Weapon Proficiency
* A shifter is proficient with the following weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear. She is also proficient with the natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) from the shifter claws class feature and of forms she assumes with wild shape. As a dwarf she is proficient in battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and from her trait she is proficient with tridents.
Elemental Aspect (Su)
* At 1st level, an elementalist shifter chooses one elemental aspect rather than a shifter aspect. This ability otherwise functions as shifter aspect. As the elementalist shifter gains levels, she gains more elemental aspects: a second aspect at 5th level, a third at 10th, and a fourth at 15th.
* This alters shifter aspect.
Elemental Speech (Su)
* When in her elemental aspect, an elementalist shifter gains the benefit of tongues with creatures of the elemental subtype that matches her elemental aspect.
* This replaces wild empathy.
Elemental Strike (Su)
* At 1st level, as a swift action, an elementalist shifter can charge her melee attacks with elemental energy. The elementalist shifter can charge her attacks only with an element she has chosen with elemental aspect. Once charged, each melee attack the elementalist shifter makes until the start of her next turn deals an additional 1d6 points of energy damage based on the element she chooses when taking this action (see Elemental Aspects). This additional damage increases by 1d6 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 6d6 points of energy damage at 20th level. An elementalist shifter can’t use elemental strike while under a polymorph effect.
* This replaces shifter claws.
Minor Form: lvl 1
* For number of minutes per day equal to 3 + her shifter level. The duration need not be consecutive but must be spent in 1-minute increments. Shifting into a minor form is a swift action, while ending the effect is a free action that can be taken only on the shifter’s turn. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Strength score. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level
Major Form: Lvl 4
* Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a Medium water elemental. While you are in this form, your base speed is reduced to 20 feet but you gain a swim speed of 60 feet, and if both you and your target are touching water, you also gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls. If the target is touching the ground, you take a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls against it. These modifiers apply to bull rush and overrun combat maneuvers, whether you are initiating or resisting these kinds of attacks. At 8th level, your swim speed increases to 90 feet, your touch automatically extinguishes non-magical flames of size Large or smaller, and you can dispel magical fires as per dispel magic using your shifter level as your effective caster level. At 15th level, you gain Improved Natural Attack with your slam and the vortex special ability, which functions identically to the air aspect’s whirlwind ability but can form only underwater and cannot leave the water.