About BrodeyPFS# 43188-4 XP=3, Fame=6, Prestige=0 Ranger1 (Witchguard, Infiltrator) Initiative+3, Perception+5
Melee Combat Reflexes, Bab+1
other items
Human: Lookout (APG, Teamwork). Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you may act in the surprise round as long as your ally would normally be able to act in the surprise round. If you would normally be denied the ability to act in the surprise round, your initiative is equal to your initiative roll or the roll of your ally –1, whichever is lower. If both you and your ally would be able to act in the surprise round without the aid of this feat, you may take both a standard and a move action (or a full-round action) during the surprise round. 1: Friendly Switch As part of your movement or as a 5-foot-step, you can move into the space occupied by an ally of your size or smaller, which displaces the ally into the space you just left. Your ally must be willing and able to move and able to occupy the space you were in. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This does not count toward your ally’s movement on his next turn. Monk1 bonus: Combat Reflexes (4 AOO/round) Traits - Human and otherwise:
Human: extra feat, +1 skill point/level UC: Bruising Intellect Intimidate is always a class skill for you, and you may use your Intelligence modifier when making Intimidate checks instead of your Charisma modifier. UC: Civilized You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks and Knowledge (local) checks. Knowledge (local) is always a class skill for you. Class & Archetype abilities:
Ranger Favored Enemy (Giant) +2 to Attack, Damage, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against giants. Track add 1/2 level to Survival checks to follow tracks. Wild Empathy Cha bonus and level added to 1d20 to Diplomacy animals. Witchguard archetype (People of the North) adds Kn Nobility and Sense Motive to class list, removes Handle Animal and Kn Nature Infiltrator archetype (APG) has no effect yet Monk
(6 class skills+0int+1 human racial) 5 Climb (1+4str+3class-3acp) 5 Swim (1+4str+3class-3acp) 5 Acrobatics (2+3dex+3class-3acp) (jump =9 if longstrider is running) 5 Intimidate (2+0int(trait)+3class) 5 Kn Nobility (1+0int+3class+1trait) 5 Kn Local (1+0int+3class+1trait) 5 Perception (1+1wis+3class) 5 Prof Bodyguard (1+1wis+3class) 5 Sense motive (1+1wis+3class) 5 Survival (1+1wis+3class) -1 Wild Empathy (1-2cha) 1 other wisdom skills 0 other Int Skills 0 Dex skills (3 dex-3ACP) -2 Cha skills 20gp cash, 165lb gear, medium load
165 lb gear 30 Masterwork Breastplate
2 Backpack
.5 Belt Pouch (10lb capacity)
0 2xBandolier
0 Good Lifestyle (adv#4)
Brodey's parents and their parents gave lifelong service to nobles, usually in the care of animals, with more successful working in stables or kennels, less successful serving as general estate labor. There was only one exception - his grandmother was rumored to have rescued her Master from an ogre who had struck him from his mount by the simple expedient of grabbing her lord's greatsword and chopping its knees out from under it. She always claimed the gift of the sword was a foolish reward, as she much preferred tending animals over getting herself killed in some foolish adventure but the family had kept it as a hedge against financial ruin for generations, pawning and redeeming it at need. Brodey lacked the touch with animals and appeared to be heading toward a life of menial work when he saved the Lord's nephew from being trampled by a spooked horse, in the process showing quick reflexes, wit and a willingness to put his own body in harms way. As a reward for that service, Brodey asked to be trained as a bodyguard. The noble, unwilling to do things by halves apprenticed in an exclusive guild in Absalom, where he was taught not merely how to use weapons and armor, but also specialized techniques to defend others. While the greatsword is not a favored weapon of his Guild, Brodey's grandmother willed the weapon to him on her death and in her memory, he actually paid attention when the masters talked about the best ways to kill the sorts of creatures that earned her the weapon. His first long term contract was a young noblewoman who chose him "because he had the largest sword". He isn't teased about her choice of words as much as you might think.
A young, clean shaven man of slightly below average height and lean but muscular build, with a lower class accent and a sharp tongue. His breasplate and weapons are top quality, his shield is old and battered, his other gear worn but well maintained. In the field he prefers a silvered lucern hammer, resorting to a greatsword, flail or fists when such a weapon is impractical or socially unacceptable. His skin is sunburned, hair dirty blond and he doesn't make eye contact unless he's decided to back you down. |