Abra Lopati

Brandon Risell's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Grand Lodge

My gaming group is 3x iPhones, 3x Androids, and I DM with a Nexus 7 and have a laptop as backup. Basically, the best approach I see is a mobile web version of any app for the edge case windows mobile, blackberry crowd, then dedicated OSX, iOS, Android, and Windows 8 apps. Since you're doing mostly layout work, and the data can be stored as xml or json, it should be relatively quick to throw three (OSX and iOS will be so similar to count as a single app) apps together that provide basic functionality. From there, integrate advanced features as players request them, similar to how you guys crowd sourced the original pathfinder book, you should crowd source the app and you'll be left with something incredibly solid.

Sorry for reviving yet another 1+ yr old thread, but I'm looking to make dm'ing on my N7 easier, and ways for my players to stay involved in the game via their devices, and I try not to create new threads when the search turns something up.

Grand Lodge

I hate to wake up an almost two year old thread, but was wondering if Paizo had made any plans to release mobile optimized pdfs? I love the graphics in the books, but I'd be more than okay with low quality graphics on my tablet, or even no graphics, though that may be awkward layout wise since a lot of the graphics hug text. I'm fine using pfd20srd.com's pdfs, but it would be nice to have a mobile download option for the pdfs that I purchase off of here since I primarily gm from a tablet.