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Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Yeah I tend to disagree with the OP and those people coming directly after them saying that the second edition is slower. Like some others have mentioned, the gameplay that emerges from the "simplicity" of some aspects of Pathfinder 1e actually creates a bit of a mess when you try to use it in practice. I really think that if you feel this way about the playtest, just give it some time and try passing as much of that character-specific information over to the person who created the character and hold them to the expectation that they should know their character as well as you know your dungeon and have quickly done their cross-referencing of traits in advance (because really, it's not that hard). RPG rulebooks are huge catalogues of information, there's going to be some flipping around when you squeeze a game like this into print media instead of using something digital (which, while we're on the subject, definitely check out! and use it at your table with one assigned player who keeps it open and stands ready to search anything).

I'd like to do a full post of my own to kind of reinforce my opinion on this, but let me tell you, I feel the sorcerer is immensely underpowered and it has a lot to do with them not knowing enough spells to keep up with the wizard, cleric,and bard. You get a couple f power jumps over other classes around 8th level, but it seems like the wrong way to approach class balance, building a game where you play for months on end with one person having a huge advantage over your other players. Like I said,I promise I can prove this- I've looked over every feat and feature of the Sor vs Wiz and they're so close to being equal if the Sorcerer just learned 1 spell per level and bloodlines were just completely reconsidered, especially bow that signature skills mean nothing. The Wizard is given so many ways to cheat around their prepared casting restriction and while the sorcerer does get some pretty mean damage bonuses earlier than wizard, it's just a meme... It puts your class in this watertight box that says "this is what you do" and then you're an idiot if you don't take overpowering spell as soon as you get level 8. This heightening feat honestly comes across more as a bandaid fix to a severe limitation than a feature of the class.

Likewise, we can't do anything to the sorcerer that makes it so overpowered, like (not to target anyone, but...) give them the ability to heighten spells above the level they can cast already, especially twice per day, because that's effectively putting the sorcerer 2 levels ahead of everyone else in the most significant category of their build.

A facelift on bloodlines and 1 spell known per level should be enough to bring the sorcerer to par with other casters.

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ChibiNyan wrote:

One of my players has come up with an idea that I think can really help to fix both this and the unreasnobaly difficult DCs to achieve basic stuff. It's based on the same error Mark Seifter said there was with the prof. tiers, but the solution is backwards:

Untrained is +0, Trained is +2 and up from there; do not rebalance any encounter or monster. This is essentially a free +2 on everything that the PCs do, which finally lets most characters be on par with the lv0 Goblins and improves the lockpicking odds among other things. From what I've seen, 2 is the magic number that things seem to be imbalanced by. This would mean the Fighter, who is a master of his craft, would usually have at least +1 to hit over (level equivalent) enemies while non-fighters would be a lot more comparable.

Only problem I see is how the +2 AC on PCs would maybe be too much of an advantage unless the monsters also got +2 AC (Monster AC is usually their only inferior stat compared to PCs to compensate for their higher attack, I guess to artificially make combat more lethal for both sides) to compensate. Everything besides AC seems to fall into place just right with the +2. Alternatively, make PC AC start at 8 so that it's more in line with monster math and not have to modify the entire bestiary's AC.

I also thought of this the moment I first read about TEML. Just- "god, that seems kind of low" and "wouldn't it just be easier to handle in the system if untrained didn't have any bonus or penalty, and and TEML was +2, +3, +4, +5?" So yeah, I agree. Base of 8 AC, Prof = +{(2/3/4/5)+Lv}.

Even so, it seems as if there's a need for some scaling nerfs on the entirety of the Bestiary.