
Bonnapart's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

"At 7th level, it can fill two additional squares and any miss chance
the cloud provides increases to 20%. At 11th level, the cloud fills up to
a number of contiguous squares equal to 1 plus twice your Constitution
modifier. At 15th level, when you use a nanite surge while forming the
cloud array, the cloud instead provides normal concealment"

I was wondering what is normal concealement ? Because at level 7 you'v got 20% miss chance but a normal concealment isn't it 20% and a total one 50% ?

Hello. I'm a french guy and I bought the french editions of the core rules.

I would like to give a feed back about an error during the translate processing.

In envoy classe, the improvisation "Get'them" is a move action. But in the french version it's write "Action simple" (Standard action )

I didn't know to who and where I have to tell that. But the it is.

Hello I just bought the core rule but there is some question I can't figure out myself.
1) The insight bonus from operative's Edge do stack with the skill focus feat?
2) I think I understand how to make a trick attack but When do I use Bluff, intimidate or stealth? And when can I use my specialization?
3) Why sometimes my specialisation gives +4 and sometimes don't?

Sorry for all the mystake I've made in English but I'm french so I don't really speak so fluently.
Thanks a lot.