
Brin Londo's page

24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

So with the time I seem to have waiting for s+s I decided to run through two parties of two... Lini/Ezren and Seelah/Valeros. However I roll randomly between the eight locations for each group. So LE goes to four of the locations while SV goes to the other four. However if one group takes all the loot items... There is nothing when the other group gets there. I imagine each group focused on pulling the clues together. One group stopping the villains plan and the group stopping the villains final escape. I'll merge them in deck six. Given that everyone is waiting I thought I would throw out the way I'm passing the time.

Hi... I came across the pathfinder acg a little later. I'm now a subscriber and I am picking up all of the class decks. I did receive the goblin plate... But missed the previous promos. I am not sure if there is a way for me to get the previous ones however I thought I would ask. If not, that's fine... But why not ask? Thanks and I hope you have an amazing day. Take care,

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As a "lone wolf" lurker on the boards for quite some time I just wanted to acknowledge Hawkmoon for his consistent support of this community... Always done with grace and tact. He may not see himself as a "nerd legend" however in this community he has created as much renown for himself as a champion of easy play for the ACG as his namesake ... He is clearly this board's incarnation of the Eternal Champion.