BrokenShade's page

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Hi again.

Why not have two sets of racial abilities per race, loosely based on which of the two favoured classes you choose. Then you could choose which of the two sets you wanted for your character.

There would always be the common abilities, of course, but for elves you could choose between e.g. spell penetration (Wizard) and weapon focus with a racially familiar weapon (Ranger).

It wouldn't help those choosing a class that was not favoured, but then that is the price you pay. Thoughts? ^_^

Hi everyone.

I was thinking of weapon familiarity and the problems it brings up, and then I had a thought. Why not ONLY give each race weapon familiarity with weapons that have their name in the title?

Then create those weapons, something like two per race, e.g. ...

For halflings the halfling skiprock and the halfling sling staff
For half orcs the orc greataxe orc double axe
For dwarves the dwarven warhammer and the dwarven waraxe
For elves the elfin sword and elfin bow.
For gnomes the gnomish pick and gnomish dart
For humans the manish pike and manish broadsword.
Half elves choose the race they were raised by, and are familiar with that race's weapons.

That gets around all the problems with martial weapon familiarity for fighters, halfling familiarity with slings etc in a nice simple way.

It seems very cool to me that Elves now have +2 Intelligence and Spell penetration. I've never seen the point in playing a 3E wizard (always play Sorcerors) but with another extra feat via this spell penetration boost, the Wizard class is beginning to be a little more viable again.

I might suggest that this bonus works in an Elf's favour when someone tries to dispell on of the Elf's spells, too.

Hi everyone.

One thing I noticed is that Strength is no longer as valuable in terms of a racial bonus. As per the DMG race creation rules, a bonus of +2 Strength needed to be paid for with TWO penalties of -2 on other stats. This is no longer the case in Pathfinder.

This significantly increases the power of Humans, Half Elves and Half Orcs (who also effectively gained a +2 stat bonus due to this). To the point where players might actually start playing humans and half elves at last ... all with a +2 Strength bonus for race, of course. ^_^


Looking at favoured classes by race, I like the fact that there are now multiple favoured classes by race. It just makes sense.

The one thing I don't understand is why one has to choose one of the two favoured classes at 1st level.
If a Dwarf Fighter wants to take a level of Cleric, why should he not get the favoured class bonus for the Cleric level too?

Instead of requiring the choice, I suggest making both of them favoured classes full stop.

Hi there.

In the Alpha page 52, Designer Notes Presige Skills section, it states "Whenever a prestige class calls for a number of skill ranks,
you can qualify for the prestige class if you meet that number
of ranks –3 if you also have the skill as a class skill. If you do
not have the skill as a class skill, you must possess double
that number of ranks."

I would suggest changing that to "Whenever a prestige class calls for a number of skill ranks, you can qualify for the prestige class if your ranks plus class skill bonus at least equal that number of ranks."

That requires the same number of skill ranks for class skills, but seems to make more sense for cross class skills. It's also more consistent with the general +3 equivalence theme.

Just my two cents worth. ^_^