Berserker Cannibal

Brodda Rindoc's page

6 posts. Organized Play character for GougedEye.


Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Grimmerling wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
It's worse than elimination they want to feed directly off their competitors taking money directly from them. .

I'm not sure about that. Something tells me they are going to try monetise the hell out of the playerbase. Subscriptions, NFTs, loot boxes, the whole lot. I think they know this is going to cause a kickback and want to try make sure there isn't an easy alternative for players to switch to. So yeah, the goal is to eliminate the competition completely.

Vigilant Seal

All of it is here in the Box.

Thank You

Vigilant Seal

Cori Marie wrote:
Brodda Rindoc wrote:

Been messing around with the Foundry VTT implementation, and all I can say is that I'm mega impressed. Fantastic job on this.

Now if you can just do me "Curse of the Crimson Throne" converted to 2e and implemented in Foundry, I will be a happy camper indeed.

While it's not official, and I can't help you with 2e conversion, but I've been using DungeonDraft and Forgotten Adventures assets to rebuild the maps (through book 2 right now, will be doing book 3 in a bit) and have Foundry json files to add lighting, walls, doors etc if you'd want them. You'll have to replace the tokens with ones for 2E versions, but otherwise it should work for you if you want it

That would be brilliant

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Been messing around with the Foundry VTT implementation, and all I can say is that I'm mega impressed. Fantastic job on this.

Now if you can just do me "Curse of the Crimson Throne" converted to 2e and implemented in Foundry, I will be a happy camper indeed.

Vigilant Seal

BobusX wrote:
So it looks like the Foundry VTT module did not launch today. Is there any update on when it might be ready?

The day is but a pup. Give it some time.

Vigilant Seal

mistamichal wrote:
Ok, it's the 16th. Where can I buy it? I wants it! I wants it my precious! Where is it? Where? WHERE????

Yeah, patience is a highly overrated virtue in my experience. Especially for those of us further east, waiting for the Americans to wake up!!!!