Brad Pet's page

8 posts (9 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Dear sirs,

I would like to know somsthing. If I actualy subscribe for 6 months at pathfinder. Did the additional numbers will add to my actual subscription or do I receive 2 number 3 pathfiner ?



I still haven't received dungeon #150. I leave in France ( Toulouse )
I believe I should have received the pathfinder player's handbook with it.
I m true isn't-it ? Is there a problem ?


PS : Sorry for my english.

Hello everybody,

I have made a mistake : I bought a dragon subscrition but I wanted a dungeon subscription. I don't know how to change it.
I sent emails to the customer service but I haven't received any answer yet.

Can you give me a little help please ?

PS : Sorry for my english.