lot of books have come out in the last two months which include plenty of fun new character options which I, and prolly a few more folks, am excited to try out.

Any info whether we will be getting an Additional Resources update soon or a big one which will also cover material up to Paths of Righteous?

Thank you!

Edit: Ewwwwww Baaaabay!

So I got somewhat excited when I found out about this Archetype yesterday.

You get 6th level spontaneous casting from a nice spell list and Rage! While raging you can get some nice bonuses like a +4 shield bonus at level 3 the emotional aura at level 7 and 2 swift action attacks at level 8.

Gotta be awesome right? Well you also have a d8 HD and only simple weapons and light armor to go with that's far less awesome.

Also seems like you can't really cast while raging... so that's kinda gimped. Also I'm not sure if you can utilize Furious Equipment...

So my first impression is that this functions a bit like a vigilante. In your normal state you can cast and be good at social skills (particularly with dedication focus which seems like the best focus) and in you're rapture state you turn into carnage machine (at least from level 8 onwards).

Anyone built or maybe even played one of these?

I didn't see any Campaign Clarification on the Scarred Rager so I'm pretty sure that you can use it to rage cycle, (i.e. end your rage on your turn become fatigued for one round and then on your initiative count re-enter rage).

Anyone tried this out in PFS? I noticed that there's actually a level 13 char who played through the campaign as a scarred rager...

So I put together this amazing Bloodrager build which utilizes Metamagic rager and the Magical Lineage and Wayang Spellhunter traits along with quicken spell. But can you combine the traits and the metamagic rager ability?

From my reading both require you to apply a metamagic feat and once that happens the spell level reduction of Magical Lineage kicks in and the cost in rage rounds is reduced.

Magical Lineage
Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell that add at least 1 level to the spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell's final adjusted level.

Metamagic Rager
At 5th level, a metamagic rager can sacrifice additional rounds of bloodrage to apply a metamagic feat he knows to a bloodrager spell. This costs a number of rounds of bloodrage equal to twice what the spell's adjusted level would normally be with the metamagic feat applied (minimum 2 rounds).
The metamagic rager does not have to be bloodraging to use this ability. The metamagic effect is applied without increasing the level of the spell slot expended, though the casting time is increased as normal. The metamagic rager can apply only one metamagic feat he knows in this manner with each casting. Additionally, when the metamagic rager takes a bloodline feat, he can choose to take a metamagic feat instead.

Well actually I'm pretty sure it can, but is it possible to trigger it when you get an AoO? I'm thinking yes, but I'm also thinking that I must declare the use of the Bodywraps before my initial AoO is resolved. Thus if the AoO misses the use of Fortutious might be wasted.


This special ability can be placed only on melee weapons. A fortuitous weapon grants the wielder more attacks of opportunity. Once per round, when the wielder of a fortuitous weapon hits with an attack of opportunity, he can make a second attack of opportunity with this weapon against that foe at a –5 penalty.

Body Wraps of Mighty Strikes:

Once per round, the wearer may add an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on one attack and damage roll for an unarmed strike or natural attack (for one specific attack, not all attacks made with an unarmed strike that round). The wearer may use this item an additional time per round when his BAB reaches +6, +11, and +16.

Choosing to enhance an unarmed strike is not an action and may occur when it is not the wearer’s turn (such as when making an attack of opportunity). The wearer must decide to use the item before the attack roll is made, but does not have to expend all uses at the same time. For example, if the wearer can use the item twice per round, he can use it once on his turn when making an attack and save the second for the possibility of making an attack of opportunity.

Additionally, the bodywrap can grant melee weapon special abilities to a creature’s unarmed attacks, so long as those special abilities to be added apply to unarmed attacks. See Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities for a list of abilities. Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. Any special abilities are set at the time of creation. A bodywrap of mighty strikes cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +7. Unlike an amulet of mighty fists, a bodywrap needs to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.

Thank you for your input!

Hey, title say it all can I get precise strike damage when two weapon fighting with two gauntlets using this style?

Shield Gauntlet Style:

When using this style, if you begin your turn wearing a gauntlet or spiked gauntlet on your off hand, and you are not using that hand to hold or make attacks with any other weapons or shield, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC. You lose this shield bonus whenever you attack with your gauntlet or hold a weapon or shield in that hand. While receiving this shield bonus to AC, your gauntlet or spiked gauntlet is treated as a buckler for the purpose of using other feats and abilities (though you are also considered to have a free hand).


While using Shield Gauntlet Style, you no longer lose your shield bonus to AC when you attack with your gauntlet (or spiked gauntlet) or use it to hold a weapon. In addition, you add your gauntlet’s enhancement bonus to the shield bonus to AC granted by this feat as if it were a shield enhancement bonus.

Precise Strike (Ex):
At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike precisely with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt. To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler. She can even use this ability with thrown light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, so long as the target is within 30 feet of her. Any creature that is immune to sneak attacks is immune to the additional damage granted by precise strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature from critical hits also protects a creature from the additional damage of a precise strike.

I guess the question comes down to does Shield Gauntlet Style meet the "To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler." requirement of the precise strike ability.

So I had this nifty idea for a Savage Technologist/Medium Build for PFS which uses Natural Weapons to do pretty crazy damage in melee. Since both Savage Technologists Rage and the Medium's static to hit and damage modifiers benefit Ranged Attacks it would be fairly easy to make the build semi decent at archery or firearms. Thus I was wondering whether building a Treantmonk Style switch hitter might be a good idea.

However I've been wondering whether this is tactically beneficial in PFS where you have:

a) fairly small battle maps
b) encounters which tend to include few but powerful enemies
c) fellow explorers who prefer reckless charging to more sophisticated tactics
d) in my experience few flying foes

So I'm interested in other folks experience with switch hitting builds in PFS from a tactical perspective.

Do Level's in the witch killer Archetype and Barbarian stack for determining the effect of the Witch Killer's Rage powers?

Do Level's in the witch killer Archetype and Barbarian stack for determining the effect of Barbarian Rage powers?

Relevant ability:

Instead of being able to select ranger combat style feats as slayer talents, a witch killer can select any of the following barbarian rage powers as slayer talents, treating his slayer level as his barbarian level: clear mind, disruptive, eater of magic, spell sunder, spellbreaker, sunder enchantment, superstition, or witch hunter. If the witch killer selects a rage power that can normally be used only once per rage (eater of magic, spell sunder, or sunder enchantment), he can use it once per day per 5 slayer levels he possesses, though no more than once per round in any event. The other rage powers affect the slayer constantly, though the superstition and witch hunter rage powers apply only against arcane spells and spell-like abilities and the creatures that use them.

I've been thinking about building a martial Oracle for my next PFS Character.

I was planning to go for a Nagaji and was debating to pick both the Psychic Searcher and the Warsighted Archetype.

While both Archetypes are really awesome this does have the minor crux of trading out all Revelations in the PFS level range. This also means no extra revelation...

Can this be worth while?

So the Archetype changes all your class abilities to Charisma, including the DCs of stunning Fist.

Any of the scaled fist's class abilities that make calculations based on her Wisdom (including Bonus Feats with DC or uses per day such as Stunning Fist) are instead based on Wisdom.

Thanks for your input.

what can we make of it?

In case you were wondering. Haunted Heroes Handbook contains a set of feats which in addition to some other small perks let you reduce the penalties for TWF by 2 (minimum .1). It will cost you 2 feats: Possessed Hand and Hand's Autonomy which have no additional pre-requisites.

Some ideas:

Double Katana Samurai (You get quick Draw as a class feature so this works nicely).

Double Dwarven Waraxes --> add Lead Blades and Enlarge Person for flavor.

So I really dig the Tortured Crusader from Horror Adventures and want to build one as my next PFS character. It's essentially a WIS based Order of Vengance Paladin which gains a few other perks such as being able to set up Lay on Hands on specific triggers and 4+INT skill points with an expanded class skill list. Here's what I got up until now:

STR 16 DEX 15 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 16 CHA 5

?Fate’s Favored?/Lessons of Chalidra/Fast Drinker
Glory of Old

3 Extra Lay on Hands
5 Ability Mastery (+2 Enhancement to STR)
7 Improved TWF
9 Power Attack
11 ???

The idea is to TWF with a Dwarven Waraxe in one hand and a Cestus in the other and rock the full plate. This combination allows me to two hand my axe (sadly I can't pick up PA till very late) and to Lay on Hands to heal. I'll have to pick up a DEX belt by level 7 to qualify for ITWF (I don't think ability mastery will work for that sadly).

I'm really looking for Advice on Spells, Mercies and possibilities for multiclassing. I could easily move around some points on the point buy to make Unsanctioned Knowledge available but I didn't see any spells I really wanted.

Benefits: Select any Strength-, Constitution-, or Dexterity-based skill. You may make checks with that skill using your Wisdom modifier instead of the skill's normal ability score. That skill is always a class skill for you.

Social Grace: The vigilante selects any one Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill other than Perception or Use Magic Device. Whenever the vigilante is in his social identity, he receives a +4 circumstance bonus on checks with the selected skill.

Do these work in conjunction? I.e. I choose Acrobatics and then apply my social grace bonus to Acrobatics?

Thanks for your input.

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Moving a discussion from the advice forum here.

The questions is what constitutes an opportunity for an Attack of Opportunity.

Specifically I'd like to know if the following abilities can be used in conjunction.

Disrupting Counter
At 3rd level, when an opponent makes a melee attack against her, she can spend 1 panache point to make an attack of opportunity against the attacking foe. This attack of opportunity can be made with either a dagger or a starknife. If the attack hits, the opponent takes a –4 penalty on all attack rolls until the end of its turn.

Stylish Riposte
When your AC exceeds the result of a foe's melee attack against you by 5 or more, that foe provokes an attack of opportunity from you. Once you make such an attack of opportunity against a foe, you can't again use this trick against the foe that day. If her result is greater than the attacking creature's result, the creature's attack automatically misses. The swashbuckler must declare the use of this ability after the creature's attack is announced, but before its attack roll is made.

I'd argue that each of these abilities presents a seperate opportunity (as the triggers and time points are different). Whereas one could also argue that the opponents attack presents the opportunity. Thank you for your input.

Relevant rules text on AoO

Making an Attack of Opportunity: An attack of opportunity is a single melee attack, and most characters can only make one per round. You don't have to make an attack of opportunity if you don't want to. You make your attack of opportunity at your normal attack bonus, even if you've already attacked in the round.

An attack of opportunity "interrupts" the normal flow of actions in the round. If an attack of opportunity is provoked, immediately resolve the attack of opportunity, then continue with the next character's turn (or complete the current turn, if the attack of opportunity was provoked in the midst of a character's turn).

Combat Reflexes and Additional Attacks of Opportunity: If you have the Combat Reflexes feat, you can add your Dexterity bonus to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round. This feat does not let you make more than one attack for a given opportunity, but if the same opponent provokes two attacks of opportunity from you, you could make two separate attacks of opportunity (since each one represents a different opportunity).

Just stumbled across a sweet combo that allows you to take 3 attacks in retaliation of one opposition attack. The best part? It works from level 4 onwards. All youu need is a flying blade Swashbuckler and the one handed weapon trick feat. Here's how it works.

a) Opponent attacks
b) You spend a panache point on unbalancing counter and take and attack of opportunity.
c) If you hit opponent takes -4 to his attack.
d) Now you burn yet another panache and another AoO and parry and riposte. Remember your opponents -4 to hit?
e) If your opponents attack roll (-4) was up to 5 points lower than your AC you get yet another AoO from stylish riposte. This part only works once per day per opponent.

So for this to work you need a high AC, high to hit and a large Panache pool. Ideally you should be dealing decent damage on a single hit so that you can kill your opponent with a flurry of ripostes. If you have a fortious weapon you can take 5 retalitory attacks...ouch.

Rough build outline:

Mackie Messer
Human Swashbuckler (Flying Blade)
STR 8 DEX 20 CON 12 INT 8 WIS 10 CHA 14
Traits: Fencer, Irrepressible
1 WF (Dagger)
1 Slashing Grace
3 Combat Reflexes
4 Bonus Feat Weapon Trick (One handed)
5 Extra Panache
7 Deific Obedience (Pharasma)
8 Dodge?
9 Weapon Spec
11 ???

So the Spymaster’s Handbook has brought us a pretty awesome new Vigilante Archetype the Taisatu. It gets a Ninja Ki-Pool at level 2 in place of a Vigilante Talent and requires that you go with Stalker specialization.
As I was trying to build a hulking Ninja for quite some time this seemed like an even better path to do so. So I’m trying to build one for PFS and figured Nagaji would work nicely. The idea is to hit people as har das possible with a Katana wileded in two hands and to get even more two handed attacks from Ki-Pool and when I can’t full attack from Up Close and personal.

However I really need some help with higher level feats. Also my Ability scores might be pushing it a bit but I think a 5 Int character might actually be a blast to play...

Ssslat a.k.a. Snake Man:

Nagaji Taisatu Stalker Vigilante
STR 20 DEX 14 CON 12 INT 5 WIS 8 CHA 14
Traits: Vessel between, Irrepresible
1 Weapon Focus - Katana (retrained)
1 Companion to the Lonely
2 Ki-Pool
3 Extra Ki
3 Social Grace
4 Up Close and Personal
5 Toughness/Power Attack?
5 Social Talent
6 Ki Power: Barkskin
7 Feat
7 Social Talent
8 Talent
9 Open
9 Social Talent
10 Talent
11 Feat
11 Social Talent

I'm trying to figure out if there's any way to combine two handed thrower, which requires you to use a one or two handed thrown weapon with the unchained monk's flurry.

The big problem is that I couldn't find any one handed monk weapons with a range increment.

By strict RAW things like flying blade which are classified as ranged weapons but can't be used for melee also are not elegible for two handed thrower.

The only fool proof way I've found to get Crusaders flurry with a spear or something.

I've also debated throwing oversized light weapons but the -2 penalty sorta kills that option.

I haven't quite figured out if I might be able to get away with chucking temple swords...

I'm trying to find ways to make Nightmare Fist always on without having to cast darkness or something similar (which uses a standard action) before every combat. I'm looking for magic items or long duration spells (10 min/level) or things that can be activated as a swift action.

Nightmare Fist:

Nightmare Fist (Combat)
You are even more deadly in magical darkness.

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Intimidate 1 rank, ability to create magical darkness.

Benefit: While fighting within an area of magical darkness, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls with unarmed strikes, or a +4 bonus against opponents that are shaken, frightened, or panicked. You also gain a +2 morale bonus on Acrobatics and Intimidate checks.

Solutions I've found so far includes Eclipsed Spell and Light cantrip. However this only works outside of normal or bright light.

Bloodrager Shadow Bloodline. Pretty sure the 4th level ability counts as magical darkness.

Warpriest with Shield of Darkness

Umbral Mage Armor (costs lots of feats)

Any ideas are very much appreciated.

So my question is can these two Archetypes be combined.

The Crossblooded Rager removes the standard +2 to WIL saves while raging and adds -2 penalty. However the class ability does not include the woring: This alters the Bloodrage class feature.

The Urban Barbarian alters Bloodrage. One of the changes is that it doesn't grant a bonus to WIL saves.

I really dig the idea of dipping two levels of Ninja for the Ki-pool to get an extra attack. I was planning to slap such a dip on a two handed martial to really do some damage when full attacking and add some skill versatility. My problem is I can't really find a good chassis to make this work.

I really like it for an Anger Id Rager, but I have no idea where to go after Bloodrager 1 Ninja 2.

Charisma Synergy from Paladin would be sweet, but delaying my smite progression by 2 levels doesn't seem all that nice and there would be plenty of competition for my swift action. Then again 4 levels of hospitaler paladin would really power that ki-pool like no ones business with a Bronze Gong.

Weaponmaster Fighter might be nice as it starts delivering from level 3 onwards...

Has anyone come up with good ways to make a Ninja Dip viable for a martial? Also are there perhaps any cool PrCs that could build on this? Thanks for your input!

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There's a new feat in Armor Master's Handbook I am rather fond of. It allows you to wield a two handed weapon from the Spear or Pole Arm weapon group while using a shield.

You get a penalty to hit equal to the Shields ACP which doesn't matter as Darkwood is a thing.

Pre Requisites are Armor Training or Shield Focus and BAB +3 or Fighter level 1.

So in my mind between 2 and 7 points of AC is a real steal for a single Feat. Personally I'm very fond of the idea of pairing it with a No-Dachi (which for some odd reason founds its way into the pole arms fighter group).

So what kind of builds could get the most out of this?

So Blade and Tankard allows you to battle with your beer which is awesome and all but we all know fighting with mundane weapons is a bit bothersome at times.

Here's the feat in question and I wonder can I enchant a tankard? In the sense that I treat it as a weapon for construction purposes or does the wording "you can wield as a weapon" only apply to in combat and not to item creation and so forth?

Blade and Tankard:

Initial Benefit(s): You can wield a tankard (or mug) as a weapon, treating it in all ways as a light mace appropriate for your size. If you engage in two-weapon fighting with a rapier or light weapon in one hand and a tankard in the other, you can drink a potion or other liquid from the tankard or attempt to toss liquid from the tankard as a dirty trick combat maneuver (such as to blind a foe) in place of attacking with it. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity for attempting a dirty trick maneuver with a tankard.

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The Kamikaze Ninja trick doesn't specify and action type for activation.

My best guess would be that it's a swift action to activate as that seems to be the standard for Ki-Abilities (and where it isn't such as in Shadow Clone it's specified).

However neither the Ninja Trick Ability nor the the Ki-Pool ability make this clear.


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So the Eldritch Scoundrel Archetype from Arcane Anthology gives us a Rogue with with 6 level prepared casting. I'm kind of exited about this but not sure if it's actually all that good.

So how does it compare to other arcane Gish classes such as the Magus or the Bard?

What kind of builds do you envision?

Are there any hidden gems on the Wizard/Sorceror spell list? I'm pretty exited about a number of the swift action spells.

Random musings:

Seems like the class is fairly SAD as it prolly only wants a high DEX, decent or high INT and decent CON.

The Human FCB is probably really good here as you get so few Rogue talents now.

Sneak Attack really shouldn't be a major build consideration anymore. As the progression is so slow. I really like this but I'm wondering how you can deal good damage none the less. You might also want to focus more on a debuffer role.

I'm pretty sure you can take Ninja Talents with Unchained Rogue now. That's pretty sweet. The cost of spell slots is pretty steep but makes for a pseudo spontaneous casting mechanism.

If been thinking about a reach Rogue build with Elven Branched Spear. You'd prolly have to prioritize INT more heavily here to make use of save or suck spells.

Do the scaling abilities from Planar Focus work off of your hunter (or whatever class grants you animal focus) or your class level?

My reading is that it's the latter as the abilities are specifically worded differently from the animal focus ability, however that would be extremely powerful when dipping into hunter.

So when using Empty Quiver Flexibility can I take additional melee Attacks with Many Shot?

Empty Quiver Flexibility:

While using Empty Quiver Style, you can apply any feats and class abilities you possess that modify your ranged attack rolls and damage rolls with the chosen weapon to melee attack rolls and damage rolls made with that weapon. Additionally, you are considered to be threatening the area around you as if you were wielding a melee weapon.


When making a full-attack action with a bow, your first attack fires two arrows. If the attack hits, both arrows hit. Apply precision-based damage (such as sneak attack) and critical hit damage only once for this attack. Damage bonuses from using a composite bow with a high Strength bonus apply to each arrow, as do other damage bonuses, such as a ranger's favored enemy bonus. Damage reduction and resistances apply separately to each arrow.

I'm not sure if the rather vague wording in Empty Quiver Style is supposed to apply to something like manyshot or only to static bonuses to hit and damage.

Hey there folks. Did something I never dreamed of doing...building a Dwarven Oracle but somehow I really like it. Have a look and please give me some feedback.
This is for PFS and the intent is to be good in Melee and have decent utility. The build revolves around one big hit per round with Energy Channel and Blessed Hammer. Inspiration should help on ensuring I hit most of the time. Admonishing Ray and Searing Light give me some capacity at range (Energy Channel should apply as these are ray attacks).
I don't really want to utilize any of the necromancy stuff in the Bones Mystery (took it as I can get channel to activate energy Channel) as Torag wouldn't appreciate.
I was thinking of playing him as a very confused and old Dwarven Scholar who wasn't overly welcome at home due to his odd ways and thus joined the Society (Dark Archive?).

Advice on Feats, Revelations and Spells would be greatly appreciated. Also Warsighted might be a better Archetype, I looked at the Archetype that gets a Shaman Hex but those seemed unspectacular.

LN Dwarf Psychic Searcher Oracle of Torag
STR 16 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 10 CHA 14
Traits: Fate’s Favored, Seeker
Mystery: Bones
Curse: Legalistic

1 War Blessing: Earth, Good
3 Energy Channel
5 ?WF/Heavy Armor Prof
7 Blessed Hammer
9 ?PA?
11 Divine Interference

1 Undead Servitude
3 Tenacious Inspiration
7 Amazing Inspiration
11 ???

1st Divine Favor, CLW, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Touch of Bloodletting, ILW
2nd Align Weapon, Ancestral Communion, Lesser Restoration, Surmount Affliction, Admonishing Ray (Page of Spell Knowledge), IMW, Augury, Locate Object
3rd Magic Vestment, Searing Light, ISW
4th Greater Magic Weapon, Cleric Haste, Divination

A number of questions packed in one. Ultimately I'd like to know whether I can build a druid with the Energy Channel feat from APG.

I plan to do this by picking up a Terrain Domain which grants Channel Energy and then via the domain qualifying for]War Blessing. With War blessing (which says it counts as the blessing ability) I then choose an elemental blessing and voila Energy Channels prerequisites are fullfilled.

Is my reasoning sound?

I'm looking to build a character utilizing Empty Quiver Style for PFS.

My first instinct was to try Savage Technologist as it's awesome with Empty quiver Flexibility and I think it can just straight two weapon fight with Empty Quiver Style. However such a build has major problems aquiring all the feats and is sort of torn between STR and DEX and stabbing shot and rapid shot seem like a feat tax.

Illsurian Ranger also looked interesting but I was wondering about whether Rapid Shot can be utilized as a sort of TWF for a two handed weapon? If so that would be swell.

Any one built something cool with this style?

I recently got enamored with the idea of building a Dwarf who wields an oversized Dwarven Waraxe two handed (2d8).

Said Dwarf should buff himself with Lead Blades (3d8) and enlarge Person (4d8) and of course use Vital Strike (8d8).

And cause that'snot enough damage for one Dwarf I want to use Furious Finish to go with it to turn those 8d8 into juicy 64 points of weapon damage. Oh and cause Furious Finish ends my rage I want to be able to either remove fatigue (Paladin?) or rage cycle (Scarred Rager?).

Now here's my problem: I want a lot of things in one build and I want to make it happen in PFS so I'm not quite sure how to pull this off.

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I recently stumbled across a somewhat stellar combo which lets you move as a swift action and thus pounce to your hearts delight. All you need is one Teamwork Feat (Stick Together from Melee Tactics Toolbox) a valet Familiar with decent mobility and a 3000 GP item.

Stick Together:

When an adjacent ally with this feat moves, you can move up to your speed as an immediate action, as long as your movement ends adjacent to that ally. If you do so, you are staggered on your next turn. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

Ring of Ferocious Action:

This ring allows its wearer to persevere through physical or mental trauma that hampers his actions. The ring has 5 charges, which are renewed each day. At the start of his turn, if the wearer is staggered, as a free action he may spend a charge to activate the ring and ignore the staggered condition until his next turn.

Basic idea is that you start combat with your familiar on your shoulder, then let it fly/walk 5 feet away from your foe which is within your movement distance. Then spend a swift action to make your move (provoking AoO) and then moving next to your familiar and full attacking. Next turn you use your ring to avoid becoming staggered and rince and repeat if needed.

I'm working on a couple of builds to best abuse this and essentially all you need to do is optimize full attack damage while not using your swift actions, find a way to aquire a Valet Familiar and you can one shot most foes on turn 1. Two builds than can swing around 130 DPR at level 9:

Bloodrager 1/Mutageninc Mauler Brawler 8 with Shield or Sansetsukon Flurry

Straight Unchained Knifemaster Rogue with Eldritch heritage.

It's also pretty exceptional on a Holy Tactician Paladin for group mobility.

Hey folks. Another weird question for you all: Can a monkey familiar carry a shield in his hands?

From a RAW perspective there isn't much that would contradict this as even when non-proficient you can carry a shield. The only issue might be that the monkey with 3 STR might feel hard pressed to hold a shield...

I know there is an FAQ which specifically disallows Familiars to carry weapons in PFS but it does not mention shields.

My intent as always is malicious: I want to aquire a Valet Familiar and pick up the Shield Wall Feat to improve my shield bonus to AC.

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Howdie folks a quick question. As most Aasimar Race traits from Blood of Angels are still legal for play can I pick them up via the Adopted Social Trait as long as I own Blood of Angels?

I'm trying to find good ways to make use of spinning axe throw and one option I was currently considering was the Hurlbat. However I'm not sure whether it would work in conjunction with the swashbucklers precise strike while thrown.


My confusion comes from the following line in precise strike:

At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike precisely with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt. To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler. She can even use this ability with thrown light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, so long as the target is within 30 feet of her.

By pure raw my reading is that this ability can only be used with melee weapons used to throw. The Hurlbat however is a thrown weapon that can also be used in melee but does not have a melee entry anywhere.

If you know of any other axes that can be thrown and deal piercing damage I'm all ears btw.

Here's the relevant rules text from both classes.

Bloodrage counts as the barbarian's rage class feature for the purpose of feat prerequisites, feat abilities, magic item abilities, and spell effects.

Ulfen Guard's Rage:
Rage (Ex): An Ulfen Guard is trained to harness her brutish nature while in combat in the defense of her charge. This works as the barbarian ability of the same name. An Ulfen Guard’s class levels stack with any other classes granting this ability for determining the effects of rage powers and the number of rounds per day the guard can rage.

Ulfen Guard Rage Power:
Rage Power (Ex): The Ulfen Guard can select a barbarian rage power for which she qualifies, adding her Ulfen Guard level to her barbarian level to determine access. This guard dedication can be chosen up to three times.

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