
Bogmoll's page

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I have been trying to work something out for the last few days. But I can´t seem to make my mind up about this, so I figured I would ask what you guys think.
Do outsiders feel “human” emotions?
Does a demon understand, love, sadness, regret? (Other than on a purely theoretical level)
Does a devil fell anything, even remotely except maybe anger, and hate.
Can an angel truly fell or are they just mimicking “human” emotions.

Let´s not get hung up on what there alignments say.

I might be blind, I might even be stupid, but I can´t for the life of me figure out where in Nirmathas, the village of Kassen is located. It should be on the Tourondel River, but I can´t find that one either, so am I just blind or have I just missed them.

Last night when we were playing, a discussion ensued.
If you were to get swallowed by let´s say a Tarrasque.
Would the Tarasque get to count it´s considerable DR when you where trying to cut your way out.

So last gamin session my players managed to down a lich. Now that in it self was a big deal for my players even if he was not that hard. But it but me in a bit of a problem, when I made the Lich in question, I did not put his phylactery in the same tower he was in. The phylactery is being kept, by his master who is about 200 or so miles away. That being said, after the Liches death how long would it take him to get back to the phylactery, would it be a instant thing or would he be a ghost like thing having to travel to it.