Brianna Sollandry's page

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I've wanting to send my group through Elluvia's Pit for a while. I will look at what you have and use as much of it as I feel is appropriate to my image of that level of Maure Castle.

Thanks for sharing your hard work!

Problem with the Planar Adventures page:

You have repeated HTML id tags, which is a protocol violation, since it makes it impossible to navigate to the second tag from other pages. In particular:

p id="physical-traits"
p id="elemental-and-energy-traits"
p id="alignment-traits"
p id="magic-traits"

and later, in front of the sections with actual information,

h2 id="physical-traits"
h2 id="elemental-and-energy-traits"
h2 id="alignment-traits"
h2 id="magic-traits"

The page for Create Demiplane has links in it that want to go to the "elemental-and-energy-traits" section (and the others) and it takes you to the intro paragraph, not the detailed explication, because of the HTML violation I just described.

Thank you.