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Just my two cents, I would just like to share my prep a bit (A)

I have been sitting and waiting for the battle for a while now, still 3 weeks before the gamenight, have been building a 3D tidewater rock in the meanwhile. Nothing all too fancy, but maybe inspiring to some (:

TWR (work in progress):

3D TWR - Work in progress
The floorplan will be reprinted to better fit the size of the tower, and I might dress up the walls a bit more :)

Furthermore, I have been thinking to expand the following Manchester storyline a bit. I would like the party to really have to search a bit more to unfold the mysteries of the treasure map, rather than have a single roll, some added info and sail right to the location. Maybe ask around a bit about some of the hints.

This might also be a good way to implement some additional social interaction to be really motivate them to become free captains. I planted this seed a few times now, but I think this species might need more water and fertiliser. I will explain them that friendly harbors will not charge costs to free captains and that traveling through the Shackles will be the end for most merchant ships sooner or later.

Also, my players previously skipped Bonewrack Isle, and I plan to refit it to make it more suitable for lvl6 characters (ghasts instead of ghouls, Brute chokers, dire frogs etc). In the stockade, I added a suicide letter, with a few seeds for plot hooks and forecasting. I will leave out the grindylow crawl, although there is still a flock reciding there. They will have left there art on the isle, but I am not planning to have them chase/interact with the party.
The fist will become the finger, a bit thinner and taller, and famous for its shiny fingernail, which is naturally formed from a smooth pyrite material, reflecting the sunlight for most part of the day. This is where they will have to stand at dawn.

suicide letter:

Dear reader,

I am sorry for you to read this message, as it means you ended up on this vile isle too. Stranded on this godforsaken Isle, I might have gotten what I deserved. We should never have brought ghouls to the fight.

I told Harry, this fever will only spread death upon all of us. We must find a better way to win our war. I held them off as long as I could, but one of those damn musquitos got me. But I will not give in to help them out. I will choose my own fate.

To my beloved Zarta and my boy Trato, wherever he may be, I have always loved you and hope you two will ever meet again. I am sorry I haven't been able to unite our family.

Captain Aaron Ivy Dralneen

I slightly adjusted the tattoo text too:
tattoo text:
Briefly from the fingertip, do not miss
The mirrored glow of the Dawnflower’s very first kiss

Spot the Grave Ladys prizetooth, beloved by your grace.
Far far away, in the blue bight’s embrace

The Caps wayward orb, simply climb aboard,
Dig and claim the riches of the old king’s hoard

Oh, yeah, one other thing I wanted to get off my chest, my pirate party is still not very experienced on the sea battles, they have only successfully raided one, let one get away, fled twice from other pirate ships (Svard and a sidestory). They find it difficult to judge how survivable different encounters are. When we had a sidequest encounter on the land of Ushinawa Isles, they found it very comforting that they knew they could get away if they got cold feet.

Maybe I have not been feeding them enough info as it goes, or frightened them too much in the beginning, as I did explain them upfront it could be a quite rough and posibly deadly campaign. Anyway, the two major anchor points are still very positive, everyone is still very much engaged, and they are still making progress, if they don't accidantially TPK in the upcoming battle :P

If anyone has anything cool to add, or a good reason why not to do some or any of this, feedback is very welcome. This is my first longrunning campaign, so I am open for any cool suggestions :)