Bondranx's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Found an explicit statement by Mark, I’ll be showing it to my DM next Thursday, thanks guys

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Melkiador wrote:

There's a fair chance you could draw a quote from Mark Seifter, the main designer of the class. If that doesn't sway your GM, then probably nothing will.

Personally, I think it's already super clear that you can get iteratives. You might could also look to how it works in the Kingmaker videogame for evidence, but that kind of info isn't always readily available.

I’ve been trying really hard to find a post where he explicitly states this but haven’t had a lot of luck, lots of places where he implies it, but apparently that’s not good enough to counter “I don’t like it so it doesn’t work”

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Thanks, I needed some examples to show of ways other classes can get these numbers in but I’m not used to high output classes so I don’t do get the numbers down well for some of them.

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I’ve made these arguments and more in favour of my ruling, but he says “it’s too much damage to be allowed to work that way, no other class at 9th level can make iterative attacks at 10d6 damage in 1 round.” (Was using a composite blast)

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Mark, not sure if this is still an active thread or even where to ask this otherwise, does the Kineticist, when using Kinetic blade, deal full kinetic blast damage, including composite blast damage, on all iterative attacks used as part of a full attack action. Or is the blade only valid on a single attack in the action