BrenTenkage's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


so had to share this moment, so first encounter, the anhilator, now I knew my party could handle it, they are pretty good at this...uh but then first round they go first and...rebuke technology from technomancer in the party

failed save, i even b+$#@+!@ed a "villain point" rerolled...rolled lower than the first

goblin bomber alchemist (and good disable devicer) says "I want to use disable device to permanently knock it out of commission and not come back up"

I told em, "alright but the DC is high, 46"

Nat 20 46...

so yeah they have an intacted albeit severed from the network at the moment, anhilator robot for after the campaign...

when the miniboss isn't even a speed bump

So decided to make a new encounter in the prison.
As one of the players was a mutant experiment of ghartone, decided to take a page out of Fear n Hunger Termina

Meet Chaunger

Chaunger CR 16
XP 76800
N Large Monstrous Humanoid (Giant)
Init +7; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent, Darkvision 120ft; Perception +23
AC 29, touch 12, flat-footed 26 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +17 natural)
hp 238 (19d10+133); Fast Healing 5
Fort +15, Ref +14, Will +11; +2 vs. enchantment
Defensive Abilities Bravery +5
DR 5/- Immunities Stun, Sickened, Nauseated Resist Acid 30, Fire 30 SR 24
Weaknesses Electricity Vulnerability
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +31 (2d6+13/x3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Constrict (2d6+13), Grab (slam)
Str 36, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 6
Base Atk +19; CMB +33 (+37 grapple); CMD 46
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Climb +35, Perception +23
Languages Common
SQ Monstrous Humanoid Traits
Constrict (Ex)
Chaunger can crush an opponent, dealing 2d6+13 bludgeoning damage, when it makes a successful grapple check (in addition to any other effects caused by a successful check, including additional damage).

Grab (Ex)
If a Chaunger hits with its slam attack(s), it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Grab can only be used against targets of a size Large or smaller.
The Chaunger has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply to use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a ?20 penalty on its CMB check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself.
A successful hold does not deal any extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as well (the amount is given in the creature?s descriptive text).
Creatures with grab receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to start and maintain a grapple.

Bravery (Ex)
A Chaunger gains a + 5 on will saves against fear.

Monstrous Humanoid Traits
Monstrous humanoids are similar to humanoids, but with monstrous or animalistic features. They often have magical abilities as well.
-Darkvision 60 feet.
-Monstrous humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.

Scent (Ex)
A Chaunger can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. They can detect opponents by sense of smell within 30 feet. If the opponent is upwind, the range is 60 feet. If it is downwind, the range is 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at three times these ranges.
The creature detects another creature's presence but not its specific location. Noting the direction of the scent is a move action. If the creature moves within 5 feet (1 square) of the scent's source, the creature can pinpoint the area that the source occupies, even if it cannot be seen.
A creature with the Survival skill and the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Survival check to find or follow a track. A creature with the scent ability can attempt to follow tracks using Survival untrained. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10. The DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry's odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Survival skill in regards to tracking. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights.
Water, particularly running water, ruins a trail for air-breathing creatures. Water-breathing creatures that have the scent ability, however, can use it in the water easily. False, powerful odors can easily mask other scents. The presence of such an odor completely spoils the ability to properly detect or identify creatures, and the base Survival DC to track becomes 20 rather than 10.


In combat if any one uses electric attacks it will go everything in its power to focus it, not caring of any AOO

Yeah for this I replaced the robots and the plasma ooze fight, and the kytons were slightly more friendly explaining, "yeah go ahead and fight it, if you die you help science, if you kill it, we learn more"

And let them pass forward into the cell area

Feel free to alter or use, thought I'd share my own GM work

one of my players made an alchemical golem. They just dealt with the mi-go.

Therance the brain in a jar is now a brain in a golem properly controlling it

Here is how I ruled this

1. They actually wanted to help him, before using his information about the league, considering this on the level of full ressing him. he is 100 percent not gonna betray em

2. Because the golem can think for itself and doesn't require that delay of master and order, it is now an advanced alchemical golem

3. One of the pcs is actually Therances son, though the party doesn't know this, Therance mentioned he is looking for his young son (not realizing that he is all grown up) and described him as a master enchanter, the pc is an enchanter technomancer, no one has put two and two together LOL

4. That last boss fight with the was hilarious, I did a grand speech saying they will be offerings to the Goat Mother yadadada, it was a wash LOL, they dispelled his summon, resisted his spells, and basically was able to counter all their moves

In the end the leader's back was against the wall and he didn't fight back, just praying to his way to escape, no way to win LOL

I am proud of my party

Numeran Fluid table from the Numera land of the fallen stars, incase the party decides to try and drink the fluids

Cybernetic Wings
These Cybernetic prosthetics have enough strength to allow the wearer to fly, and can even fold up and compress in order to hide the wings.

The user can select 3 modes
Hidden mode, hiding the wings and compressing them, they will not be seen unless someone is actively looking for them
Flight mode, gives the wearer 60 Foot Movement poor maneuverability.
Defensive mode, as the wings are made of strong material in defensive mode they are considered Masterwork Tower shields without the maximum dex bonus or armor check penalty. While in this mode the wings will give the shield bonus without penalty (such as classes being unable to use shields or having no proficiency in shields) the wings can be enchanted as a shield and in defensive mode you can not fly.

Switching modes is a move action.

Install DC 35, Implant Rating 2
Cost Priceless (not enough out in the wild to consider it purchasable), Craft Cybertech, Cybernetics Lab, Craft DC 35, cost 23,000

Figured we needed cyber wings, but I wanted it to be a sidegrade to the proper wings of flight, giving worst flight but also potentially more defense.

If you want to give it a price just double its craft value. Also the reason for the shield boost not disrupting, way I see it, you aren't "wielding" the shield, the wings act on their own, so classes like monks or casters can use these without having any issues. Feel free to alter if you wish

My party took out Xoud the first time he appears. They used the free cure serious wounds to great effect they got from book 2, and not to mention...GRAPPLED THE GHOST. The monk was the one who did it and I even rolled 50/50 to see if she could hold her...she did

and they wailed on him and kept hammering away...and well...took him out

I am not angry, we laughed so hard it was like that Jojo Meme

yeah good times

The 2 giants the party face before facing the choking tower, they befriended them. In there camp they noticed their "plan" to fight the technic league and agreed to help them fight the machine (the diplomancer nat 20ed that) in exchange for him being thier new chief

They all worked together to smash the warden bot in one round LOL

Now they got Bigg Club and Wedge Maker as two somewhat friendly giants they plan to take back to torch to have them help around and act as guards...

Book 4

Yeah those cyclops were...uh something. Yeah our "frontline" got cocky and charged the Cyclops Chief, forgetting literally the previous session we fought cyclop's who could literally pull a nat 20 out of their hats.

If you've ever read 8Bit Theater, first opening pages, meeting a giant, fighter gets up into its grill and then...SMASH

Our frontline was a dex build weird spheres of power thing. Best way to describe the player, acted like he was a "tactical genius" he was not.

Should also mention that the previous session against a cyclop my swashbuckler pulled a rules of nature moment. Where one swung at me and I declared my intent to use my swashbucklers parry, where I roll my attack and they have to beat it...uh he then said "the cyclop uses his ability to pull a nat 20"

...I rolled and pulled a nat 20 and we calculated everything, including my penalty for being smaller than it...beat it by 2

But as for crewmate squishy...goes to show that if you are gonna be a dex Tank, DON'T scimp out on some Constution (seriously I think he was at 8 con)

My theory is this, they know that the sky metal they forge is using technology but far as they can tell, they believe the people don't know the full nature.

Its basically medieval peasants using super high tech stuff for mundane forging. More so with Khonnir making sure people don't opening use technology.

I think they keep an eye on torch to make sure any more interesting stuff goes to them and of course make sure the reactor doesn't go full nuke.

Plus its easier to control the town when the town itself doesn't know the League is fully aware of them

So funny story, Illaris did escape as I gave her the rift boots (albeit timeworn and yes I used the statblock for em provided by the creator in his block)

so after the session I did go through the dungeon playing her to see what would happen

Failed to notice the glyph of warding, failed her climb check and fell, attacked by the swarm, tried to escape, triggered the lightning trap and...she died on there

the swarm took some damage and she "disabled" the shock trap as I ruled since she fell on the spot, the trap would keep triggering until it ran out of juice luck as a player is pretty good, my luck as a GM, isn't as good, I've had moments where I build up opponents (like Hellskarg) and then they steamroll em because my opening rolls are like 1's and 2's LOL

Portable battery Cell
A way to transfer power from one facility to another, these silver briefcase sized bits of machine can hold up to 50 charges of power which can later be transferred safely to other machinery.
It is also possible to carry the pack on ones back to charge all equipment, however in doing so enemies may attempt to cut off your connection or destroy the cell itself.

Price: 30,000 (though more expensive due to rarity)
Crafting: 15,000 DC35, Production Lab and Craft Technological Items
Weight: 10 Pounds

This came from a sudden inspiration since there is no midrange item that bridges the gap between generator and the small batteries, and given the books mention cell arrays that aren't portable, why not include a portable option that also allows for a risk vs reward to carry it on their back

As for mechanics, I was thinking possibly if flanked an enemy can possibly damage the cell

though gonna need ideas for hardness, health etc

Light HEV Suit,
Cost 42,000 gp
Type Light; Weight 20 lbs.; Armor Bonus +3
Max Dex Bonus +4, Armor Check Penalty -2
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 20%
Speed (30 ft.) 30 ft.; Speed (20 ft.) 20 ft.
Capacity 20 ; Usage 1 charge/hour
Short for “hazardous environment,” an HEV suit provides protection from radiation, disease, poisonous gas, cold, heat, and similar environmental dangers. This Suit is a lighter variant developed by Kasthanian Space Travelers, with lighter parts but less protection than the HEV suit, along with a smaller power storage, it is still a functional engineering suit. The suit needs a power supply to work—while deactivated, none of the following abilities function at all while deactivated.

While powered, the suit provides immunity to inhaled poisons and diseases, and provides resistance 10 against all forms of energy except for sonic damage. A light HEV suit completely protects against low radiation, and reduces the effects of medium radiation to low radiation, but it offers no protection against high or severe radiation. The suit’s self repairing polymer resin fabric automatically seals secondary punctures or tears created by physical attacks to the wearer and damage dealt specifically against the suit. It repairs damage at the rate of 1d6 points of damage per charge consumed. While repairing damage in this manner, the suit’s other protective functions listed above are any taken offline. A light HEV suit has hardness 2 and 20 hit points.
Craft DC 28; Cost 21,000 gp

So decided to make the light HEV suit

Suddenly Idea for an item, I was rolling up on a random technology treasure table to seed some treasure in the dusklight along with that suit, and I got, I kid you not, a laser torch, arc pistol (timeworn) and a black hologram generator

I thought to stash, what if for random holgram generators they can be used as schematics, reducing the DC and Crafting Cost so long as the hologram is active during the craft time, so paying in batteries or charge spells to keep active

Though part of me is thinking of making Engineer Armor similar to Isaac Clarks...maybe a lighter HEV Suit?

Lord Fyre wrote:
BrenTenkage wrote:

Military Combat Vest

This is a technological Vest combat vest meant to enhance the wearer’s physical might for all combat situations as well as protect them. This vest gives an enhancement bonus to strength, dex, and constitution of plus 2 with a plus 2 touch defense VS Energy Weapons
Charge 1/per day, 10 charge Capacity

DC 25 Craft Technological Arms n Armor, Military Lab, cost 10,000

Was curious how you would think its balanced. I'm planning to include it in the third book in the ruins of the Dusklight as one of the rewards for finding it

Balanced cost and the extra ability based on of course belt of physical perfection but to give it a kind of sci-fi security vest deal hence the extra defense VS energy weapons

thoughts, how would you add on or maybe even varients could be cool

Here is what I am seeing.

* - 10,000gp Belt of Physical Might[/i] (PF Core, p502)
* - 150gp "Black" Scatterlight Suit (Technology Guide, p32)

A couple of features:
* - Because of the need for charges, the attribute bonuses will never become permanent.
* - A Scatterlight Suit uses 1/charge per hour.

So, all in all, your balance is pretty good.
* - I might suggest reducing the duration of the charge to 12 hours, because right now it is way better then the Scatterlight Suit.
* - Even with that, I would bump up the price a bit to 11,000gp.

Hey thanks for the insight, I'm still a bit of a new GM and when it comes to balance I don't quite have it all down. I wanted something that felt like a good option for the party to either make or even make proper upgraded varients like say for the 5th and 6th book. Just glad I could come up with something that fits the setting and vibe.

Lord Fyre wrote:
BrenTenkage wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
BrenTenkage wrote:

Military Combat Vest

This is a technological Vest combat vest meant to enhance the wearer’s physical might for all combat situations as well as protect them. This vest gives an enhancement bonus to strength, dex, and constitution of plus 2 with a plus 2 touch defense VS Energy Weapons
Charge 1/per day, 10 charge Capacity

DC 25 Craft Technological Arms n Armor, Military Lab, cost 10,000

Was curious how you would think its balanced. I'm planning to include it in the third book in the ruins of the Dusklight as one of the rewards for finding it

Balanced cost and the extra ability based on of course belt of physical perfection but to give it a kind of sci-fi security vest deal hence the extra defense VS energy weapons

thoughts, how would you add on or maybe even variants could be cool

What's the duration of the charge?
1 charge per day, what do you mean duration of the charge. I don't follow,apologies
Your right. I'm an idiot.

its fine, we all roll nat 1s, so what do you think balance wise. Good value DC and charge use? I wanted an item on par with a belt but still have a nice tech spin, hence the energy protection

Lord Fyre wrote:
BrenTenkage wrote:

Military Combat Vest

This is a technological Vest combat vest meant to enhance the wearer’s physical might for all combat situations as well as protect them. This vest gives an enhancement bonus to strength, dex, and constitution of plus 2 with a plus 2 touch defense VS Energy Weapons
Charge 1/per day, 10 charge Capacity

DC 25 Craft Technological Arms n Armor, Military Lab, cost 10,000

Was curious how you would think its balanced. I'm planning to include it in the third book in the ruins of the Dusklight as one of the rewards for finding it

Balanced cost and the extra ability based on of course belt of physical perfection but to give it a kind of sci-fi security vest deal hence the extra defense VS energy weapons

thoughts, how would you add on or maybe even variants could be cool

What's the duration of the charge?

1 charge per day, what do you mean duration of the charge. I don't follow,apologies

Military Combat Vest
This is a technological Vest combat vest meant to enhance the wearer’s physical might for all combat situations as well as protect them. This vest gives an enhancement bonus to strength, dex, and constitution of plus 2 with a plus 2 touch defense VS Energy Weapons
Charge 1/per day, 10 charge Capacity

DC 25 Craft Technological Arms n Armor, Military Lab, cost 10,000

Was curious how you would think its balanced. I'm planning to include it in the third book in the ruins of the Dusklight as one of the rewards for finding it

Balanced cost and the extra ability based on of course belt of physical perfection but to give it a kind of sci-fi security vest deal hence the extra defense VS energy weapons

thoughts, how would you add on or maybe even varients could be cool

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Whats the offical timeline of the Adventure Paths, the reason is that I'm hosting Mummies mask and I'd like to know where in the time line it would be under as I'd like to reference other adventures I've done with my friends, either as "Hear about so and so and their attacks on the ships in the inner sea" or "What about that weird crop of wintery land over there..."