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Hello all, We just released the first volume in a new series by Dean Siemsen, called Libris Monstrous. With each volume we are bringing you a new outsider, dragon, humanoid, fey, vermin, ooze, aberration, construct, magical beast, giant, animal, monstrous humanoid, plant and undead! Within the first volume, you'll find 15 new monsters from the raging Baphomian demon, to the carnelian dragon and the dangerous rust vine creeper. It is available from RPGNow, here, and I'll let you know when it becomes available at the Paizo webstore. - Axel
Hello all, Its been a while since Headless Hydra Games published something, but that's just because we have been working on something really special for you. And now the first chapter of that special thing is here - The Wasting of Duny Slough! Yes, this is the very first chapter of our new Mor Aldenn adventure path called Viridian Legacy. This adventure will take your players on an amazing journey through the surrounding lands of Mor Aldenn into the very heart of the City of Mages. They will be confronted by hags, ghosts and wyrms, all the while following in the footsteps of the Exalted Champions. This first chapter is 40 pages and was written by Thomas Baumbach and Ron Lundeen, with a shortstory by Jason Kimble, who also wrote the shortstory in the Mor Aldenn Setting Guide. It explores the Spindlewood Marsh and pits the players against an army of kobolds, a bone hag and her very special minions... the kuba. And if you fear a long wait for the next chapters, I can tell you that chapter 2 and 3 have already been written and as soon as I am done writing this... will enter the next stage of getting artwork and layout. At the moment, the Wasting of Duny Slough is available through RPGNow, but will (hopefully) soon be available here at the Paizo store. - Axel
Please head on over to the Headless Hydra Games Blog and take a look at some of the artwork from chapter one, along with the introduction... I hope you find it intriguing! The first chapter was written by Thomas Baumbach and Ron Lundeen. - Axel
As promised, drop by the Headless Hydra Games blog and see who is going to write what chapters in our upcoming adventure path. Thanks in advance! - Axel
Hello guys, A couple of weeks ago, maybe three, the Viridian Legacy Player's Guide became available at, so now it is time for the GM's Guide! This guide is packed with a lot of information that makes the GM ready to run the Viridian Legacy adventure path. It has information about the basic plot (and background), how to handle certain items and, basically, how to give the adventure path an overall feel. At the end of the guide, you'll also find a new monster, the corrigan, which is a fey creature that may help the PCs in their quest for glory or maybe has some motives of her own. The Guide is 23 pages long and was written by Ron Lundeen. Ron is also the creator of the adventure path so who better to offer the GM advice? The corrigan was created by David Nicholas Ross. You can find the GM's Guide here at, but as soon as it is available from, I'll let you know. Also, when 100 copies of the Viridian Legacy GM's Guide have been downloaded, I'll reveal who is going to write which chapters in the adventure path... so... get your FREE copy of the GM's Guide today! - Axel
Hello all, I've been looking forward to this day, the day when I could finally show you some of what we've been working on for, well, nearly a year, I think. It is a new PFRPG adventure path called Viridian Legacy and since the first chapter is close to being done, we've decided to show you the first free product, the Player's Guide! Oh, and don't worry, there'll be a GM's Guide as well, also free! So far the Player's Guide is available from, but I'll get around to uploading it to paizo within the week. You can get it here! Even if you are not going to play the adventure path, check it out, its full of awesome stuff! Feats, archetypes, magic items, spells and loads of player information! I hope you'll enjoy it. - Axel
I finally got around to asking Paizo to pull the old Mor Aldenn products from the store... and to offer a 50% discount on the new Mor Aldenn Setting Guide! You can find it here. You should also keep your eye out for two new products that we are going to release within a couple of days; volume 4 of 15 Specific Weapons and a new mini-dungeon called the Storage Vault of Alantes. The latter will be the first in a series of mini-dungeons, useable for GMs who like to spice up their campaigns with small sidetreks to wondrous dungeons. - Axel
We are trying to make languages fun (and easy) to use and choose... so if you want to help out or just let us know what your oppinion is concerning languages, come on over to the Headless Hydra Blog and comment on our first language post. - Axel
This is not me trying to sell you on some of our old HHG stuff, merely a warning that the 14 days notice is up and I will be removing a couple of our oldest products from the market. I'll start by removing the following products from RPGNow when I get home later today; A Player's Guide to Mor Aldenn, A GM's Guide to Mor Aldenn, The Gods of Mor Aldenn: Ehlora, The Ugly Harpy, Mor Aldenn Notebook Expanded and Eldritch Secrets - Open Playtest. I'll also ask Paizo to remove those products, which will probably be sometimes next week. As I am going to remove these old (and outdated) products, I'll make the Mor Aldenn Setting Guide available at a 50% discount for 14 days. This discount will be available both here and at - Axel /Headless Hydra Games
Yes. I am about to preach a little. I apologize in advance. For years I've asked people to review the products that they buy, whether they came from Headless Hydra Games or someone else... reviews are important to a publisher, and should be important to customers. Customers may not think so, but a review, no matter if it is positive or negative, can help make a product better! A positive review means more customers and more customers mean a bit extra cash, which again means more and better products in the future. A negative review, on the other hand, means helpful critique (hopefully) which will (hopefully) mean a better (and updated) product in the future. Reviews are important! Very important. Which is why I am sad to say that while I've been preaching that people should go and write reviews, I haven't actually written anyone myself, that is... until recently. So this is my plea to all you customers out there... go and write a review. I have. And if you want to read some of them, you can find a couple of links here. Thanks for listening. - Axel
Headless Hydra Games just released another FREE promotional pdf for our Mor Aldenn Setting Guide! This is a short location called the Gallery of Dreams. This strange place has ties to Mor Aldenn, but could just as easily be dropped into another setting, if needed. In this pdf, you'll also find the stats for the curator, Temarath Grigspotter and an adventure hook called the Stolen Mirror, to spark a short adventure around the Gallery. Written by Jonathan Palmer, with a few tidbits by me. Artwork by Bruno Balixa. Try it out... afterall, it's FREE! You can find the Gallery of Dreams at RPGNow now! And I'll let you know when it becomes available at Paizo. - Axel
Hey guys, I am happy to report that we have just released our 3rd volume of our 15 Specific Weapons! This volume brings you not 15, but 17 magical weapons for those weapons that you won't find many of in the core rulebook nor in the APG. We are talking about a sickle, swordbreaker dagger, punching dagger, kukri, pilum, shuriken, bolts, flail, wooden stake, longspear and gauntlets, but also some of the more exotic PFRPG weapons like the dogslicer, ogre hook, dwarven maulaxe and even a very lethal bladed scarf! You'll also find a new weapon special ability, bloodhunter, which brings a whole new meaning to the word revenge. With this pdf, we are also testing some new grounds by providing the stats for those exotic weapons, to make them easier to use. So if you are a GM looking for a nasty weapon to your favorite NPC or maybe a player looking for something to bring flavor to your next character... try Headless Hydra Games' 15 Specific Weapons, Volume 3! 17 magical weapons and a special ability, fully bookmarked and for only $0.99! If you want to save a dollar, you could even buy all three of our 15 Specific Weapons volumes... you can do that here! I'll let you know when this goes live at the Paizo store. Enjoy! - Axel /Headless Hydra Games
I’ve decided to pull some old Headless Hydra Games products from the market. These were the first products that I created and mark a different time. Since I began working on the Mor Aldenn setting, a lot has happened and a lot has changed. Both in Mor Aldenn, but also in the world of 3PPs. This is a 14 days notice. If you want to keep your files, you should download them now (and store them somewhere), because in 14 days, they will no longer be available for download from either nor from When the items are pulled from the market, I will also make the new Mor Aldenn Setting Guide available at a 50% discount. This discount is for everyone and will mark a new beginning at Headless Hydra Games. The following items will be pulled from the stores: A GM’s Guide to Mor Aldenn A Player’s Guide to Mor Aldenn Gods of Mor Aldenn: Ehlora The Ugly Harpy Eldritch Secrets: Open Playtest The Mor Aldenn Notebook The Mor Aldenn Notebook Expanded Furthermore, the two published chapters of the Wizard’s Path serial have been made available as free downloads from both RPGNow and Paizo. They will remain free downloads henceforth. If you have any questions or just want to tell me that it is either a good or bad decision, you can contact me here; - Axel
I’ve recently been thinking about the old Headless Hydra Games products vs the new Headless Hydra Games products. Clearly the newest products are of a much higher standard, writing and layout-wise. When I started out more than 2 years ago, I just wanted to create a setting of my own, something that I could use for my own games, but also a setting that others might enjoy using. I created Mor Aldenn, the City of Mages. It started out small, just a GM’s and Player’s guide, basically the same information, but with different angles. From the very beginning, I knew that I wanted to eventually create a bigger more complete guide, fully compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Now, two years later… I have. Confession time: The old material is poorly written and lacks editing. I’ll gladly take the blame for that, I may have been a little too eager to get my first product on the market. In my defense, I did ask 6-7 proofreaders to help out make the product better, but in hindsight, I probably should have taken all of their advice. However, the two guidebooks still has a lot of cool ideas and some really great artwork to inspire a GM or player. Also, it was the old material that inspired the new material and some of the original material haven’t been changed. So here’s the problem: I would like to put the old material behind me and look forward. Call it sort of a 2nd edition of Mor Aldenn. However, there are quite a few people who have bought the old guides, so would it be fair to remove the products from the market altogether? If I do this, it won’t be possible for them to download the products anymore and they would have (sort of) wasted their money. The (temporary) solution: I’ve just changed the prices of the oldest products (Player’s Guide, GM’s Guide, Gods of Mor Aldenn, Ugly Harpy, A Trail of Poison) so that they are practically free. I’ve also made two of the products free downloads (Wizard’s Path, chapter 1 and 2). So far, the changes have only been made to RPGNow, but will hopefully be made to the Paizo store… soon. I think these are much more fair prices, for the quality, but what I would really like to do is… 1) Remove them completely. Or… 2) Make them free downloads What are your thoughts on this?
Hey guys, I wish Paizo had a way of making bundles, or at least an easy way to make bundles. Until I find one, I have created (or rather updated) a big Mor Aldenn bundle at This bundle includes all our newest Mor Aldenn, City of Mages products (Setting Guide, Gaiants Discovered, Creature Compendium, Moon's Folly and the Player's Guide), but also include a Mor Aldenn adventure (The Haunting of Soldragon Academy) and, of course, the Revised Mor Aldenn Map Pack. It costs only $15.99, which means that you save more than $10! This is the chance to check out Headless Hydra Games Pathfinder compatible campaign setting, Mor Aldenn, and become ready for our next big project, the Viridian Legacy Adventure Path! Just follow this link! Enjoy! - Axel
Hey guys, I've started updating the pages on the Headless Hydra Games blog. You can now read a bit about our products (with links to the various stores), but more importantly, you can find links to all the reviews that I know of! Just go here! If you would like to write a review of one of our products, let me know here ( and I'll send review copies to the first 3 people of each product that answers the call. - Axel
Hey guys, The 25% sale is now live at, you can find it here! This means that you can now get our complete Mor Aldenn Setting Guide for only $7.49... 167 pages of player options and ideas for the GM. Within these pages you'll find feats, spells, magic items, archetype monsters and even a new base class called the Spellwarden, along with new rules for ley lines and ancestral spirits. You should also check out our updated Headless Hydra Games blog. It has a bunch of new and cool links, to other Pathfinder publishers, our artists and places where you can read lots of reviews. You can also read a bit about our best products and see what we have planned for 2012! Enjoy! - Axel
Hey guys, So far the sale is up and running on, but I will try to get it up on as fast as humanly possible. 25% on all Headless Hydra Games products! - Axel
Hey guys, In the spirit of last year, I am going to hold the year's first sale... a sale that you can influence. All you have to do is drop by the Headless Hydra Games Blog and drop a reply. And while you are there, you should tell me a bit about your adventure path expectations. We are currently working on one called Viridian Legacy and it is not too late to influence that as well. Even if you are not interested in our products, you should still drop by and help out! Thanks! - Axel
Hey guys, I want to wish all of you a merry christmas and a happy new year and what better way to do this than with a new and FREE adventure! The adventure, Death in the Spindlewood Marsh, is set around Mor Aldenn, City of Mages, but really, with a little imagination, you can use this Pathfinder adventure in any setting of your own choosing. The adventure is 11 pages long, with a couple of illustrations by Mike burns and, of course, written by Stefen Styrsky! Oh, and in this adventure, you get to fight what, you say? The Headless Hydra, of course! So far the adventure, Death in the Spindlewood Marsh, is available from here, but I'll start uploading it to Paizo ASAP! I hope you enjoy it and want to spread the word! - Axel
Hey guys, As I look forward to new projects (mainly the Viridian Legacy Adventure Path!), I also have to look back (at least while I am looking over all my Mor Aldenn notes!). I have decided to post some of these notes over the next couple of days, along with some of the material that didn't make it into the final setting guide. If you are interested, head on over to the blog and have a look! The first set of "Lost Notes" are concerned with the many magical luxuries of living in a city of mages. - Axel
Hi guys, For once, beat RPGNow to it... mostly because I had trouble uploading the cover to RPGNow, however, as of this very second, the setting guide can be found on both sites. Mor Aldenn Setting guide... on! Mor Aldenn Setting guide... on! I really hope you enjoy the setting guide, it has been a labor of love for almost 2 years now. Even if you are not looking for a new campaign setting, this guide presents lots of player options, adventure sites and just maps in general! And then it only costs $9.99! A hardcover and softcover version will be available from RPGNow as well later this year, or in early 2012. Now onwards to the next big Mor Aldenn project... the Viridian Legacy Adventure Path! - Axel
Hi guys, I can finally announce that the Mor Aldenn Setting Guide is officially done and currently being uploaded to and! If you want to take a look at the cover, come over to Headless Hydra Games Blog. Also, it isn't too late to suggest changes to the cover, as I haven't started working on the cover for the final print edition. The Mor Aldenn Setting Guide ended up being 167 pages long! - Axel
Hi guys, As of today, our newest Mor Aldenn (and Ron Lundeen) adventure, is available in an AWESOME (if you ask me, of course) SOFTCOVER PRINT EDITION! You can purchase it here, from! You can even buy a pdf + print bundle and get the pdf for free! - Axel
Hey guys, Headless Hydra Games just released another pdf, this one detailing the Clockworker, a new PFRPG base class! With the upcoming release of the new Mor Aldenn Setting Guide, we introduce clockworks into the City of Mages. However, this pdf is very generic and can be used for any pathfinder game, especially the one you are playing right now! Here's the general description of the Clockworker: The art of clockwork has been around for a long time, artisans creating complex timepieces and locks with elegant machinery. So too has the mystic work of golemcraft been done by wizards for untold ages.
Clockworkers explore the science of golemcraft as they adventure, using their mechanical companion in dangerous situations not only to overcome these obstacles but to observe the machine's performance and know how to improve it. While not as powerful a spellcaster as a wizard, the clockworker and companion are a team that can accomplish much together. You can buy the Clockworker pdf from, but as soon as it is made available on, I will let you know! - Axel
Hey guys, I finally managed to finish the newest adventure set in Mor Aldenn, City of Mages! This is another great adventure from Ron Lundeen, the author of the Haunting of Soldragon Academy. This newest adventure is called "Wreck of the Keening Crone" and takes the PCs upstream from Mor Aldenn on a race against time... a race to find a great treasure and perhaps rescue the captain of the Keening Crone. It pits the PCs against thieves, boggards, a black dragon and a naga! This adventure also uses a new system (called Haste Points) to track how future events will play out. The faster the PCs get to the Wreck of the Keening Crone, the more advantages they will have! Are you ready to leave the safe waters of Mor Aldenn behind? Are you ready to dive into the depths of the acidic waters of the Spindleflow? If you are... this may be the adventure that you've been waiting for! At the moment, Wreck of the Keening Crone is available from, but will hopefully soon be made available on soon! If you want to see a preview of the adventure, you should also follow the link above. - Axel
Hi guys, The Mor Aldenn, City of Mages manuscript is 95% done (175 pages!) and now I really need someone to look it over and find all those stupid mistakes that I can't see because I've lived with this document for nearly two years. I am basically looking for 10 editors and proofreaders who are willing to do this work for free... well, almost, anyways. I can promise you a free pdf of the finished product (and maybe of other Headless Hydra products), and of course you get to read the material before anyone else. Oh, and your name goes in the book as well. I need your notes by the 15th of september! If you are interested, please shoot me an email at (if you have previous experience with this sort of thing, that would be appreciated). - Axel
Hi guys, This weekend, Headless Hydra Games released the second volume of our 15 Specific Weapons series! So now you can add a magical starknife, bastard sword, two-bladed sword, heavy flail, light mace (which is also a magical mug), ranseur, quarterstaff, cestus, morningstar, falcata, khopesh, sap, scythe, sickle and whip, to your Pathfinder game! Oh, and there are three magical special abilities as well; potent, maximally potent and balanced avenger. At the moment, the second volume is available at, but will hopefully be available on tomorrow! I will let you know the second it goes live! Thanks for purchasing Headless Hydra Games products! - Axel
Hey guys, Rene Walk just turned in the final page layout for the upcoming Mor Aldenn setting guide! Yeah, I am really excited about this! Follow this link to see an example of a page spread! If everything works out, I will start working on the final layout in september, probably late september... but still, better late than never. - Axel
Hi guys, The last week or so, we at Headless Hydra Games have been working hard on the first of a series of magical weapons products... which is all about bringing new specific weapons to your Pathfinder game! To begin with, we are staying away from the classics, such as longswords, daggers and shortswords... these you can find plenty of in the core rulebook... instead we are focusing on all the other weapon types out there, like the falchions, kukris, chakrams, hand crossbows and whips of the world! To name a few! The first volume is centered around weapons from the core rulebook, but in upcoming volumes you will find that we cover a much broader range of weapons from other sources such as the Advanced Player's Guide. At the moment, you can get 15 Specific Weapons from, but hopefully this product will become available at tomorrow! I will let you know when it is available. This pdf is 11 pages long with 7 of the weapons illustrated. The first volume was written by Ken Burnside, Mark Gedak, Jonathan Palmer and K. Axel Carlsson. Follow the link to RPGNow allows you to see a preview of the entire pdf. I hope you'll enjoy "15 Specific Weapons"! - Axel
Hey guys, Just wanted to let you know that Headless Hydra Games has published a new supplement for our favorite roleplaying game! This one presents you with a new playable race called the gaiants and therefore the product is called Gaiants Discovered! As of yesterday, the pdf is available from RPGNow and will hopefully be made available from Paizo soon! Enjoy! - Axel
To celebrate the upcoming Mor Aldenn Setting Guide... here is a small preview of chapter 4: Ley lines of Mor Aldenn and the wonderful map that accompanies it... of course! You can find it here, at the Headless Hydra Games' blog! Enjoy! - Axel
Hi guys, To celebrate that Andrew Law just finished the new and revised map of Mor Aldenn, the City of Mages... I've decided to share a small preview with you on the Headless Hydra Games blog! I hope you like this as much as I do! - Axel |