Bradford Walker's page

RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Star Voter Season 9

Telsyn Setiva wrote:
I'm so sad for all of you. It sucks to be told you suck.

I'll rub some dirt on it, walk it off, and suck less next time. Got to git gud to win.

Star Voter Season 9

I submitted one item on a lark the day before the deadline, in the hour of downtime I took after I finished playing World of Warcraft and Hearthstone to eat dinner.

It survived two rounds of culling before it succumbed, and I am quite certain as to why it got shot down at the third pass; I'll see if I'm correct later. I kept my design simple, avoiding excess description (so a GM could make it fit his campaign as he sees fit, be it Golarion or something else) as well as excess detailing.

It was an obvious thing that would logically happen once a magic-using culture reached a given critical mass of usage in that form of magic, and would be desired by those who could get them. I may have screwed up the gold pricing, but that's about it.

I should have included the other half of the full concept as another item submission, but I'll reserve that for next time.

Star Voter Season 9

My item is still in the running. Glad to see something simple, easy, and obvious still in this race.

Life isn't fair, and that includes the fake lives of Player Characters. That's why you roll randomly for Hit Points.

I prefer that a Player-Character's Hit Point total be equal to his score in Constitution at First Level, with no other modifiers. Starting when he reaches Second Level, roll for additional Hit Points normally by Hit Die and modify the result of that roll by his Constitution modifier.

DoppleGangster wrote:
Bradford Walker wrote:
You avoid all of this if you have a First Level character's Hit Points be equal to their Constitution score, and leave the Hit Die issue for when a character reaches Second Level.

So everybody always has a high score in con?

I like the flat extra 10 points on top of 1st level max...

Everyone will not always have a high Constitution score. There aren't enough points in a Point Buy scheme to make Constitution as high as what other ability (or abilities) are necessary for a given class, and random rolls will not consistently produce the series of very high rolls needed to achieve the same effect. Be it a lack of resources or very long odds, what you complain about is--at worst--a feature and not a bug; most of the time, it isn't an issue at all.

You avoid all of this if you have a First Level character's Hit Points be equal to their Constitution score, and leave the Hit Die issue for when a character reaches Second Level.