Celestial Dire Badger

BrazenBadger's page

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Lilith wrote:
I come from the land of the ice and snow...

He does look a bit like Robert Plant, doesn't he?

Which I find inexplicably awesome.

Are they cute?

Honestly, you could nerf or buff this class up or down and I'd still probably wanna play one.

Personally, even from the old days, I always found the wizard (then magic user) class a bit 'meh'. I love magic in fantasy fiction, but playing one never felt very magical. Like, I wanted Doctor Strange and got Harry Potter. And the variations since then improved it to various degrees, more or less, but never quite did it for me.

It just never felt like it empowered me like magic should. School options and metamagic went a bit towards fixing that, making me feel like I wasn't just pulling an effect out of a box. And both the witch and sorcerer went in the right direction, I think, of giving a bit of spooky and mysterious flavor. And I really enjoyed the direction they went in, giving different schools and institutions on Golarion different minor 'perks' for flavor. It does make me a bit sad when I see people ignoring that interesting flavor in favor of MMO-like mechanical advantages. Words of power seemed really neat, at first, but in the end the effects seemed less crative than the regular spells.

But, now this? This sort of looks like the sort of wizard I always WANTED to play. My own quirky little freak who'd do stuff I thought was neat, not just pick options off a spell list. So, yeah, as an old first generation geek, I think it looks extremely cool.