Full Name |
Broduk Goblinsplitter |
Race |
Dwarf |
Classes/Levels |
Fighter /1 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
54 |
Special Abilities |
Hatred, Darkvision 60ft, Hearty, Defensive Training, Stability, Stonecutting |
Alignment |
CG |
Languages |
Common, Dwarven, Giant |
Strength |
17 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
16 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
12 |
Charisma |
8 |
About Broduk Goblinsplinter
Male dwarf Fighter 1
CG Medium humanoid
Init +2 ; Senses Perception +1, Darkvision 60 ft. (+2 taste-based, +2 touch-based)
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 dex)
hp 22 (1d10+4+racial)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1 +2 vs poison, spells and spell like abilities
Spd 20 ft./x4
Melee Earth breaker +5 2d6+4 20/x3
Melee (Power Attack) Earth breaker +4 2d6+6 20/x3
Melee Dagger, melee +4 1d4+3 19-20/x2
Ranged Axe, throwing +2 1d6+3 20/x2
Base Atk +1, Cmb +4
Feats Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Skill Focus (Climb), Big Game Hunter: +1 attack and +2 damage vs Large and bigger creatures.
Traits Armor Expert, Skeptic
Skills Climb +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Survival +5
SQ Keen Senses
Combat Gear MW Earth breaker 14lb, Dagger 2gp 1lb, Throwing axe 8gp 2lb, Scale mail 50gp 30lb
Other Gear Backpack 2gp 2lb, flint and steel 1gp, beltpouch 1gp .5lb, 2days rations 1gp 2lbs, hemp rope 1gp 10lbs, waterskin 1gp 4lbs, 3 cure light wounds 150gp