BobusX's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Sara Marie wrote:
BobusX wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

We had two interviews earlier today where we were away from the phones. Everything with your order looks fine, just needs to be processed for shipping. I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to see it. I'll resend an order confirmation email.

Edit: looks like Diego already took care of your order, just before I checked on it.

The order is showing again, but the Bestiary Battle Cards are no longer showing as part of the order. Will I be getting those separately? Thank you for your assistance.
Found where they were hiding and got them shipped out.

I appreciate it, unfortunately, when I told a friend about the issues, they gifted me a copy of the cards. Guess I will have an extra set.

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So my entire order disappeared from my order history for the subscriptions. It says complete, but no items are listed at all. I have not been charged yet, so it is not a disaster, but I am concerned that I will never receive these items, but I don't want to order them separately so I can avoid a double charge if it gets straightened out.

I sent an email a week ago, and still don't have a response. Getting a little impatient since everyone else in my playgroup has already gotten there subscription items for this month.