Brigidine's page

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Well my wife and I are looking at joining this new game, and the GM in character creation is being very difficult.

I have a first personality, and a desired class/s. I had two because one would most likely cause problems with the others. The second at first he is okay, then some how he equates having less special powers and the same skills than another class in the game as being, "Same powers but twice the skills".
He has these questions about the character's past.
With this first character he just makes all these awesome assumptions from these limited questions with limited details. He about TANKS the character and says that he would never last because he is crazy, which he was, but then tops it all off with that I am not "ROLEPLAYING" but "ROLLPLAYING" with no explanation. This is after he gives a long winded complaint about the personality of the character more than anything else.

I get it that the character wasn't going to work with the game, that's fine, but to say this wouldn't be roleplaying but "ROLLPLAYING" is insanely infuriating (to say the least). I'll play another personality with a different class.

Since he said they needed a front line fighter and someone that can fly, I decided to play this dragon/demon character (which is supported in the game). I didn't think he would but at first he was okay. The guy is quite a bit more calm and heroic. Things are going alright, then all of a sudden he just randomly starts pulling problems with the character out of thin air. I don't know what this guy is thinking!

Turns out because the classes I am wanting to play isn't a normal human in a world full of supernatural, psychic, and super tech, so he feals that this isn't *roleplaying*.

In the end, the guy is being many very nasty things worthy of censoring.

My wife however seems to be liking things alright, but she is just learning the game.

I will give it a chance, but I am full ready to burn this bridge and let him have it *verbally*.

Currently I am in this 3.5, pathfinder, home-brew, mix game. Not too long ago me and one other player got he leadership feat. The other player got a cohort and completely devoted it to item creation. I devoted my cohort to perception to find traps and hidden treasure. Now the other player is charging us about 85% of the market cost to get her cohort to make anything. I went and started requesting charges for using my cohort to find anything, and the entire group I was in about jumped down my throat, including the GM. I tried to explain my point of view, a few times, and nothing much changed. They all said that since he used all her cohort to develop the best magic item creator he could, that this gave her the right to charge us. Well I spent all my feats of my cohort to solve the perception gap our party had. I just feel that if she can get her cohort to make money for her focus, why should I not try balance my charges by charging for my cohorts focus.

Am I wrong to feel this way, and what should I do since the GM doesn't initially seem to see things my way at all.